I don't understand how this is any of their business.Family is bugging wife and I really bad over a name for our daughter expected in February. Nothing has worked out yet that the wife and I both like, and the family is making suggestions and I don't like them and they're getting frustrated. They say it's because I say no to all these names but don't offer any in return. Ugh. I'll think of a name when it's time. Leave me alone!
Family is bugging wife and I really bad over a name for our daughter expected in February. Nothing has worked out yet that the wife and I both like, and the family is making suggestions and I don't like them and they're getting frustrated. They say it's because I say no to all these names but don't offer any in return. Ugh. I'll think of a name when it's time. Leave me alone!
My older kids put a Thomas the Train in the oven during the week and then I melted the fuck out of it when I turned the oven on to pre-heat to bake something on the weekend, it was like that dude's face from Temple of Doom it just sagged and melted, haha. It was a bitch to clean out of there but at the same time, it was awesome.
True story. Our house looks like a toy and book battlefield on top of normal mess.I'm sitting here like damn house looks clean
That's fucking hilarious.Thought I would share something my kid did last weekend that I had no words for.
10 year old daughter, told her it was shower time and as normal she groaned about it(this I will never understand) but went to shower as normal. 20 mins later I am like what is taking so long so I open the door and say hey whats taking so long. No answer...I say her name, no answer, I say her name louder and start to think the worst when she doesn't answer. So I step inside and about to pull the curtain back expected to see something horrible or really dumb but notice her foot on the floor and there she was hiding behind the door with a pad of paper and a marker. She looked terrified, like she got caught doing something wrong.
I was very confused and then it clicked, she was pretending to shower and just drawing to pass the time. I have done many stupid things as a kid, never faked a shower though.
I'm sitting here like damn house looks clean
My wife would probably have a full on meltdown and murder someone if you could take a picture in our house and see crumbs and shit on the floor. Our house is like a museum clean level, it's sick.