Yeah, the kid in my area isn't autistic, he's a miserable fucking shitlord. I know this first hand, and I don't say this lightly about any kid. He was moved in to my daughter's classroom and he completely changed the dynamic of the room. He didn't listen, did whatever he wanted, and told the teacher to be quiet. This was after his parents sued the school board, and none of his bullshit was tolerated any longer. He was moved to a desk that was behind the teacher's desk, so he wasn't visible to the other students, and he still managed to screw things up. After a full year of being completely ignored when he was acting up and craving attention, he became moderately better. However, at the end of that year, the principal pulled the parents in and told them that extreme measures were needed for their child, and if the teacher decided it was important to do something like put the vest on him, the teacher would, and the parents would shut up. If they couldn't deal with that, their child was suspended from the entire school district and they could try home school or pay for a private school and take their chances.