... I may be walking into something bad here... but this is the adulting forum and the parent thread...so, sorry in advance and Alk u know ur a bro - luv ya.
I preface this with, I am not in the situation of having a child with autism or other spectrum disorders / problems / issues - sorry if not the PC proper terms -
But a lot of the external issues with many of these kids is they act out, go crazy - "normal" kids do that also - just not to the degree or intensity.
here is the step into a shitstorm, sorry...
But I spanked my kids, both girls - so did my wife, we had this discussion before we had kids and heck even before we got married - we both got spanked growing up - we both agreed upon consistent followup to all punishment claims, and that has been the hardest part of parenting and we still struggle. We tried a bit of a mix, spanking and time out at the beginning and time out was just absolutely pointless while they were younger - so I may put our strategy in like with ending WW2 with nukes... we started strong and consistent and set a ground work that they understand... now timeouts and whatnot are all we use, however if the punishment is ever stated as a spanking, its what they get, never "lowering" the punishment for no reason - it breaks consistency. Neither of my kids are "hitters" nor do they think that they themselves can issue punishment to other kids etc. There have been times we have issued grace and not given an earned punishment - because they did something redeemable, admitted on their own, atoned on their own accord without guidance or prompting - and it was explained to them, every punishment was explained to them.
To me this staved off my children's terrible 2's and 3's drastically - and if I look at both of them, if anything the younger one that I think we were more leanant on, is the "worst" about tantrums etc.
Every fam I have known personally that has a child with any type or level of this issue - even those that had kids previously and did use spankings etc. then suddenly DO NOT- like its even MORE SUPER TABOOO to even think about or consider that some well structured and supported and explained etc corporal punishment to any level for any child of any spectrum issue is just wrong... why? I get not to beat full on mentally handicap kids - but children who are just slightly on the spectrum, learn, read, adapt etc. etc. just have outbursts and other extremities is it not considered as a viable option.
- yes I know, I told you I may be stepping into a shitstorm - but note this is not saying anyone should do things or not do things, its more of a generalized topic to ponder and discuss - is it because it IS non effective in practice, or is it more because its a social stigma and taboo?
And you do not need to link me articles that spanking is bad... my kids don't kill animals or burn ants with a magnifying glass with a big smile or torture their babydolls or do any of that other off the rail shit that "leads to a destructive adult life because of spanking" or other nonsense. From being in with other parents and being an aware kid growing up - all the off the rail bad kids that I knew that did all that shit were the ones that "spared the rod" and just put little johnny frog squishier in time out- oh bad boy! (real story in the frog one fyi kid was spoiled, never got a spanking in his life and was only disciplined with time outs)