Path of Exile


Got something right about marriage
The retaliate skill gems don't say enemy hit. You can't block most self damage, but I think that fire amulet can be.

Nevermind, wiki says I'm dumb. Don't see how these skills won't be clunky.

They won't be clunky in maps, especially juiced maps but they will be clunky for map bosses and the like.

I think they'll be clear skills and be treated exactly like similar cd builds like Frostblink ignite, etc.

I could see some sort of silly reverse knockback cyclone build with big defensive and AoE radius investment being a thing


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I wonder if Oath of Spring on pinnacle bosses will be as crazy as I think. Basically you can get 100% more with shock? Am I missing something here?

I also assume it invalidates any inc shock effects elsewhere.

Seems like hateforge vaal LS with return could stack it fast?
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<Bronze Donator>
Hateforge VLS will turn your computer into a slideshow.

Note that there are ways to get big shocks to 100% that almost no one plays. It's a good node, but nothing mind blowing.
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<Bronze Donator>
They won't be clunky in maps, especially juiced maps but they will be clunky for map bosses and the like.

I think they'll be clear skills and be treated exactly like similar cd builds like Frostblink ignite, etc.

I could see some sort of silly reverse knockback cyclone build with big defensive and AoE radius investment being a thing
Frostblink Ignite has a very polarizing reputation and I think only part of it is due to Subtractem.


Tranny Chaser

70% of the time it happens every time.
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Bronze Baron of the Realm
Never been hooked by POE, new league has me incredibly excited.
It does. Now I'm trying to refresh myself in all the stuff added the last few leagues to know what is going to pop up in maps so I have an idea and what I might farm.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I guess I am going to give this game another go. It looks like some nice QoL additions have been made and I love the whole town/ship thing they are adding. I was playing Last Epoch but it kind of reached the grind stage where the rewards took to long to get or felt lacking. It was better than Diablo 4 at least.

Now, like every other new person, I have to figure out what build to go with.

I am hoping that the past purchases of bag space carry through as account and not character.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Stash tabs are permanent on your account, ya. Look up some Zizaran or Maxroll builds, they're usually some of the easiest to follow.


Molten Core Raider
Sounds likd Warden end game is a lot of tincture juggling, is there another ascendancy that goes good with Frost Blades / LS as a backup? Not going Champ again, but would be cool to have a backup that I'm a little familiar with in case the FB doesn't work out.

Slayer maybe?


Tranny Chaser
Sounds likd Warden end game is a lot of tincture juggling, is there another ascendancy that goes good with Frost Blades / LS as a backup? Not going Champ again, but would be cool to have a backup that I'm a little familiar with in case the FB doesn't work out.

Slayer maybe?

Trickster is fine but I'm pretty sure you're going to be happier Slayer.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Slayer is so fucking strong now with the endurance charge changes. ~32% ele reduction is just absurd amounts of tank and you'll be on the suppression part of the tree anyway.

If you're using a skill with a melee+projectile component to cheat with vaal pact slayer is a no-brainer this patch.


<Bronze Donator>
I'd actually suggest Versatile Combatant at low gear level. With swords(Rebuke of The Vaal), I'm capping block and spell block with 10 smalls, 3 notables, and 2 masteries. There's also a bit of block chance on gear. It's not nothing, but I consider that comparable(in investment) to capping spell suppression(8 smalls, 4 notables, 1 mastery) while getting you much more.

The above is my own, the below is just repeating Jungroan.

Vaal Pact turns off life flask, fwiw. Also, Strength from Blood will be pretty good.


Molten Core Raider
Slayer is so fucking strong now with the endurance charge changes. ~32% ele reduction is just absurd amounts of tank and you'll be on the suppression part of the tree anyway.

If you're using a skill with a melee+projectile component to cheat with vaal pact slayer is a no-brainer this patch.
Think you sold me, slayer it is (at least for my first character).

Will look to see if I can find any semblance of a guide so I don't need to keep bothering you all......unfortunately I won't get to start until very late Friday at the earliest, likely sometime Saturday afternoon.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
PoB update now has tab of popular builds. Trending tab on right side, it list the popular builds and has them in PoB. Lot of click bait titles like youtube, the best/strongest etc.. EVER. But it's quick to preview a build.


Got something right about marriage
I predict this feature causing S tier drama between streamers
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