Path of Exile


Potato del Grande
If you put in how many you have then delete the number in the what you want to charge it puts a "market value" there. I had no time to crank out an extra chaos here and there so just took the suggested price.
Thanks. Does it sell them one at a time or all together?


Vyemm Raider
you input the number you want to sell, and whenever someone puts in a buy order for some or all of them, the system makes the transfer automatically, and then you pick up your side from the NPC whenever you want.
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Potato del Grande



Yeah yeah, how the fuck was I supposed to know?

This is the PoE forum thread for my build:
It's using a fucking two hand which nobody is using.

Or how about the maxroll?
This is better but very litttle explanation beyond what you can figure out from reading the passives.

So what I actually do is search datamined builds on PoE Ninja. Hardcore will give defensive builds and Self Found will give league starters:
Obviously it's not meant to be a guide.

I guess I'm supposed to find a discord and read years of random posts? Or learn the entire mechanics of the game and figure it out myself?


Got something right about marriage
Maxroll? You mean like this beginners guide?

I'm being a bit of a dick but flask automation has been a thing since like... 2016? And is one of the first things most PoE players learn?

I'm kind of shocked you did not know this was a thing. Also, instilling orbs literally say that they do this right on the orb.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Find taking the abyss nodes, delve, and any scarab nodes along way still the best for my solo grind 90+, abyss and delve are the best xp for me. I get an abyss basically every map, and plenty of niko to keep delve going as much as I want.

I just fucking love delve, never gets old, I'd rather do delve exclusively over everything else, once you upgrade a bunch can just spelunk all the unlit branches.


Vyemm Raider
3.15 is when instilling orbs were put into the game, which was 7/23/2021.

If you missed that league, or just dump every currency you get into your stash without reading it, it's understandable to miss.


Tranny Chaser
Maxroll? You mean like this beginners guide?

I'm being a bit of a dick but flask automation has been a thing since like... 2016? And is one of the first things most PoE players learn?

I'm kind of shocked you did not know this was a thing. Also, instilling orbs literally say that they do this right on the orb.

Instilling and Enkindling Orbs got added in 2021 so while they're not new they're also not 2016 old.

edit - I am too slow


Canuckistani Terrorist
Not knowing shit about this game is pretty common I thought. Playing for years, and I still feel like I know fuck all.

Personally I never auto flask, usually want the timing on whatever I use, but that could be the builds I play too.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Autoflasking is one of the best QOL features they ever added. Prior to that I had to use an AHK script for it and it was annoying as fuck.

Shit was added fairly recently and should've been added in 2016.
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Potato del Grande
Maxroll? You mean like this beginners guide?

I'm being a bit of a dick but flask automation has been a thing since like... 2016? And is one of the first things most PoE players learn?

I'm kind of shocked you did not know this was a thing. Also, instilling orbs literally say that they do this right on the orb.
I started playing in 2013 and do 0-3 leagues a year.

It's not one of the first things you learn because you only get the craft at the end of the campaign and at that point you've clicked 20+ crafts.

So intuitively, when was I supposed to think to myself "I'll read a beginners guide on this core mechanic"? Or wait, you want me to figure out what every random thing that drops does? I'd be reading guides for new drops every few minutes.

Like I know how to set up power lines for Harvest and have no idea how Sanctum works. I'm vaguely aware of anointing passives into... is it amulets? I know how cluster jewels work and a lot of builds neglect to mention their ultra rare all important jewel.

This IS an issue with the game.


Potato del Grande
Sold 2 jewels today for 6 div (1div and 5div). The 5 div was a triple multi one that i'm kind of sad actually sold since I can't use it when I eventually swap to crit instead of EO but oh well.
Now I just gotta decide if I want to do the loreweave/eternal damnation setup that palstetrons 3.24 one was using or go with suppress and whatnot that most of the ones seem to be using.
Maxroll? You mean like this beginners guide?

I'm being a bit of a dick but flask automation has been a thing since like... 2016? And is one of the first things most PoE players learn?

I'm kind of shocked you did not know this was a thing. Also, instilling orbs literally say that they do this right on the orb.
You can't expect someone to just read what an item says it does in game right on the item. That's crazy. They need a tutorial quest that gives you one and shows you how to put it on a flask.
  • 1Worf
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Tranny Chaser
So why were tinctures added?

I actually have a theory about tinctures, warcries and the retaliation skills. I think they're training us for PoE2.

Path of Exile is a game where people like to zoom very fast and one-button the entire screen to death but that's just not what Path of Exile 2 is. GGG wants the combat in that game to be dynamic where the player uses of suite of interrelated abilities to achieve maximum effectiveness. The problem that they have is their playerbase is trained to zoom one-button everything. Of course they want PoE2 to have more players than just it's PoE1 regulars but they don't want to lose those people either. By making tinctures, warcries and retaliation skills very powerful we're willing to click those extra buttons. It looks really confusing when you compare tinctures to flasks and then look a the tincture mastery nodes that let you make them in to a kind of super flask or when you remember the warcry automation tool they just gave out now reserves mana and doesn't provide the buff but if they don't start us down this road we won't have the patience to press all the buttons you're going to need to press in PoE2.

Throw this char in to PoB

Click off one tincture, then the other tincture, then both tinctures and compare the damage. Those aren't flasks. They're fucking super murder buttons. We'll let you automate flasks but if you want that kind of shit you have to press a button or a couple of buttons.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I actually have a theory about tinctures, warcries and the retaliation skills. I think they're training us for PoE2.

Path of Exile is a game where people like to zoom very fast and one-button the entire screen to death but that's just not what Path of Exile 2 is. GGG wants the combat in that game to be dynamic where the player uses of suite of interrelated abilities to achieve maximum effectiveness. The problem that they have is their playerbase is trained to zoom one-button everything. Of course they want PoE2 to have more players than just it's PoE1 regulars but they don't want to lose those people either. By making tinctures, warcries and retaliation skills very powerful we're willing to click those extra buttons. It looks really confusing when you compare tinctures to flasks and then look a the tincture mastery nodes that let you make them in to a kind of super flask or when you remember the warcry automation tool they just gave out now reserves mana and doesn't provide the buff but if they don't start us down this road we won't have the patience to press all the buttons you're going to need to press in PoE2.

Throw this char in to PoB

Click off one tincture, then the other tincture, then both tinctures and compare the damage. Those aren't flasks. They're fucking super murder buttons. We'll let you automate flasks but if you want that kind of shit you have to press a button or a couple of buttons.
Holy fuck, for those without POB

Without Tinctures - 5m DPS

With Tinctures - 30m DPS
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<Bronze Donator>
There's a suspicion that pob is overestimating tinctures. Haven't looked into it myself, I just added it to the flask macro.

I'd rather they fix the signaling in the game before adding more gameplay elements that depend on it. Do you know when to press certain skills? Probably, but not always. A classic example is bleed flask. Do you know that those abilities are available to be pressed? Probably not, that information is almost always at the edge of the screen.


Tranny Chaser
Holy fuck, for those without POB

Without Tinctures - 5m DPS

With Tinctures - 30m DPS

Just one tincture takes you from 33m to 9m if you turn it off or to look at it the other way if you put on and manage one big dick tincture there might be 300-400% dps waiting for you.


Tranny Chaser
There's a suspicion that pob is overestimating tinctures. Haven't looked into it myself, I just added it to the flask macro.

I'd rather they fix the signaling in the game before adding more gameplay elements that depend on it. Do you know when to press certain skills? Probably, but not always. A classic example is bleed flask. Do you know that those abilities are available to be pressed? Probably not, that information is almost always at the edge of the screen.

In any situation where a lot of shit is going on I can't tell if retaliate is up. I can't hear the sound and I can't see the little red symbol. There should be an option in the graphical settings to have shit like that effectively "float" on top of everything else. It would also be nice to be able to have some choices for color.


Got something right about marriage
Well, they need a real, customizable HUD. The z-axis is completely, lol, Arbitrary. The new boss health bars are a perfect example, they cover everything else. How did that pass testing?
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
There's a suspicion that pob is overestimating tinctures. Haven't looked into it myself, I just added it to the flask macro.

I'd rather they fix the signaling in the game before adding more gameplay elements that depend on it. Do you know when to press certain skills? Probably, but not always. A classic example is bleed flask. Do you know that those abilities are available to be pressed? Probably not, that information is almost always at the edge of the screen.
Game fidelity is the #1 thing they should be working on now with this currency market in the game. I shouldn't have to hover over a rare to see its mods. Not to mention if you play any skill that remotely has any type of effect like LS, MS, etc you're fucking yourself.

Luckily FB of Kata is probably the cleanest skill I've ever played.
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Tranny Chaser
I shouldn't have to hover over a rare to see its mods.

It's great because the more you need to hover over a thing to see what the fuck it is doing the less likely you are to have a window of time to actually do that without dying. It's better than it was but it's still not great. The second I mouse off this murder machine to control my movement I can't see his frame anymore? Well thanks.