Path of Exile


Log Wizard
I've been making a killing off beast farming. The scarabs are all 1c so you get 12-15 red beasts per map + doubling captured beasts. I fill the menagerie in about 35-40 maps and usually have 2-3 each of black morrigans/vultures/imprints/etc when I go to clean it out. Cleaning it out and itemizing all the beasts kinda sucks mega ass tho, lot of clicking.

You also need to be prepared to deal with soul eater red beasts every map lol
Soul Eater is really fucking awful right now. There's like a 1/3 chance any given Abyss has at least one. If you're foolish enough to do wisps in the wildwood before hand you're basically guaranteeing you're either dying, failing the abyss, or sitting there beating on some mega bat from Hell for 2 minutes for a single alchemy orb drop. They need to tone that shit down.
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Log Wizard
Here's a strat, it's not on a youtube video with 10k views so it should actually work if some one really, really needs money.

Step 1: Have enough Atlas Progress so Kirac sells 20 chisels for 8c
Step 2: Go to the AH, buy 100 scouting reports (they're 18 per 1c at the moment)
Step 3: Buy 20 chisel from Kirac (8c cost, 14c to players)
Step 4: Hit a mission reroll. Run it, don't run it. It doesn't matter.
Step 5: Buy the chisels again from Kirac (he should have them EVERY time you "start" a mission)
Step 6: Repeat for ~5c profit every click and become the Chisel King, if you dare.


Vyemm Raider
Here's a strat, it's not on a youtube video with 10k views so it should actually work if some one really, really needs money.

Step 1: Have enough Atlas Progress so Kirac sells 20 chisels for 8c
Step 2: Go to the AH, buy 100 scouting reports (they're 18 per 1c at the moment)
Step 3: Buy 20 chisel from Kirac (8c cost, 14c to players)
Step 4: Hit a mission reroll. Run it, don't run it. It doesn't matter.
Step 5: Buy the chisels again from Kirac (he should have them EVERY time you "start" a mission)
Step 6: Repeat for ~5c profit every click and become the Chisel King, if you dare.
I did that for a while actually a couple days ago. The gold cost is a bit prohibitive though.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Breach is pretty feast or famine for loot and it's all from grasping mail. You can hit a gg 50d one but most of the time it's 1-3d if you're lucky.

The conversion rate is so garbage for breachstones, to give you an example, I leveled from 90-100 in breach last league and got maybe 5-10.

But the xp used to be the best or near the best with shrines and xp scarab. Don't know if that's still in the game.


Molten Core Raider
The xp shrine scarab is gone, sadly, but the 75% less xp loss omens are still in game.

Probably gonna load up on like 5 or 6 of them at some point, just hit 94 and trying to finish the missing unique maps before anything else. Got my first extra map slot, too, just need more DPS to go yolo a T17 with extra portals for the last one.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Trying max block on a character for the first time. Is there an order of operations between block and evasion? Is it worth getting something that triggers on block if things miss you often?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Trying max block on a character for the first time. Is there an order of operations between block and evasion? Is it worth getting something that triggers on block if things miss you often?
Evasion is calculated before block.

On block effects are always worth it I think. Depending on what it is you might experience diminishing returns but I wouldn't skip it because of high evasion.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Does anyone know if lightning strike is affected by negative cast speed? I know that it's considered an "attack", but isn't the non-melee portion considered a spell? Does that matter for purposes of attack speed?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Evasion is calculated before block.

On block effects are always worth it I think. Depending on what it is you might experience diminishing returns but I wouldn't skip it because of high evasion.
Good to know. Thx


Canuckistani Terrorist
I've been having a hell of a time with server lag past couple days, I'll get periods where the graph looks like a damn heart monitor, and I'll stutter like crazy, lasts for hours, then goes away. Been the cause of more than 1 death that could have been completely avoided.

No issue with anything else, frustrating.

Fuck you Blizzard, stop sending me e-mails.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Damn some of these power rune enchants look like something to make a build from. Shit is crazy expensive though.


Got something right about marriage
I was thinking about running a Breach atlas just to level from 95 to like 98 with. Never run Breach before though, anyone got a good set up for exp gains?


<Bronze Donator>
Damn some of these power rune enchants look like something to make a build from. Shit is crazy expensive though.
Fire trigger enchant on 1H axe allows you to make CoC DD with archmage on its own 6L.

It looks really interesting. It's a shame the system has so many flaws. The runes are too rare. Most of the enchants are on weapon types that make no sense. Enchants are a sunk cost unless you can resell your weapon, making the cost of upgrading an enchanted weapon well over the threshold of "fuck it".

Classic GGG to not learn from past mistakes(helm enchants) but also repeat them even worse.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Saw Mathil did a video on the shield that will cast when block. Glad I bought one a few days ago when they were dirt cheap. Probably sky rocket now.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Need to be able to hire a navy. 3 out of my last 4 shipments were lost for a variety of reasions.

Yeah the shield was super cheap a week ago, but now he made a video about how afk usable it is who knows.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Tincture question. I have one that gives increased chance to bleed and 88% increased damage with bleed from melee weapons. I have 100% bleed chance but PoB with the tincture active or not shows the same stats for damage with bleed? Because it's from a skill or something?
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Couple questions.

How do you get 30% quality on maps now?

Can you search multi boss blood filled vessels on the trade site. I'd expect I have to find those on TFT.


Millie's Staff Member
Got to act7 finally.

Rerolled a couple times, trying to find something I like. Though like most games, seems you have to get to the middle to late levels to really feel how a spec plays, those first 40-50 levels are just starter and skills/playstyle can change alot later. Got the first two to about 40 and just wasnt feeling it.

Doing this now:

It's a lot more fun, at least after 31, to get to 31 sucked with stupid rolling magma. But once with firestorm was a blast. I am hoping I can hang on long enough to get to final build in the video. Bad thing about it, is just have that video and the path of building. So a ton of googling on my part to find where stuff is. Like the wands he mentions I have no clue how to get. And learning this path of building thing was interesting. Worst comes to worst, I finish campaign and do whatever the hell mapping is before I get bored.

Still might try a melee, depends if I am still interested.

This is a bit of a necro reply, but I've done a Ground Slam build to 90 for which i have not built enough defense so it is frustrating, an RF Chieftain that I've taken to 83 but it is a bit "Been There Done That" for me, and then over the last couple of days I've taken this Archmage Heiro to about 82. This latter build is probably the funnest thing I have played in PoE in a hot minute.

I am not much for the two button builds, but the frost bolt/ice nova of frost bolts combo is friggin' hilarious in the way it chews up screens of mobs. Knowing my penchant for shitting up defense on my builds, it is going to be a serious glass cannon, but in softcore it's all about the screen goes boom. When you switch out to arcanist brand for the frostbolt on bosses, it is even more hilarious.

Looking forward to pushing it as far as I can take it.