Path of Exile


Millie's Staff Member
Soul Eater is really fucking awful right now. There's like a 1/3 chance any given Abyss has at least one. If you're foolish enough to do wisps in the wildwood before hand you're basically guaranteeing you're either dying, failing the abyss, or sitting there beating on some mega bat from Hell for 2 minutes for a single alchemy orb drop. They need to tone that shit down.
Soul Eater should not be an allowable affix on a rare under circumstances of continuous spawning mobs like abyss or Delve mine nodes. Edit: or Red Beasts or necromancers; nothing like a mob spawning its own buffs!

When you cannot even see a melee mob's attack animation, the mechanic is a little broken lol.

But, like every stupid mechanic GGG lets linger like the old reflect mobs, we deal. Git Gud, as the kids say.


Canuckistani Terrorist
I've been getting a lot of of those fuckers, especially Delve. I had one beefy one pop at the start of a delve, and the fucking thing followed me to the next spot, and outlived the azurite spawns, and only died after the loot had fallen. That one must have had some more health mods, vampiric, dunno what, because they never live that long.

I've learned that sometimes I can distract them with a totem and they lose aggro when you get distance, but still jarring and irritating.

Rather those than random rares that super hasted and some other nasty mod combos, that catch you off guard. Doesn't happen often, but holy fuck those ones get the blood pumping if you get a set of 3-4, usually pumping out on the ground.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I no-lifed this the first week and everything felt fine. But now that I am back at work the Town part does not really work as good. Always out of money once I come back and now that I might play an hour or two a day it really feels bad.

Fun league though for sure and I had pretty good luck and found a build I could make work to zoom juiced T16s. But as always I get bored by just mindless farming. Took a big exp loss at 98 and now I'm done, negative progression can fuck off.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
My town works like a really small town. Roll up the sidewalks at times. I only put gold in the treasury when I'm actually playing and let the mine the ore and smelt bars, farm etc..Make one large shipment when I start and empty the account when I'm done.


The Scientific Shitlord
Well, my RF chieftain is a hell of a lot easier to play than my necro was. I am still clueless as to how to upgrade/craft maps, but I am able to clear them easy enough.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Are you guys flipping your ports by following favor or you just loading up with as much food as possible for only currency?


Got something right about marriage
Fire trigger enchant on 1H axe allows you to make CoC DD with archmage on its own 6L.

It looks really interesting. It's a shame the system has so many flaws. The runes are too rare. Most of the enchants are on weapon types that make no sense. Enchants are a sunk cost unless you can resell your weapon, making the cost of upgrading an enchanted weapon well over the threshold of "fuck it".

Classic GGG to not learn from past mistakes(helm enchants) but also repeat them even worse.

The prohibitive rarity of Power Runes means a huge majority of players will literally never experience the top tier enchants because they will NEVER be able to afford them.

There should never exist a league mechanic, that has a 3 month shelf life, where the main feature tied to that mechanic will never be attainable by 90%+ of the people who play the game.

By and large though this is by far the best league mechanic they've released in terms of casual friendliness in a long, long while. So they are learning.
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Got something right about marriage
For the ports in town Ive been sending 2 verisium bars and 100 dust to Riben Fell on all 3 over and over while I stockpile everything else. This strategy guarantees 3 scarabs and 2 runes every single time and the scarabs can be any scarab of any rarity.
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Molten Core Raider
Spent 12 div on a "Hits can't be evaded" claw and gained around 200k DPS in Path of Building. Strange thing is I was already at 92% chance to hit but I guess never missing makes a huge difference. (Was a slight DPS upgrade as well but not that much)

No sooner than I bought the claw and I got a double div drop from a strongbox so the gods are smiling down on me.

Still pretty broke but I'm getting there!


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Are you guys flipping your ports by following favor or you just loading up with as much food as possible for only currency?
I've been doing 2 boats with 1000 of every food and 8k dust. Then I do one mega shipment following the favor with as many mats as possible. I'm really thinking of cutting out the mega shipments though. Other than a few 6 links I've been able to offload for 3-4div each, it just isn't as consistently effective as the small boats, especially if you just send them to the close ports.

Anybody ever get anything good from mapping? I shut mine off finally because if they don't finish at 100%(which they rarely do, seemingly), the rewards are absolute trash.


Millie's Staff Member
Damn! Thanks Burial Chambers!

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Potato del Grande
Came back today after 4.5 days without power and had a nameless seer show up in a map and give me a kalandra ring in the same map that I got my first raw div drop of the league in (307k kills). Was pleasantly surprised to see ralakesh had gone down from 11+ to 6 divs, too. Ended up spending the day running maps and using everything I made (and a bunch of stuff I sold) to mostly get my gear together for headhunter slayer, just missing a ring because I don't have 180 divs for a nimis and even if I did I probably wouldn't pay it.


Got something right about marriage
Saw Mathil did a video on the shield that will cast when block. Glad I bought one a few days ago when they were dirt cheap. Probably sky rocket now.

I didnt think the shield was rare enough for a Mathil video to move the price much but it seems like there is some heavy speculation happening because they are 4div now. Fucking lol.

EDIT: Nevermind they are only 25c for low rolled spell block. Its just the max rolled spell block that are 4div.


Potato del Grande

Finally got around to finishing off the amulet I had drop for me a bit ago (took a while to farm jun's to get the craft). Decided to go for warlord exalt instead of normal exalt and it hit t1 aoe warlord mod which was what I was thinking the best outcome would be anyways.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Dear lord shove that in to the beastiary immediately

Stop offending my eyes with a fucking paula amulet
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I didnt think the shield was rare enough for a Mathil video to move the price much but it seems like there is some heavy speculation happening because they are 4div now. Fucking lol.

EDIT: Nevermind they are only 25c for low rolled spell block. Its just the max rolled spell block that are 4div.
The shield is ridiculous. Doing t16 red beast full alters and I just don't die.

Also with essences.

The only thing that kills me is chaos damage. Some times the map mods stacked with alter mods can get rippy in certain red best essences but I never get one shot. Slayer with 80/80 block and 9 endurance charges is fully retarded.


Got something right about marriage
Yes, I doubt lucky block survives, or at least that shield doesn't go core.

Slayers will still be able to steal the Glad node though