Path of Exile


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I guess I should have went for a headhunter. 3 doctor cards from stacked decks. But I sold the first two off as I got them. Price dropping like a rock. A week ago the first one I sold for 4.2 divines. The third one today 2 divines.

Not a single raw divine drop this league. 3 characters started mapping. One to 93 and all tier 16 maps. Another just 75. Sold some stuff for divines but not a single drop, none on shipping but I don't ship a lot, one doctor card came from stacked deck I got on a shipment. About 2-3 divines a day if I sell the scarabs depending on how much I play.
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Molten Core Raider
I guess I should have went for a headhunter. 3 doctor cards from stacked decks. But I sold the first two off as I got them. Price dropping like a rock. A week ago the first one I sold for 4.2 divines. The third one today 2 divines.

Not a single raw divine drop this league. 3 characters started mapping. One to 93 and all tier 16 maps. Another just 75. Sold some stuff for divines but not a single drop, none on shipping but I don't ship a lot, one doctor card came from stacked deck I got on a shipment. About 2-3 divines a day if I sell the scarabs depending on how much I play.
I did get a few raw divs, probably between 15-20 in 8mod 20% quality maps, but I also got a ton of 2x divines/ valdos from strongboxes. Still waiting for a hinekoras or even a mirror at some point, but not getting my hope up!


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Guess it's my ISP. Last night was DC after DC no matter which serer. Went well today but tonight started with high lag on any sever.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My current build (lacerate) is quite schizophrenic. I never had so many quality of life for survival (immune to bleeding, corrupted blood, ignite, shock, etc.), so much DPS (12mio according to PoB), bosses just evaporate, but there are so many maps mod I can't do, and since the range of lacerate is very small, the clearing speed of maps is not that great.
Quite frustrating.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
My bleed earthquake was kind of like that. Just super slow and the range you had to be in the face of everything.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Had a defiance of destiny drop last league. Initially was pumped it was a 5-10 dig item. But then found out it was t0 and could have had an hh or mageblood instead sigh. Think it may be my only t0 drop ever. Had a void battery drop once but not sure what tier that is


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Wow, I am using an Oro's sacrifice and it is good DPS. I guess that is my one good find that at least worked somewhat with what I am playing.

I have officially reached the stopping point for me because this game will never put in a simple Auction House system. The millions of dollars this game could make from that one improvement. They at least did a currency exchange which begs the question...why not go all out? It is a hassle trying to do trades and is really the main reason Diablo 4 and Last Epoch even have people playing it. This game is well above those two for actual game play.


Potato del Grande
Sold my valdo's mageblood map for 200div today instead of just gambling on the ultimatum, and then decided to buy a reliquary key in between a few failed ralakesh temple corruption attempts just now and it dropped me a mageblood...
  • 1WTF
Reactions: 1 user


<Bronze Donator>
Sold my valdo's mageblood map for 200div today instead of just gambling on the ultimatum, and then decided to buy a reliquary key in between a few failed ralakesh temple corruption attempts just now and it dropped me a mageblood...
  • 1Truth!
  • 1Like
Reactions: 1 users


Molten Core Raider
Just hit 100, 2x evolution + 3 breach scarabs with any safe 8 mod JV was around 1-2% per map, used the shrine duration atlas section and it really did fly by. Now to actually figure out what I want to do since div farming is terrible.

Wasn't as quick as last league's xp scarab but totally worth it since I can't stop worrying about xp loss.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Have two questions I haven't been able to find an answer to.

I skipped the league trinity support came out. I do 3 resist types of damage each hit/projectile. One is much more than the other 2. Should I try to get them closer together so there is some overlap?

The second is just annoying. My PoB my resist for the build I download from my account do not match what I have in game. On configuration I have finished act 10 checked and it doesn't matter which bandit I chose or kill all 3 they are still off. It's not listed on any item and I figure if it was PoB would pick it up, same for the tech tree. Everything else is right on, hp, mana etc.. but resist are off quite a bit. One more than the other 2. Chaos resist is right on.


Molten Core Raider
Have two questions I haven't been able to find an answer to.

I skipped the league trinity support came out. I do 3 resist types of damage each hit/projectile. One is much more than the other 2. Should I try to get them closer together so there is some overlap?

The second is just annoying. My PoB my resist for the build I download from my account do not match what I have in game. On configuration I have finished act 10 checked and it doesn't matter which bandit I chose or kill all 3 they are still off. It's not listed on any item and I figure if it was PoB would pick it up, same for the tech tree. Everything else is right on, hp, mana etc.. but resist are off quite a bit. One more than the other 2. Chaos resist is right on.
Pretty sure for Trinity you only NEED 2 elements doing damage and as long as they aren't all the same dps itll fill the meter.

In POB you can goto the config tab and choose which bandit along with what major/minor pantheon you use and it should update correctly. That said, even after picking Alira for the +15 resistance, it looks okay on my end, but when I share it still says I am missing Lightning Res even though I'm not, so not 100% sure there.


Tranny Chaser
As long as there's enough variance between two different elemental types that one is sometimes doing more you should be fine on stacks of resonance.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
This sounds like the dumbest way to make currency so I tried it. Take one ship with 1 sailor and 2 verisium bars, 20 dust and send by itself to the closest port. 30 minutes a shipment. I sent 3 ships twice while I was mapping today. A couple of runes and 3-4 scarabs. Power rune on second trip. I know small sample size but takes seconds and it's zero risk shipping so little shit. 6 shipments total, 3 at a time so about an hour while mapping. 7 div profit.

Among the stuff was a time rune too, 90c.
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Vyemm Raider
You also maximize your chances at pirates kidnapping your sailors and you getting to fight the boss for an easy 35k gold and a couple more runes.


Potato del Grande
Power rune was huge rng, time rune was fairly rng. I haven't been spamming ships all league but i've sent a decent amount of them and no power runes and only a couple time runes. It probably is worth doing any time you're playing, tho, since it's quick like you said.