Welp, still having issues with fleas (they disappeared for about 2 weeks and we're starting to see some again). I'm guessing this is leftovers hatching from the first batch or whatever. Vast majority that I've found on the cat were dead, probably since we treated her with Revolution. Found one right before Thanksgiving, so I vacuumed all the carpets and then put down the anti-flea crystals into all the carpets, brushed them in and then left them there over the holiday (so about 4 days or so). BF's family came over regularly to keep an eye on her and said they didn't notice any signs of fleas (no dirt, fleas, etc.). Coming home, I brushed her out with the comb and still found no fleas or dirt Sunday night. Vacuumed up the carpet crystals that night. Next day and today I've found about 5 a day on her. All but two were already dead and just fell off and all were found on her head. Can't find any dirt on her, so I'm guessing these guys are new, but hopefully don't seem to be lasting long enough to do any damage/start pooping. I've put down the carpet crystals again and will vacuum them up tomorrow, but being a huge worrier I really don't like having to have potentially toxic stuff down on the carpet all the time and it didn't seem like it did shit anyway over the time we were away.
Been trying to research some other options online and keep hearing about diatomaceous earth. Has anyone had any success with this stuff, because it seems a bit too good to be true. Reviews on Amazon for the shit at least are overwhelmingly positive and I'd love to know if anyone else has had luck with it. I'd feel a whole lot better putting this around our apartment than the other treatments I've been using. Last thing I want to do is get our kitten sick trying to get rid of fucking fleas.
I've also been logging everything I've been doing to treat this shit, so that if the landlord or something tries to blame this shit on me and it's elsewhere in the apartments, I can at least have something around to show that I've been doing my due diligence. Doubt it'll really help, but worth a try.