Playstation 5


Personally I consider a large subset of old 16bit pixel games to be superior to 90%+ of modern games. As long as you have a pixel resolution (or sufficiently skilled artist) capable of getting across the image and idea, I do not consider it a detractor at all.

Graphics nerds are the male equivalent of faggot size queens, change my mind.
I think it's the equivalent of being able to fuck a fat chick because she has a "great personality".
  • 1Worf
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I think it's the equivalent of being able to fuck a fat chick because she has a "great personality".

Funny, but not quite the same is it? There’s no era in human history where everyone was excited for fat chicks because skinny chicks didn’t exist.


what Suineg set it to
I'd rather play pixelated shit than a gorgeous game like horizon forbidden West that sucks balls

The thing is fidelity/clarity in visual communication is much more valuable than 'realism' or whatever else garbage they try and push. It's been this way for the last say 10 or so years for sure but the AAA studios still haven't caught up.