he tried to justifyan indefensible crimeand raised hypothetical illustrations to defend that psychotic woman like a fucking retard that he is. Doesn't matter if he would admit that the court has failed. He is a problem, a symptom, a disease, and he doesn't see it. I can fucking guarantee you right now that if he was in that seat with other judges, he wouldn't have cared. You know why?He didn't take the fucking time to research anyways and raised bullshit points to justify her from her indefensible crime.He would've voted with other judges and say that the woman should be given the pardon. He is the pussy that we should be fucking rejecting. A pussy who is willingly allowing justification for such indefensible act. Court doesn't operate on, "MAYBE AND IF."It works on reasonable beyond fucking doubt.That hasn't even been established and yet he jumps to fucking hypothetical when there is no substantial grounds for it. Mangina Supreme at work.