IE i'm a bigot but only against people who don't share my very specific set of rules for bigotry. The sooner people accept that we will always choose a side and dislike other people for being different the better. We are all on teams mostly based on arbitrary definitions of "who" we are. The pussification of America is really the belief that we can be non offensive and just to everyone, everytime, and restrictions to enforce this socialism society wide. It's bullshit and it's here to stay folks and douchebags like Tanoomba will continue to peddle it.
Fucking. Wow.
Yes, I have a problem with racists, misogynists, and homophobes.
I have a problem with people who judge others and consider them inferior because of something as arbitrary as race, gender, or sexual orientation.
My problem is with arbitrary hate. There is nothing arbitrary about my problem with people who exhibit such hate.
Trying to defend hate and intolerance by saying "Well, if
youdisagree then
youare just being intolerant of
them!" is fucking ridiculous.
If someone murders my parents, am I a bigot for having something against that person? Am I being intolerant? No, because we accept that it's wrong to fucking murder people. Guess what? it's also wrong to be a fucking racist, misogynist or homophobe. As responsible members of society, it's our fucking duty to discourage this unacceptable and disgusting behavior.
Now, if you want to talk about rights, everybody has the right to hate whoever they want. I wouldn't dream of taking that right away from anyone. But if you're going to hate people arbitrarily, you'd better be ready to face the consequences when people call you on being a cunt.
On a bright side, Canada is on the road to de-pussification.
Hate speech no longer part of Canada?s Human Rights Act
This is actually good news. It has bothered me for years that free speech meant you were allowed to say whatever you want
exceptthings that could be considered hateful. Like I just said, we don't need to legally try to prevent assholism. Let the hate-mongers continue their hate-mongering. It makes it much easier to see who's part of the problem and who is pulling society in a negative direction. Let hate-mongers face the consequences they bring upon themselves instead of forcing some kind of legal consequence for spouting stupidity.
People are allowed to believe whatever they want to believe, even if they're wrong.
ESPECIALLYif they're wrong.
Like Jesse Ventura said:
Jesse Ventura_sl said:
it isn't popular speech that must be protected, popular speech doesn't need protection, its unpopular speech that needs protection.