Puzzles and Dragons


<WoW Guild Officer>
Ran a normal team with Shiva leader and Mandrake in there just for heals, Odin helper. No real problems EXCEPT when i did what I always fucking do and forget to check turns. One shot by Rainbow with me about 99% health....and him 1 round from dead...and Mandrake and my own Rainbow Keeper cooldowns both ready....fuckin PRO here. Fuck it, used the stone since I was gonna get one from killing him anyways.

Mandrake has 477RCV. Just had to use some strategery and store a couple heal orbs in the corners once full health.

I feel for you guys that did that fucker before he got nerfed.
Fight would literally last for hours. Play 10-15 minutes, put the phone away for 10, play another 10-15, phone away for 10... fuck that shit.


Trakanon Raider
Ran a normal team with Shiva leader and Mandrake in there just for heals, Odin helper. No real problems EXCEPT when i did what I always fucking do and forget to check turns. One shot by Rainbow with me about 99% health....and him 1 round from dead...and Mandrake and my own Rainbow Keeper cooldowns both ready....fuckin PRO here. Fuck it, used the stone since I was gonna get one from killing him anyways.

Mandrake has 477RCV. Just had to use some strategery and store a couple heal orbs in the corners once full health.

I feel for you guys that did that fucker before he got nerfed.
This is why I love this stupid little game. Figuring out HOW to beat certain shit is fun. Pulling it off is even sweeter.



Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Anyone know how to write a script to pull all the Monster Book info off p&dx.com and dump it in to a spreadsheet? Never used Web Query in Excel and am having trouble selecting individual table elements to only pull in a few basic things... basically no idea what I'm doing, oh well it's a learning experience and this six pack ain't gonna drink itself.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Ahhhh fuckballs. Was like 33 seconds short of one more rainbow keeper run.

And even more fun, can't go in to expert masks. Getting error code 8, Could Not Enter Dungeon.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Has anyone had any luck with the wood sky dragon dropping?

I've been running master every day with zero luck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah I thought so, it went from an hour to go to GONE.

Normally rolls over 3AM my time, and I ain't changed shit. WTF.

Has anyone had any luck with the wood sky dragon dropping?

I've been running master every day with zero luck.
Ran a shitload of Expert ones when I was chasing the MSK and never saw one.

edit: Hmmm, tried following some guides to fixing the time thing. Did nothing more than scare the shit out of me that I lost my main account. Did lazy rename back and account works. Dunno if I'm still an hour off for some fucking reason. And now when I try and send a copy of data048.bin to the sdcard as back up it's saying it can't because of "read only file system".

Super duper. Think it's back to the right time though, showing 23 hours on daily.

Have a week old copy of it on my PC, but if tonight is any indication that will do absolute jack and shit for me...
Anyone use a double Parvati team before? I have the mats to level and evolve mine. I could fill the roster with varying numbers of green rippers and ADKs. How safe would it be? Ever viable to use instead of resist and healer?


There's a chap on SA who uses a double Parvati team for most standard grinding, his team has around 35k hp though so he is by no means a yardstick to try and measure up against. He/people who use it like the extra HP and RCV etc ahead of the more typical 6.25 teams.

I have a Parvati myself I'm slowly cooking up, she is 6* now but I still need to finish the second ADK and find a decent fourth Green sub. Probably time for me to crack on and get the green starter I got from the skydragons levelled up. Of course that's on the list with about 15 other projects


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Of course that's on the list with about 15 other projects
This is my problem.

Just off the top of my head and only on the main account:
Most immediate need is one more Mystic Mask to evolve Shiva, then she's all done but for the leveling up.
Mandrake to finish leveling up(6 to go, no thing) and evolve to Alraune. I only landed 1 green keeper, so it's either her or...
Have a Dragon Knight I'd LOVE to finish making an ADK. Means 1 more mystic Mask, and that green keeper...
Who is also needed for the Fafnir and Green Ripper I want to finish since they'll be useful for ADK and Horus both...
Blue Golem pretty much ready to evolve, but I am hesitant to use a Rainbow Keeper on this, still he's my only current blue for Horus team until I level up the lil fuckers...
Speaking of lil fuckers, blue and black both barely touched yet. Still need to farm up a white but that will be cake, desperately need it for the Horus team though since I'm currently using a Dublit for that slot...
Have a D'Spinas waiting to evolve but I am just ignoring him. Fuck those final evolve mats for at LEAST another week...
Fire Sky Dragon who just needs fed a whole flock of Pengdras, he'll be useful on a few squads and I can afford to actually use him some now, but when the fuck do I have the stam to do that?
Freyr to level up/evolve for use with Shiva team some day, back burner.
Also should level up/evolve Horus at some point, but this feels low priority right now since the skills stay the same and I'd need so many fucking Pengdra etc...
Oh and I have a Parvati and the ingredients for a pretty decent Green Team sitting around, with the aforementioned dragons and ADK etc...

And this is all gonna get a lot more complicated if my account is broken and I can't run the jewel dragons any more...

My main dilemma is whether to get the healer up(finally) or ADK. Because ADK teams are fuckin' fun and make farming so GD easy. And I need to do a LOT of farming.


Trakanon Raider
Anyone use a double Parvati team before? I have the mats to level and evolve mine. I could fill the roster with varying numbers of green rippers and ADKs. How safe would it be? Ever viable to use instead of resist and healer?
I am really enjoying the double parv team.

I have one on both of my accounts. Farming up the mats to evolve my alt account to 6*. It really is a fun team to use.


I ended up going 7/7 on rainbow keepers across 3 accounts.... wont be heading anywhere near that dungeon for a while...

Dumped more gold into Amaterasu... Lvl 64 now 490 RCV not too terrible ID 374343204
having @RR gets you an assured spot will be removed if I need space and you havent been on in 7 days or so... but will reaccept whenever you send invite with @RR


Trakanon Raider
Does a Odin / Ama + Neptune / 2 Rippers / ADK or Max skill StE ( about 10k teamhp), stand up to the green skydragon master? I'm reticent to use 50 stamina on it and I really don't want to use any stones, I realize synced up timers in consecutive maps could end me, but think this is sufficient?


Entirely depends on the level of the Amaterasu... give me some numbers and I will help you out more

RCV of your Amaterasu/StE

Also... which of the two leaders do YOU have and which would be helper?

What color are the rippers?

Gonna proceed a bit before you respond because I enjoy this kind of stuff...

Possible outcomes for first round:
Knight Knight, Devil Devil, Knight Devil

Knight Knight = 4834 dmg
Devil Devil = 3365 dmg
Devil Knight = 4589 dmg (or 3610 if knight hits first)

Knight Knight gives you 2 turn recovery requiring 2416 autoheal per turn to be max health OR take: 8056dmg (killing you at 10khp)

Devil Devil Gives you no turn recovery... requiring 3365 auto heal OR take: 5608 dmg, which gives you 3 rounds to kill one

Devil Knight is a bit more complicated as you MUST heal to full OR take increased damage, and not be able to heal to full after that anyway... Unless you have the best AO in the game... 917RCV you arent healing to full and thus will die in 2 turns after their combo hit. If you are LUCKY that the knight hits first AND you have an AO with 722RCV you can autoheal the double hit. (Velkeratsu and Sorrows both can meet the 722 requirement but not the 917)


Trakanon Raider
Black and Blue Rippers, of those listed all are mine but the Amaterasu - which would be Sorrows or Velks (max level)


Ok then my suggestion would be as follows:

Leader: Green Odin
Helper: Velk/Sorrows AO (Sorrows has higher RCV @ 804)
Sub: Blue Rip
Sub: Black Rip
Sub: Siren The Enchantress
Sub: Neptune

Difficulty - HIGH
Round 9 will either be impossible or easy using Odin...

Using that setup, you can survive the worst case Round 1 Scenario.

Gonna type up a strat for you now... will edit this post when I finish

Assuming you can survive ... and delay while all your skills get ready..

(read previous post about round 1 setups)

Round 2
You can blue ripper to almost kill the devils (they will have 6000hp left) and the knights will have 10,000hp left. Combined with Odin that leaves you with... 2 almost dead targets. Need to make a judgement call based on their timers as to which target you Odin.

Best case... 2 knights on different timers.
Worst case... Devil Knight

Odin to get 2 remaining, then repeat what you did on round 1 to refresh all skills.

Round 3
If you had a blue ripper... then all your skills have refreshed! Blue Ripper here AND Neptune... if you see a target that will live long... Odin him.

Round 4
Black Ripper to round 5!

Round 5
autoheal 1875 hp over over 5 turns... SNORE
Prepare the board to maximize your dmg and setup hearts using StE... (this will probably be dark, green or light depending on the levels of the Black Ripper / AO / Odin )


Round 6 and 7
If you see 5 devils... you die the first round they attack together.
If you see 4 devils... you have one extra round to survive.
Depending on how many knights attack on the same round you need different HP to survive..

Ideally you get your devil bad luck out of the way on round 6 and black ripper.
Which lets you Blue Ripper Strat round 7 and refresh all skills.

If Round 6 AND 7 are Devil heavy... nothing you can do but hope you can kill them off before you die... recharge before you get to round 8 once you get down to a manageable number of devils/knights ( you can survive 3 devils with one heart match for a couple turns...)

Round 8
Black Ripper

Round 9
If Alraune is on the same timer, you cant win using odin no matter what you do. If they are on different timer, easy autoheal to win.

Round 10
If you can get here, you can win with odin.


So there is a method out there like Cheat Engine for PC but for iOS that allows you to bump up your HP and your ATK power and be one shotting. Luckily the game has no kind of leaderboards so no "incentive" to cheat.


They do have some sort of "detection" method (not sure exactly what info is sent to the server upon completion of dungeon...) but people have been banned for the CtW bug abuse and for skipping the tutorial...

Not sure how they would know.. but points to some info being sent to server...