Puzzles and Dragons


Golden Knight of the Realm
Hey, maybe I'll get something useful this fest! More likely, I will get another Minerva and 5 mystic knights that will result in 0 skill ups!


I am checking to see if I can make a Godamn (trademarking that name as the new name for green odin amaterasu) Hera team...
Anyone have a high HP green odin?
Highest on my list right now is 2287

16600 hp needed to survive
9378(3 RAINBOW) + 2067 (my AO) = 11445

So I have 2 spots to get 5155HP

Unless I want to farm a 4th Rainbow keeper... I need a green odin with 3546 HP (lvl 73+)


Trakanon Raider
I am checking to see if I can make a Godamn (trademarking that name as the new name for green odin amaterasu) Hera team...
Anyone have a high HP green odin?
Highest on my list right now is 2287

16600 hp needed to survive
9378(3 RAINBOW) + 2067 (my AO) = 11445

So I have 2 spots to get 5155HP

Unless I want to farm a 4th Rainbow keeper... I need a green odin with 3546 HP (lvl 73+)
My alt account green odin is now level 80 6* with 20 +eggs.

Hp: 3810

id: 357,147,255



Trakanon Raider
My alt account green odin is now level 80 6* with 20 +eggs.

Hp: 3810

id: 357,147,255

Brand is 80 something as well - me too I guess but I'd assume people prefer having Ama up.

In unrelated news, I think ADK and Isis/Horus teams have spoiled me for tech farming with green odin. Soooo sloooooooooow 8(. Going from clearing the entire place in ~10 matches to spending 60-80 turns on the boss FTL.


Molten Core Raider
Rolled a Hattori hanzo on the JP version if anyone plays. 104,098,641. DF I sent you an invite. Dunno what the hell I'm reading but I like all the events and monsters so far. Also anyone who plays the JP version have any trouble adding or receiving friend requests?


Added you, take the time right now... and get into the taiko dungeon... farm yourself 4 matchstick men... (they are the red fire dudes)

They drop on the 10sta so you can do that... They make zombie teams so ridiculously easy you have no idea... My lvl 14 matchstick man has the same attack as my lvl 30 shiva

But yes... all those things are events listed... good luck!

While your app is still set to japan, download the taico bandai game... play the "tower" song on any difficulty and you get a free monster...

I wasnt paying attention and I just went into CoS with my zombie team but some scrub helper
go go matching skills to get me out of this one... second CDK just dropped from CoS... hope I can clear the boss!



Molten Core Raider
Anyone have a high level Ama they can throw up? Just reached 50 sta and want to try out Master Skydragon 8) Any helpful hints? I don't have a 5* ripper yet -.-


Trakanon Raider
Anyone have a high level Ama they can throw up? Just reached 50 sta and want to try out Master Skydragon 8) Any helpful hints? I don't have a 5* ripper yet -.-
I just switched mine back for you. I'll keep her up for the next hour until my WoW raid is over and emerald dragons pop at 8pm for me. =)

I cleared master the other day with my alt account using a 3* dark mystic knight for 30% reduction and my Ama. It was rough getting through the trash mobs.


Heart breaking... Lost 2 CDK drops because I couldnt clear CoS with my zombie team... Cleared one of the two dragons next to satan and couldnt finish the other before their timers matched up. No stones to continue... 2 CDKssss



My ama is back up...

and I just went into another dungeon with the wrong team... what is up with me... Ama + ADK vs Green dungeon... easy win... just time consuming as hell!


Castle of Satan in the Abyss is just the higher level version of the regular castle of satan (i think they are missing a line because on the JP side its also in the regular version)

So far I have seen 3 CDKs and no other colors, but I assume all colors are there.

Anyone notice the slight FU... Gold Dragon dungeon on East... Double king drop rate starting... the next day!


<WoW Guild Officer>
I just switched mine back for you. I'll keep her up for the next hour until my WoW raid is over and emerald dragons pop at 8pm for me. =)

I cleared master the other day with my alt account using a 3* dark mystic knight for 30% reduction and my Ama. It was rough getting through the trash mobs.
Saw your Ama up, started Light Sky on master... picked team, prepared to rape, lost 2nd round... figure out I have hades leading instead of white ripper. Fucking... there goes 50 stam.


Trakanon Raider
Saw your Ama up, started Light Sky on master... picked team, prepared to rape, lost 2nd round... figure out I have hades leading instead of white ripper. Fucking... there goes 50 stam.
I love when I start a dungeon with only a leader and ally leader.
Greek Godfest is probably the best of all possible godfests for me. I would be happy to pull 4 or 5 of the choices, rather than the usual 2.
I think most of the dungeons popping up will be out of reach for me, so I'm going to focus on getting a team ready for Hera.
Titan + Sorrow's Ama should give me a decent amount of HP to work with as well (should be upwards of 6000?). Now I just need to figure out what to bring for subs. I'm guessing I'll want poison, so I'll need to throw in my crappy Lilith. Other than Harpie demons (which I'll try to level before the dungeon), I can't think of anything else I might need.


Molten Core Raider
Jesus went through 4 stones on the Master level dark stage on Stage 2/3/4 and 6/7 Being nothing but 4x demons and two 5x demons. I see why Rippers are necessary.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Castle of Satan in the Abyss is just the higher level version of the regular castle of satan (i think they are missing a line because on the JP side its also in the regular version)

So far I have seen 3 CDKs and no other colors, but I assume all colors are there.

Anyone notice the slight FU... Gold Dragon dungeon on East... Double king drop rate starting... the next day!
Oh, so that's started now already? Fuck, I gotta hurry up and finish that white technical before it.