Puzzles and Dragons


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
OMG 8 STA away from Round #2! I'm so excited!!!one1

One more glass of wine and I can probably do this left handed


With my team setup... its almost 0 risk... its not match1 and laugh easy...

Sorry I guess I misread his post, but no I didnt change anything about my team setup, I assume I just got luckier on the amount of dark/blue orbs that dropped.

Round 1 Turn 1, even if you do not kill any during your attack, you take 11500 or so max damage, MOST of that coming from the 2 demons you have 0 resist on. Leaving you with about 2000 hp if you went with the "safe" strat. This means you need to match heart, dark, and blue AT LEAST the next round. That should kill off the light and possibly the red... if you cannot kill off the 2 unresisted attackers by now... that means you could not do 48,000 dmg in 2 turns... (thats accounting for armor, but not accounting for color). I suggest trying your team in endless corridor and practice your skills on fresh boards and see if you can do it... You have to kill the light and the red one within 2 turns... and you need 6 hearts... otherwise prepare to use one stone to finish off the devils...

I did rainbow keeper prenerf with no poison... that was "fun". I been practicing my zombie team alot, current setup is: lvl 6 titan, 3xmatchstickman (similar to lilred), shiva, autohealer (lvl30 siren can do it, if she is too high the hp doesnt work anymore).

Use the endless corridor as practice... but play as if 2 hits on the same turn will kill you no matter what and see how far you can get...


If you are struggling with 2 heros... forget about it and use this time to farm up a 3rd rainbow keeper... Hera is a MUCH less difficult dungeon in terms of matching skills but the team requirements are much higher! So get ready for Hera instead of 2 heros...

16500HP, Poison sub, Green Odin Leader, Autohealer if you have one (Siren the enchantress can work...but you will be at a deficit unless they have 823 RCV) The only round where autohealing is important is on final round as she does 2469 dmg per round...


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'll have my amaterasu up for Hera (3k per turn). Make sure your name has RR on it to have a friend request accepted.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So get ready for Hera instead of 2 heros...

16500HP, Poison sub, Green Odin Leader, Autohealer if you have one (Siren the enchantress can work...but you will be at a deficit unless they have 823 RCV) The only round where autohealing is important is on final round as she does 2469 dmg per round...
Yes, let me just prepare by getting a Green Odin or a 2500hp per round healer in the next couple days=P

I was thinking of trying to stick a few light demons on a team to do her resolve style. Gonna need to have like 5700hp max to get back over 70% every round on her with Sorrow's Amat?

Hmmm, 1551 from 3 tier 2 light harpies maxed. 1800ish from Shiva(to slightly speed up killing Neptune). 2300 from Amat. That's like 5600 and change, probably a bit more I'd have to check.

Would basically have to use a level 1 ogre, or keep the harpies a bit lower. I'll have to do some more math...but I am not hopeful. God a Viper Orochi would be handy here...


Trakanon Raider
eh, these dungeons will come back, I know I'm gonna do some actual account leveling, my team cost finally isn't keeping up with my xp.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I just don't see the HP I need for Hera. I have StE with 1042 HP and 606 rcv, 3 rainbow keepers, and LWotN with 833hp. I think I can juice her up to the tune of 4 king metal dragons right now, but I think that would only get me about 200hp. That setup leaves me with 11250 (11450 with Lillith leveled). Even assuming I could find a GOdin friend with 4khp, that still only has me at 15450.


Trakanon Raider
I'll keep my Ama up for everyone for Hera.

When she was out last time on Valentines day I cleared her twice with a zombie team. So I know for a fact it is doable.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'll keep my Ama up for everyone for Hera.

When she was out last time on Valentines day I cleared her twice with a zombie team. So I know for a fact it is doable.
How many stones? I'm just guessing it was just a matter of getting past the first 5 round?


Trakanon Raider
How many stones? I'm just guessing it was just a matter of getting past the first 5 round?
I spent a total of 7 stones between two runs. 5 for the beginning waves when stuff sucks and two on Hera when I'd fuck up the simple mindless matching after an hour of boredom.


Molten Core Raider
I'm tempted to try Master or Legend with the Whiskey dungeon, Hermes, Hermes, Fenrir Knight, Mystic Fenrir Knight, Rainbow Keeper and the Blodin make for 100k+ combos if you match like 4 blue strings. Everything literally melted in one combo for each stage.


Molten Core Raider
Yea that would be the downside - Gah who owns a BLOdin? Sittin on 25 sta with no good helper to take me through 8)


<WoW Guild Officer>
Yea that would be the downside - Gah who owns a BLOdin? Sittin on 25 sta with no good helper to take me through 8)

You need one up? I can set mine up but it's not impressive like SE's.
lvl 31 Odin the War Diety - +3 ATK
1938hp, 942ATK, 245 RCV

leveled him to 32, and set him as leader. Hit it up.


Molten Core Raider
I don't think I have you AO- and yea Sorrow thanks - New record, 8 rounds against Expert dragon boss before he died.

Friend ID is 373.548.244


Silver Knight of the Realm
What do you guys do to set/reset your leader (do you have to enter a dungeon, log out and back in or what)? I haven't ever tested it so I've just been going of my assumptions on how it works.