Puzzles and Dragons


Golden Knight of the Realm
Make sure you have a max skill siren... or two!
I would go... Gvalk, Lilith, echidna, siren siren, viper
If you can fit that into your HP requirement I think that would be the best fit...
Yeah that's exactly what I'm going with. I don't really think that the Valk team has an HP requirement. Since you're getting so much recovery by leveling up as well, I'm just pumping all the levels I can into them. I have one max Siren, my goal is to max the other before Hera rolls up. Problem is, I am bouncing around from dungeon to dungeon trying to farm marine goblins and having no luck getting the fuckers to drop, let alone skill me up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Chain running master on my old third account... 7065 HP... Red ripper leader, even have a king sapphire dragon on that team and anubis helper and I can clear it without much trouble...
Is this cheating with Anubis and automatch? I've never tried to just maximum number of combos on tri-color but I think think I'd come near getting 10 regularly even so. I'm kind of terrible. I also really want automatch for Android.

Problem is, I am bouncing around from dungeon to dungeon trying to farm marine goblins and having no luck getting the fuckers to drop, let alone skill me up.
Sea Cave Mercury goes 1.5x drops tomorrow.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Sea Cave Mercury goes 1.5x drops tomorrow.
Yeah don't I know it, same day I wanted to farm plants to get rid of some jewel dragons


Nah, not using automatch anymore... not enough control. That appstore app I listed above was useful, that and watching automatch for a while really changed the way I look at the board.

I went from averaging 5 combos to averaging 7-8 on regular dungeons... averaging 10 on tricolor except on the boss :p


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Finished my master run while at lunch, of course no drop. Not looking forward that again. Think I'll drop the StE for Abyss Neptune, and Echidna for something else blue or a green ripper.


Trakanon Raider
Jewel Dragons today...

Ok, lets farm a bit. Grind grind grind grind.

Alrighty lets feed this level 5 5* Ceres a set of 5 king emerald dragons.

SUPER 2.0x!!!!

Boom 825000 xp. Maxing the Ceres from level 5 to 50 in 1 feeding. (700kish is max level for the 5* gods)

Saw I have 2 pal rolls so decided to spin the wheel...Super King Gold Dragon and Super Metal King Dragon.

Slowly put the ipad down and walk away. Nothing else is going to come close to beating the past 5 minutes for pure awesome.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Jewel Dragons today...

Ok, lets farm a bit. Grind grind grind grind.

Alrighty lets feed this level 5 5* Ceres a set of 5 king emerald dragons.

SUPER 2.0x!!!!

Boom 825000 xp. Maxing the Ceres from level 5 to 50 in 1 feeding. (700kish is max level for the 5* gods)

Saw I have 2 pal rolls so decided to spin the wheel...Super King Gold Dragon and Super Metal King Dragon.

Slowly put the ipad down and walk away. Nothing else is going to come close to beating the past 5 minutes for pure awesome.
Pulled 11 times today. Best roll was a light sprite. Damn 1%ers.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Jewel Dragons today...

Ok, lets farm a bit. Grind grind grind grind.

Alrighty lets feed this level 5 5* Ceres a set of 5 king emerald dragons.

SUPER 2.0x!!!!

Boom 825000 xp. Maxing the Ceres from level 5 to 50 in 1 feeding. (700kish is max level for the 5* gods)

Saw I have 2 pal rolls so decided to spin the wheel...Super King Gold Dragon and Super Metal King Dragon.

Slowly put the ipad down and walk away. Nothing else is going to come close to beating the past 5 minutes for pure awesome.
Most impressive part - getting 5 kings. I usually blow my whole stamina bar to get 1 or 2.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Got my succubus finally, so now I can put Dark Skydragon down.

Now on to the tedious task of farming evolve mats for all this shit I've acquired, in addition to plants and goblins tomorrow to try to finish up my Siren (think she's at 7 turns now, but no reason not to cap it out).

Sorrows...out of curiosity, how much cash have you dumped into this game? Not judging, just curious what kind of investment gets you to the point you're at.


Trakanon Raider
5 turn siren is awesome, as soon as I finish a few more of my evolves I'm going to work on maxing the second mermaid i looted.


Trakanon Raider
What's the exact xp out of emerald dragon hunt? Trying to see how to spend my stamina to get 5 or 6 runs, but puzzledragonx doesn't have the xp value, isn't it like 1,050?


Golden Knight of the Realm
What's the exact xp out of emerald dragon hunt? Trying to see how to spend my stamina to get 5 or 6 runs, but puzzledragonx doesn't have the xp value, isn't it like 1,050?
I believe it's minimum of 1000, but it depends on how many king rounds you get or something like that? Exp values are not always exactly the same.

Edit: Here's the horrible translation from the Dungeon Exp/Stam ratio spreadsheet for emerald dragon hunt:

Chibi ? ? number of 50 + 150 + High King ? 250 (900 minimum)

My guess is this means small dragons = 50, high dragons = 150, kings = 250 (900 min)


Trakanon Raider
Sorrows...out of curiosity, how much cash have you dumped into this game? Not judging, just curious what kind of investment gets you to the point you're at.
I've purchased 3 sets of 85 stones at $60 and 4 sets of 30 stones at $22 according to my CC statement. So I've wasted about $250 since January. I know it seems insane to most but I've had multiple weeks of solid entertainment on the go. I probably wouldn't have spent anywhere close to that much on a silly mobile game but with my girlfriend in the hospital for cancer surgery and multiple hour+ long doctors visits I freely spend stones for stamina refills. She's home now recovering but we still spend a few hours a week at various doctors for checkups.

On the flip side I haven't spent a fucking dime on Steam since Christmas and I usually would blow $100 a month on picking up new games.

I am completely finished with rolling on the rare egg machine until new monsters are released. I got extremely lucky by only rolling during godfests and pulling all the specific gods I wanted. Your mileage may vary.


Trakanon Raider
I believe it's minimum of 1000, but it depends on how many king rounds you get or something like that? Exp values are not always exactly the same.
I'll be 180XP from level - assuming 3 900 xp runs, I think I'll be ok. but wouldn't that be a bitch. Thanks.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I don't think it is a minimum of 1000...I've seen 950 before. It seems to vary by what you encounter and maybe what you collect, as well. I know I've had two very similar rounds (ie, all small dragons) where I got a high on the last round in one and a normal on the last round on the other and they had different exp values (I think 950 and 1000).


Trakanon Raider
Most impressive part - getting 5 kings. I usually blow my whole stamina bar to get 1 or 2.
I had 60ish stamina when the event started, that was 3 runs. A full stamina bar is 105 sta for me. I refilled twice to keep chain farming.
Ended up with 12 kings, 7 of the medium version, and a bunch of little shits out of 13 runs in an hour. Pretty much par for the course on 2x king drops. This is how I speed level my gods.

We get so many free stones with all these events and I've cleared out every single dungeon in normal/technical for the first time clear bonus. I just keep knocking out any special dungeons that pop for more stones as well.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Meanwhile I'm throwing together a mostly green team and entering the Ancient Fire Dragon master. Fucking idiot... it's like the 3rd time I've done that while barely paying attention to what I'm doing. Oh well, I was mainly doing it for rollover xp anyway since I'm 1k from ranking up.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Meanwhile I'm throwing together a mostly green team and entering the Ancient Fire Dragon master. Fucking idiot... it's like the 3rd time I've done
On my already slow killing Odin team I brought 2 dark guys and an Amat in on ancient fire dragon and it's tri-color no light/dark orbing ass. Had Odin, a blue demon chick, and a red dragon for damage. Lucky it was only adept.


Trakanon Raider
Meanwhile I'm throwing together a mostly green team and entering the Ancient Fire Dragon master. Fucking idiot... it's like the 3rd time I've done that while barely paying attention to what I'm doing. Oh well, I was mainly doing it for rollover xp anyway since I'm 1k from ranking up.
I went into a master level the other day with just my odin and a drall ally. No subs...

I just cancelled the dungeon and turned off my ipad. Decided to just drink a beer on the porch in shame.