Puzzles and Dragons


<WoW Guild Officer>
What do you guys do to set/reset your leader (do you have to enter a dungeon, log out and back in or what)? I haven't ever tested it so I've just been going of my assumptions on how it works.
I change to the leader that's desired, change a few other members of the team, save the line up, exit to title, kill the app, then restart it. If I have time or am feeling nice I'll double check it on my other phone/account.


Trakanon Raider
I'm really enjoying this tricolor whiskey dungeon.

It is just fun to do. The moltras are great exp feeder material too.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I change to the leader that's desired, change a few other members of the team, save the line up, exit to title, kill the app, then restart it. If I have time or am feeling nice I'll double check it on my other phone/account.
Thanks. The leader of the last team configuration you modified is always the one shared after you restart the app? Otherwise, it would be the last one you entered a dungeon with?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Thanks. The leader of the last team configuration you modified is always the one shared after you restart the app? Otherwise, it would be the last one you entered a dungeon with?
I think it's the team you exit the screen on, otherwise it's the one you last set as your leader in the dungeon screen


So my last 2Heroes run was my toughest... got down to 1000HP once during vampires... blew through three RK and two heart makers wow.

But I was rewarded with finally getting a highlander.
Now I am doing tricolor master with my alt account... looks like I will win. Went with Red Ripper, Blue ripper, StE, Freyr, Red Starter and Anubis.

Failed to get anubis 3 times getting to the boss... So yes, its entirely possible for anyone with a red ripper or anubis to do this dungeon (none of my monsters were particularly high level or anything... Went in with a team HP of 7147 :p

Dragon dropped... so fuck running that on legendary...

Will be doing similar setup on main account once my stam recovers...

I have a lvl 30 regular anubis if you want to try that setup... otherwise I will switch AMA back out for the next couple hours


From my observations about Leaders... its the last leader you either select and run a dungeon with, or the last leader you exit the edit team with (note you MUST exit the edit team window by clicking any other tab, rather than exiting the app).

Refreshing the leader works one of two ways, the easy way is having that account exit(and close) the application, then log back in.

If you want to use a friend on your list, you can delete your friend list (I forget which data file it is...) and you will redownload it and everyone will be usable. (you do not get an extra 10PAL points for using the person again.


Second run through on master on alt account...
Missed: 8 X10 (2x rounds 1-9, rest on the boss)
almost died on round 5 with one double strike took 2 rounds to kill
One shotted Echidna
Finished round 10 in 16 turns...

So 28 turns from start to finish.

Almost certain my team just isnt high enough level to deal with legend, so not going to bother, but looking ahead at the other ancient dragon fights... blue looks super fun. Or super fast at least... if it takes you more than 6 turns, you die :p

Blue has super high armor (403336) but low HP (37206)... Looks like I am bringing a lvl 77+ sea diety abyss neptune along... (1241 attack requirement). He does not have the same ability as the others... you can poison him and delay him... so High level Neptune + Anubis leader with echidna sub and not sure what else just yet to fill in the rest.

Green is pretty straightforward 6612(after 50% reduction special attack) 5511 Regular attack on 2 turn timer... Yawn. Round 5 is tougher than him.

Also, the ancient RBG dragons have a 9 turn (5 at max) 25,000 dmg AE rip. Biggest downside is: 60 teamcost! Not sure where the Dark and Light versions come from...

Hrm... Hera will be a cakewalk, the other 2 Wheat? Dragons should be too. That leaves one cycle of mechdragons (on legendary or master or whatever), "legendary" dragons (easy...), Valk Dungeon, and Zues as the special dungeons I havent 0 stoned. Whats after that?


In case anyone was wondering, you can transfer your current dungeon state from one device to another mid dungeon...

Though I am not sure what happens when you finish both... but I can now PERSONALLY confirm that kill order, damage, turns etc etc do not effect drops at all. I did 9 rounds on 3 devices... all with the same exact drops and monster configurations AND starting turn delays.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Been chaining expert/master dark skydragon (depending on available healers), gotten 3 skydragons now, still no succubus.

Fed 2 to the other, think I got any skillups for super skydragon? Fuck no.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I'm sure this is something already out there, but I thought it up on my own and I want opinions=P

Golem counter attack/Resolve team: Would this be amazing? RGB golems have 25% chance of counter for 10x the damage taken, Light/Dark are 50% chance of 5x. These guys all have 5kish HP maxed out. Gigas has 3150 in 2nd form, 6100 in 3rd BUT the -500RCV might be prohibitive. Viper Orochi is 3kish.

So what I'm thinking for a team somewhere down the line: Golem/StE/StE/StE/Echidna/Big Gigas

You'd have 16k HP or so, meaning a resolve triggering hit will counter attack for 80 or 160k. Or an average of 40k per round.
You'd have ~2k RCV with the big negative from Gigas and you'll need to recover 11k or so HP to get back to resolve range. You'd need like 3x 3 heal orbs plus some other matches to manage that. Even with the 3 StE that's gonna be tight on any every round hitting fight.

A low HP Viper would make this significantly easier, though you'd be countering for more like 55k/110k. But you'd only need to heal ~6k HP.

Main idea is you have the survivability of Resolve combined with decent damage. And you focus almost entirely on healing and let the counter do the work.

Do the counterattacks consider resists/weaknesses? I know when I've seen counters on dragons it was 1 damage, but there's some weird coding with them so not sure how it translates. And if the counter does weaknesses you can double the listed damage if you bring the right golem.

Hmmm, well it's a pipe dream right now considering my current collection of zero Sirens with zero skill ups.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Okay, so I'm trying to work out a Zombie team for Hera. Iirc, Sorrow's Ama has >800RCV, so that would heal 4k per turn. She also has at least 2321hp, and possibly more from +eggs, so I'll guess 2500hp. I have an ogre which is 70% resolve, which means I have 5700hp to work with, minus the Ama, leaving me with around 3200. Subtract the 120 for the ogre, and I am at 3080. LWoTN is a must, so that is another 833hp (currently, but I have 4 king metal I could pump her up with). That leaves me with 2247 and 3 spots. I do have a holy skyragon with 560atk and 435hp--and a few king gold dragons I could pump him up with. I also have 1 light chimera that will be evolved and around level 28 by that time, which would mean another 523 HP.

So, that leaves me with one spot at a maximum of 1289hp. The questions are: should I ditch the skydragon in favor of attempting to get another chimera? Should I bump my lillith up with the metal dragons? Is there a place I could find a harpie devil this late?

I just figured I would add in Echidna, so that is either 808HP or 263HP if I take my unevolved one.


I think the utility of the echidna would trump the extra nuke from whatever else you could put there.

Unless you think you cannot put out more damage in 2 turns than you could with one ability :p


Golden Knight of the Realm
Kick in the face by the dungeon of mask. Just burnt all my stamina on the 10 sta/per to try to get a yellow evolve mask. 0 in 6 runs. I managed to get 14 dark evolve masks, though. Sometimes this game just friggin blows.


Was on my alt account trying for another master whiskey dragon run... 2x double strike on one turn timer for round 5. Thanks RNG! byebye40stam

I guess thats my fault for not going 75% fire resist ripper/flaredrall...


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I am intrigued by your ideas, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter... (meant for Grimm, had this post sitting here the whole Whiskey Master run)

In other news, sitting at the Dragon on Master and not looking forward to the next hour long chip away. Pretty sure Legend would be easily handleable with a double Lakshmi team or a Blue Noel + Lakshmi. I mean as long as you have over 10k for Alarune, with the abundance of Heal orbs there's no reason you shouldn't regen back 15k HP a round. I mean it is just insane the RCV you can do in this dungeon. Getting through the 10.5M HP of the Legend Dragon though, would rather stab my eye out with a spork.


Golden Knight of the Realm
For Hera I am going to try valk team + viper orochi. My healer girls currently have 5658HP. Add a low level viper and it'd be ~6200 maybe? I'll have to manually heal, but I'll also have around 3k RCV, so any heart match should take me above 50%.


You are forgetting a keypart of the dragon....

After a certain percentage... he will cast this spell almost every turn: - Blaze Ball ( 14265 )

Also do not forget about the Evil slash from the frost and leaf demons at 15000 and 12000 respectively (oh and they are on one turn timers, so they can do that together, every turn... )


For Hera I am going to try valk team + viper orochi. My healer girls currently have 5658HP. Add a low level viper and it'd be ~6200 maybe? I'll have to manually heal, but I'll also have around 3k RCV, so any heart match should take me above 50%.
Make sure you have a max skill siren... or two!
I would go... Gvalk, Lilith, echidna, siren siren, viper
If you can fit that into your HP requirement I think that would be the best fit...


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm just not sure I have the team for Master Whiskey Dragon... I wonder if I can power through it with GOdin and AmatO?


Well... there is a ton of stuff that has one turn timers... which means that Godin isnt going to be as useful as a Red Ripper... Though I imagine with a strong team you could... Just realize that godin could epicly fail on round 5. 2 things both with double strike :p

Chain running master on my old third account... 7065 HP... Red ripper leader, even have a king sapphire dragon on that team and anubis helper and I can clear it without much trouble...

Something that really helped me with my game..
????? for ????

Japanese app, take a picture of your current gameboard and it shows you the best path to take...
Really helps you improve your spatial awareness and increase your comboing skills