Racism - Lets keep it civil. Also, Gravy is white.

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
To me, that's really what's most important about this debate. At the end of the day, people should be treated as individuals, fundamentally, and judged based on the merits of their own character. That's sort of my hippy libertarian sort of world view and always has been.
That being said, things like national governments don't have the luxury of treating everyone as an individual so we should probably just make being black illegal to secure the existence of our people and a future for White Children.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
You might be able to determine the range of maximums and minimums possible to be achieved, but the actual physiological outcome is going to depend on environment. I could probably jump 6 feet had I spent most of my life running and jumping and exercising my legs and muscles enough to support that, but since I've spent most of my life in academia and sitting around reading and playing video games and arguing stupid bullshit on the internet, seriously doubt I'm going to be jumping 6 feet vertical any time soon, you dig?
72" is not attainable by humans, ~45" is pretty much the softcap.

But your point is very true. However there are some strong genetics at play with someone's max vert. I picked it because unlike say, the 40yd dash or benchpress someone in 'good' shape will not improve their vertical leap that much if they achieved their physical peak.

If you had a way to grossly estimate the fast-twitch muscle density of an individual to the point where you could predict with a medium level of certainty what their vertical leap would be at peak physical condition, you'd have something very interesting.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I don't seriously think I (or anyone) can jump six feet, I was just making a general example.

I would disagree that max vertical jump height is heavily genetically dependent, but I'm open to evidence to the contrary.

In about two seconds of google I found this (just for shits and giggles, I don't claim this citation is giving remotely a full picture of the situation)

Prediction of Vertical Jump Height from Anthropometric Factors in Male and Female Martial Arts Athletes


Body fat % has a significant negative relationship with vertical jump height (P < 0.001). The effect of gender is significant (P < 0.001): on average, males jumped 26% higher than females did.


Vertical jump height of martial arts athletes can be predicted by body fat %. The vertical jump for male is higher than for their female counterparts. Reducing body fat by proper dietary planning will help to improve leg power.
But I agree, if we had ways to measure (any) phenotypes with a high level of precision based on genetic data, the person who invents that methodology will be a billionaire in a very very short period of time, and the implications are profound for all sorts of arenas, including sports, but certainly not limited to just sports.

The military would love, I'm sure, to get its hands on that sort of thing.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So Hodj in simple terms what your saying is there are no races, only the Human race with minor variations due to local effects and DNA's plasticity? If so that makes sense to me.

Edit: Guess I should have moved on to the next page where you explicitly showed pictures from the book that says basically that. Ugh.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
So Hodj in simple terms what your saying is there are no races, only the Human race with minor variations due to local effects and DNA's plasticity? If so that makes sense to me.

Edit: Guess I should have moved on to the next page where you explicitly showed pictures from the book that says basically that. Ugh.
When we're looking at it from a materialist and biological standpoint, yes, pretty much exactly that.

As a sociological and cultural phenomena, race certainly exists as a powerful myth. In that way its comparable to religious beliefs in some ways, and in fact, the concept of races began in part as an offshoot of European religious beliefs, which was another part of my paper on the subject of race, and that others have tackled directly as well. In this book

Anthropology of Race: Genes, Biology, and Culture (School for Advanced Research Advanced Seminar Series): John Hartigan, Ron Eglash, Clarence C. Gravlee, Linda M. Hunt, Christopher W. Kuzawa, Jeffrey C. Long, Pamela L. Sankar, Sandra Soo-Jin Lee, Zaneta M. Thayer, Nicole Truesdell: 9781934691991: Amazon.com: Books

There's a really good chapter titled "Racial Concepts in Genetics Research" that gives a very in depth overview of how certain Christian views of the origins of the world continue to perpetuate themselves, even in research paradigms in genetics (Mitochondrial Eve and Y-Chromosome Adam are two quick and handy examples of how even the imagery of these myths continue to influence genetics research in the modern age) that really digs into the mythological foundations of race concepts in European/Western culture.

Of course, Europeans have exported the concept, and these sorts of taxonomic mythologies have perpetuated globally now. The Rwandan Genocide between Hutus and Tutsis is an example of how folk taxonomies (to use the term found in Fish's book) catch on and are then used to justify conflicts and such elsewhere around the globe. The Tutsis, according to one theory, are supposedly migrants to the region from the Horn of Africa. This theory is promoted mostly by people who believe in the Hamitic theory (literally from the Biblical Ham, son of Noah who saw his nakedness and was cursed) and therefore believe that the Tutsis are foreigners in Rwanda, thus "justifying" their extermination during the Civil War in that nation. Hamitic theory basically says that "Black Europeans" migrated into the interior of Africa, conquered the peoples found there, and introduced civilization.

Genetic evidence seems to indicate the Tutsis are 3 times more related genetically to populations in the Nilo-Saharan region than the Hutus, which are known to be descendents of the Bantu agriculturalists in the region! Further, the Tutsis are demonstrated to have little to no direct relation to North Eastern Africa in the paternal lineage. Ultimately, gene flow between the two populations over time means that they're genetically related quite strongly, regardless their origins. Genetically speaking, they both share very strong linkages with other local Bantu populations.

While conflict between these two groups probably has roots in the pre Colonial era, the Hamitic theory of the European colonizers was used to justify divisions between Hutu and Tutsi along economic and racial lines, which led to further entrenchment of that conflict, as the Hutus, if I remember correctly, were subjugated during this time to the Tutsis. So once the European colonizers picked up and left (If I remember correctly they were German), these social divisions flared, and that's pretty much how you got the Rwandan genocide.

Oh I just remembered, another really good, very recent, book on Race Mythology is Robert Wald Sussman's "The Myth of Race" which also includes a very in depth break down of the European Christian origins of most race mythology.

That's probably the most accessible title to the layman on the subject

The Myth of Race: The Troubling Persistence of an Unscientific Idea: Robert Wald Sussman: 9780674417311: Amazon.com: Books


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Belgians took over after WW1 until the 60s.
I actually thought that was the case but wasn't able to confirm it when I was writing the post and making sure I was getting the information correct, so I left it out. Thanks for that reminder.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Not sure what you're talking about, evolution is 100% appropriate to this thread. And Hodj would probably have a lot to contribute on that front.
This is what i was talking about BTW

I'm also locking this thread if hodj posts more than 200 words in it. If he hits his limit in 3 or less posts he gets shawed for a week.

I'm also not counting words so I'll be going on feels data.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Draegans silly. We had a good convo in here and there was no heavy trolling, no serious shitposting, etc.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've just read several of the past pages on blacks being athletic and come to the conclusion that we are thinking to narrowly. There are more factors that go into picking a basketball player then just athletic skill and there are even more factors that determine someone 20 something athletic skill then race.

Pro sports is about making money and blacks spend money on sports but not only blacks but whites and other races also. It's partly a popularity contest.

Athletically speaking most blacks from the past generations had fewer forms of entertainment outside of physical activities. There is simply no way this doesn't lead to advanced athletic skill when they get older. A community driven by physical activity is as much a factor in creating great athletes as a society driven on education is to creating smart children (Asians).


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
I guess this is only tangentially related, but I am interested in reading up on tribalism and its affect on culture, mostly to sharpen my arguments with both the tea baggers and SJWs in my life. Any recommendations for good reads on that subject?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
People don't like things that are different from them, what's there to understand?


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
I guess this is only tangentially related, but I am interested in reading up on tribalism and its affect on culture, mostly to sharpen my arguments with both the tea baggers and SJWs in my life. Any recommendations for good reads on that subject?
Start by googling topics like in group/out group bias, theres like 30 million hits on the topic straight out, including academic sources, wikipedia, etc.

in group out group bias - Google Search


<Prior Amod>
So I still talk to SJW guy, who inspired the creation of this thread. He got mad at me today because I disagreed with him that there's no such thing as racism against white people. In response I posted a picture on his timeline and we started talking about it until again, he ran away from it when I felt I was making a valid point.

Am I wrong here? I ask because I'm always trying to better my own understanding as well.





scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
So a guy on your facebook thinks white people can't have racism directed at them, and anything white people do is racist. Thanks for the update.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
In this age of self identifying, there's no reason for anyone to not enjoy "white privilege". If they don't it's basically self flagellation. I recently started calling myself white. I expect to be called into my boss's office soon and either get a raise, or get fired since I no longer qualify as a token.