Racism - Lets keep it civil. Also, Gravy is white.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I don't like reading Hodj posts so I didn't but I have heard it explained that because everyone came from Africa and all other races are an off-shoot of that, Africa is the most genetically diverse part of the world and as a result has produced more outliers. Yes the fastest runner in the world is likely to be black, but so is the slowest runner. We don't have contests to evaluate who the slowest runner in the world is, so people tend to think that black people are only exceptional on the good side of the ledger.
I doubt there is any data to back up that the average athleticism is equal amongst the African, European and Asian races so that just sounds like speculation. But if there is I'd be interested in seeing it.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Bridging the gap between professional-knowledge and layman questions of "Can science explain why Samoans are 56 times more likely to be in the NFL than the average population?" is harder than it sounds but it seems like Hodj isn't even making the effort and instead trying to front as much he can since no one can call his bullshit.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Bridging the gap between professional-knowledge and layman questions of "Can science explain why Samoans are 56 times more likely to be in the NFL than the average population?" is harder than it sounds but it seems like Hodj isn't even making the effort and instead trying to front as much he can since no one can call his bullshit.
Tuco has given you all permission to troll this issue ruthlessly, so enjoy I guess.

The layman's question is "I can see phenotypic variation, so why isn't race real?" and the answer is "Because phenotypes are plastic to the environment, the determination of racial classification is FST values at the genetic level, and the human populations do not rise to the levels that variation in other species rise to to justify classifying them as subspecies". I actually have explained that. But I don't expect people to get it because I don't expect most people to have ever even HEARD of the fixation index previously.

I doubt there is any data to back up that the average athleticism is equal amongst the African, European and Asian races so that just sounds like speculation. But if there is I'd be interested in seeing it.
No one is saying that. I'm saying athleticism is a phenotypic measurement that is irrelevant to the discussion entirely.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The vast majority of the NFL is black. Is that also due to pavement? I suck at sports. I'm white. Coincidence?!


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Blacks are more naturally athletically gifted. Are we really trying to pretend like they are not? Now don't get me wrong I don't think natural athleticism is really an indication of better natural selection nor do I think NBA talents really translate well to hunter/gatherer or anything like that but the fact remains blacks (be it African American or African) can generally run longer, run faster and jump higher.
This is an erroneous view. Ill go back to a specific point Hojd mentioned, about the genome diversity in Africa.

Marathon runners are from a very specific region of Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda specifically, a region that has high altitude, and social accepted tradition of long distance running.
Now sprinters are either Jamaicans or Americans, this is because culturally that is because of the sport been supported locally.

These two regions are very far apart, and have a much difference genetic make up. Jamaicans tend to be taller, same as Americans and that translate well to sprints. Lumping them together as black, when they are from completely different regions of the world with completely different social norms and traditions, is missing the point completely.

As a side note, Caucasian males are better at chess because ONLY Caucasian males play chess, not because they have genetic predisposition to it.

Also if you look at the WORLD, the most popular sport (soccer) has a very wide race composition. From Argentinians, Brazilians, Africans and Europeans, The players that are good are all over the world.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Tuco has given you all permission to troll this issue ruthlessly, so enjoy I guess.

The layman's question is "I can see phenotypic variation, so why isn't race real?" and the answer is "Because phenotypes are plastic to the environment, the determination of racial classification is FST values at the genetic level, and the human populations do not rise to the levels that variation in other species rise to to justify classifying them as subspecies". I actually have explained that. But I don't expect people to get it because I don't expect most people to have ever even HEARD of the fixation index previously.

No one is saying that. I'm saying athleticism is a phenotypic measurement that is irrelevant to the discussion entirely.
Wait, before you said I should train my kid on asphalt, now you're saying I should train him on plastic environments? Hodj get your shit together.

Ok sorry I'll stop trolling now. I actually enjoy your posts on this subject.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The question you should be asking is "Why are we using sports as a metric for determining racial variation?"

Why are you?

This is where the original classifications of race based on cranial morphology fell apart upon critical examination. See, we used to attempt to use cranial morphological differences to determine racial classification. That's where the terms Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid originated, based on cranial morphologies.

Then along came Franz Boas and his colleagues, and they demonstrated that cranial morphology was too plastic to the environment, and the whole paradigm came crashing down.

If you're looking at racial classification of human populations, you need to be looking deeper than the skin, deeper than the bones. This is all superficial differences.

I can cut and paste some of my paper on this subject, which includes some extensive citations if you'd like, but I doubt anyone wants to seriously read it.

Wait, before you said I should train my kid on asphalt, now you're saying I should train him on plastic environments? Hodj get your shit together.

Ok sorry I'll stop trolling now. I actually enjoy your posts on this subject.
Okay I laughed at the plastic environments part.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The question you should be asking is "Why are we using sports as a metric for determining racial variation?"

Why are you?
Because people get really upset when you use crime stats.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
This is an erroneous view. Ill go back to a specific point Hojd mentioned, about the genome diversity in Africa.

Marathon runners are from a very specific region of Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda specifically, a region that has high altitude, and social accepted tradition of long distance running.
Now sprinters are either Jamaicans or Americans, this is because culturally that is because of the support locally that the sport has.

These two regions are very far apart, and have a much difference genetic make up. Jamaicans tend to be taller, same as Americans and that translate well to sprints.

Also if you look at the WORLD, the most popular sport (soccer) has a very wide race composition. From Argentinians, Brazilians, Africans and Europeans, The players that are good are all over the world.
But even short distance has a huge African representation. The shortest sprints are obviously held by Bolt (which I don't know if you can extrapolate that entirely to say "Jaimaicans are good sprinters") but Wikipedia says the 800 and above are all world record times by African nations (specifically just Kenya and Ethiopia.)


Molten Core Raider
I'd be curious to see how the bell curve was debunked. I thought it was pretty commonly accepted in academia that races score substantially differently on IQ tests; even tests designed specifically to be non-biased. I thought the debate had moved on to why this is so.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>


Molten Core Raider
Or SAT scores
Well, I can kinda grasp the idea that the SAT is biased towards upbringing/education... basically all the preparatory work. I thought the Bell Curve used a distinctly non-biased test; no language involved... I dunno, I remember someone on this forum linking a chart that showed blacks from households making in excess of 200k score on par with whites from households below the poverty line, and whites from every bracket higher scoring higher than the wealthiest blacks. I don't know how valid of a chart it was; I think maybe it was you Cad, asking if this is so and the person you were asking didn't respond.

I'm curious what the counter-argument is to this: my understanding is that income is a predictor for success re: SAT scores so why do we see the gap even with a hugely "unfair" income gap between a poor white family and an upper class black family?


<Prior Amod>
A quick update to my OP...

Said guy on Facebook decided to give up his crusade for now when two other people who usually post things agreeing with him, sided with me. Now he's picked up the "Support Planned Parenthood" crusade. Which, whatever.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Kenya is high, cultural pressure to run distance and be good at it = quick expression of features conductive to distance running.

Blacks, we bred them like dogs for a century+? for physical labor, so they should have better than average performance in sports etc. You won't find the same guys in Africa (with the same frequency) as you do in rural a Alabama and Florida.

Slanted eyes was either sexual or environmental, and just because the same environmental pressures were in two places, doesn't mean the same gene would mutate.

Euros have caveman. Had a few hundred years of white being a status symbol (like distance running in Kenya). So it became expressed.

There are going to be white guys that physically dominate (jj watt) and black dudes that are brilliant (mathematician in Africa iirc that is so brilliant puerile don't even understand wtf he wrote). Just because there are tendencies does not mean they are laws without exception.

To what Hodj had said, would be really interesting to see humans raised on different planets, to see the true extent of how plastic or development is.

Edit for phone auto corrects