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I did get hassled by a cop once now that I think about it. My car died like a week after I moved to California right out of college and rather than going into debt immediately after starting a new job I bought this shitty old Ford pickup for $3000 and drove that until I got a bit more established and saved up a few bucks. The speedometer went out in it so I didn't know how fast I was going so I was nervously watching the police car behind me in my rear view mirror and sure enough he pulls me over. I thought I was speeding but he asked me if I had been drinking and said I was "driving a little erratically". I told him the truth that my speedometer was out and I was worried about there being a cop behind me and not knowing how fast I was going. He saw my work badge from (government institution in town with a lot of security and where people usually drive nicer cars than I was driving) and he asked about that and then to see my license and registration. I opened my glove box and there was a box of empty rifle brass in there. He wanted to see that so I handed it to him to check that there were no live rounds in there (not that carrying live rounds is illegal). Then he wanted to know if there was a gun in the car. I told him there wasn't. He told me "I have a friend that works at (previously mentioned government institution) and I don't think they would like you having that brass in there. I wanted to be like "I work there myself and I don't think they care if there is some harmless metal in my glove box" but I just said thanks for the info. Then he asked to search the car for guns. I consented and got out of the car. It only takes 13 seconds to search a standard cab pickup, he basically looked behind and under the seat, then told me to get my speedometer fixed and sent me on my way.
That's a pretty boring story but TL/DR is that I did nothing wrong but I had a combination of things that made the cop think he should check me out. Basically I got profiled but I doubt my race was a factor. If I was black it might have been depending on the cop.
That's a pretty boring story but TL/DR is that I did nothing wrong but I had a combination of things that made the cop think he should check me out. Basically I got profiled but I doubt my race was a factor. If I was black it might have been depending on the cop.