Racism - Lets keep it civil. Also, Gravy is white.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Ok...I am clearly fuckin this up.

My boss= Old white dude. 10 old white guys as candidates.
My bosses boss = old white dude. 10 old white guys as candidates.
Me = old black dude. 10 black dudes as candidates.

We need to bring in qualified people fast.

My boss brings in old white guys.
My bosses boss brings in old white guys.
I bring in old black guys.

If I was not an old black guy then there is almost no chance my buds who are black would even apply and be considered no? Most times MY position is...an old white guy! That 33% chance of 10 black guys being looked at just becomes another 10 old white guys. Makes sense?

Since chances are there is no Brahma at said company, IMO you need AA to at least get the look at people who aren't old white guys. Is this 100% accurate? Of course not...but I think you get my gist.

As to why my qualified friend would would have not gotten an interview, it's the good ol' boy network (which I am a part of now) in IT that I see prevailing most times for new hires. OR I see them hiring under qualified under paid Indians.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
So, your friends got interviews because they had connections with a guy in the industry who recommended them not on the basis of race but because he knew them and knew their work and thought they were qualified and would do a good job, unfortunately some rock star guy got the job. But we need AA because of this?
Take the rock star guy out. Take me being black out. All being equal, who gets hired in your opinion?


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Take the rock star guy out. Take me being black out. All being equal, who gets hired in your opinion?
I have no idea. I've only ever done technical interviews and I've never even had a black applicant as far as I know. If I interviewed a bunch of people I'd probably hire the one I thought was the most intelligent and could learn the job and contribute meaningfully, if thats the black dude, wtf do I care? I don't go to lunch with people at work much anyway.

If you just want to assume everyone is racist because they brought in white candidates because thats who they know, then of course you'll assume they'll hire the white candidate. Hell, it's more likely they hire the people they know if they are the ones making the decision becausethey know them.But if you want to see racism, you'll see racism.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
NO! No man I am 100% not saying they are racist. Please no. I am saying exactly what you bolded man! They hire who is in their circle.


what Suineg set it to
I'm pretty sure using AA directly at a private company is illegal? Unless against white people of course.

I thought these companies with diversity quotas still can't outright tell a dude sorry you were the most qualified but we didn't hire you because you were a white male.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I find in engineering we worry less about racism and more about sexism. Females are so hard to come by
This. When I was an engineer and a woman came in to interview I always thought "well, she's hired" and I was usually right. Then they generally got put into a program we had where the company puts you through grad school without even having to work there (this program was only available to women and minorities) and they would serve their minimum 2 years after graduation and then move on to some higher paying company that is also desperate to hire female engineers. I always have a hard time with the "women only make 76 cents on the dollar" thing as proof of discrimination when we pretty much begged female engineers to take advantage of us and still couldn't get them to be over about 6% of the work force at any given time.


what Suineg set it to
It helps to hire outside those circles is all.
OK to clarify Cad's point exactly what part of AA assisted you in this exact case? You just decided to interview black people to meet your own idea of a quota (if I'm reading that correctly). That's not AA.


I'm lost. Also, 3/4 of those names, I have no clue what race the person is. With one of them I'd expect a woman, not an old black dude.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
OK to clarify Cad's point exactly what part of AA assisted you in this exact case? You just decided to interview black people to meet your own idea of a quota (if I'm reading that correctly). That's not AA.
In this example none. We didn't expect a guy this overqualified to fall in our lap. If this gentleman was off the table, my buddy would have more than likely been the best candidate. He also more than likely would have not been interviewed, because he would not have an in. AA IMO, may have provided him the opportunity for the interview at least. I feel confident that he would be the hire if given that opportunity and the super star did not walk thru that door.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Just for clarity, would they not have gotten an interview because they are underqualified or because of racism?
It's because they were only bringing in people they knew. If not for brahama being there they wouldn't have been given a look no matter what race they were. If he's making an argument for AA its that it's needed to get that first black dude in so he can start getting his friends considered for jobs.

BTW Brahma, I think the problem is you if you're not comfortable with the guy behind you. I've never been uncomfortable with people who had different backgrounds. In fact, that might even make me more comfortable because it gives us something to talk about. I work with a lot of indians right now (dot not feather) and when I'm bored at work I can learn about cricket, or their languages, or hinduism. All kinds of shit. BTW, I was surprised at how racists indians are. The light skinned indians think the dark skinned indians are lazy and liars.

I find in engineering we worry less about racism and more about sexism.Females are so hard to come by
There's a nerd joke in there somewhere, but it'll get me fired for harassment.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
In this example none. We didn't expect a guy this overqualified to fall in our lap. If this gentleman was off the table, my buddy would have more than likely been the best candidate. He also more than likely would have not been interviewed, because he would not have an in. AA IMO, may have provided him the opportunity for the interview at least. I feel confident that he would be the hire if given that opportunity and the super star did not walk thru that door.
So then the question is, does your friend have "ins" at other places? If so, why does he need a special in at your place via AA? If he doesn't have friends at other places, despite being well qualified and doing good work, why not?


So then the question is, does your friend have "ins" at other places? If so, why does he need a special in at your place via AA? If he doesn't have friends at other places, despite being well qualified and doing good work, why not?
Because he's a dude and his name is Sali, or his name is Michael, so people assume he's black and throw is resume in the trash?


Well known agitator
<Silver Donator>
I had no idea Michael was a black name.
I imagine the 90's was a good time for that name

Excellence is my presence, never tense
Never hesitant, leave a Wakandan bent real quick
Real sick, brawl nights, I perform like Mike
Anyone -- Tyson, Jordan, Jackson


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
AA was never intended/expected to get people interviews, it was intended to get people jobs.

The problem you are describing of not having your name selected from the pool, for an interview, even when the name is not a stereotypical name is a problem everyone (regardless of race) experiences.