Racism - Lets keep it civil. Also, Gravy is white.


Vyemm Raider
ITT: people think "its who you know" is racist because they typically know people of their same race...

Uber Uberest

<Bronze Donator>
I think in Boston they still do AA on the police and fire exams. The civil services' use to be a ton of white dudes, the blacks weren't smart enough to get high scores so the state gave them so bonus points. Now we have a police and fire force that is more a reflection of the make up of the city.


I think in Boston they still do AA on the police and fire exams. The civil services' use to be a ton of white dudes, the blacks weren't smart enough to get high scores so the state gave them so bonus points. Now we have a police and fire force that is more a reflection of the make up of the city.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
It's because they were only bringing in people they knew. If not for brahama being there they wouldn't have been given a look no matter what race they were. If he's making an argument for AA its that it's needed to get that first black dude in so he can start getting his friends considered for jobs.

BTW Brahma, I think the problem is you if you're not comfortable with the guy behind you. I've never been uncomfortable with people who had different backgrounds. In fact, that might even make me more comfortable because it gives us something to talk about. I work with a lot of indians right now (dot not feather) and when I'm bored at work I can learn about cricket, or their languages, or hinduism. All kinds of shit. BTW, I was surprised at how racists indians are. The light skinned indians think the dark skinned indians are lazy and liars.

There's a nerd joke in there somewhere, but it'll get me fired for harassment.
Thank you Hoss. Jeez I will send you my posts for screening. Though I have zero problems with the guy behind me. He has an issue with me mostly. I don't have his values. I don't hold his beliefs. Not even close. He can't fathom why I don't like Trump, though I am a Republican.

I told him the story about the scar across my neck, and he thinks I am some sort of killing machine. Contrary to belief on this board I am an average sized guy. My 1st impression on people is always bad because of the way I dress and the look on my face when I 1st meet you. He has held that 1st impression of me and never let go. It's crazy. Guess you can't please em all.

I get uncomfortable because I need to always watch what I say, and walk on eggshells around too many people. It sucks.


what Suineg set it to
In this example none. We didn't expect a guy this overqualified to fall in our lap. If this gentleman was off the table, my buddy would have more than likely been the best candidate. He also more than likely would have not been interviewed, because he would not have an in. AA IMO, may have provided him the opportunity for the interview at least. I feel confident that he would be the hire if given that opportunity and the super star did not walk thru that door.
OK but AA would have been you hiring a less qualified (potentially unqualified) black person over the qualified white person. Not interviewing some dudes.

Unless you're saying you were hired despite being less/under qualified because you are black?

I'm not sure where this is going besides infantilizing black people. Breaking up cronyism or nepotism is not the same thing at all as AA. They may run parallel courses but that's not a good thing to fix with AA. You don't want crony black hiring practices any more than you want crony white hiring. Anything that removes meritocracy is a bad thing. It's not ever going to be perfect (IE, pretty people will always get ahead) but I 100% disagree that AA is needed universally. If it was I'd have to actually stop hiring any more black people right now because we're 'over quota' for the region.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
OK but AA would have been you hiring a less qualified (potentially unqualified) black person over the qualified white person. Not interviewing some dudes.

Unless you're saying you were hired despite being less/under qualified because you are black?

I'm not sure where this is going besides infantilizing black people. Breaking up cronyism or nepotism is not the same thing at all as AA. They may run parallel courses but that's not a good thing to fix with AA. You don't want crony black hiring practices any more than you want crony white hiring. Anything that removes meritocracy is a bad thing. It's not ever going to be perfect (IE, pretty people will always get ahead) but I 100% disagree that AA is needed universally. If it was I'd have to actually stop hiring any more black people right now because we're 'over quota' for the region.
I personally don't like AA to hire. That is the intent true. I DO support some sort of AA for the interview process.

Back when I was hired I was absolutely under qualified. I had ZERO experience. I was hired because I was well spoken, young, black and smart.

The nepotism and cronyism needs to be broken somehow. Using AA (or something there about) for allowing people to be looked at is what I see as a decent solution.


what Suineg set it to
I personally don't like AA to hire. That is the intent true. I DO support some sort of AA for the interview process.

Back when I was hired I was absolutely under qualified. I had ZERO experience. I was hired because I was well spoken, young, black and smart.

The nepotism and cronyism needs to be broken somehow. Using AA (or something there about) for allowing people to be looked at is what I see as a decent solution.
I think you're just using AA as a broad term of 'not being racist' to encapsulate some other ideas. AA itself is very specific and is essentially legalized 'soft' racism that was an emergency measure that really should have ended some time ago and as SCOTUS notes it is on the watch list.

What would 'fix' the problem you see is something like a requirement for all employers to review applications/resumes without any names or photographs. I'm not even sure how practical that is but I agree with it in principle.

That said, there's a lot to be said about being well spoken, dressing appropriately and being pleasant. Some people just don't do that well, I'm not sure it's a race thing exactly but a LOT of the younger generations dress like they want a job as a protester to job interviews.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I think the solution to this is simple. Black people need to start going out of their way to make friends with old white dudes that have nice cars.


what Suineg set it to
I think the solution to this is simple. Black people need to start going out of their way to make friends with old white dudes that have nice cars.
That's racist, only whites should have to do that to stand out.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I personally don't like AA to hire. That is the intent true. I DO support some sort of AA for the interview process.

Back when I was hired I was absolutely under qualified. I had ZERO experience. I was hired because I was well spoken, young, black and smart.

The nepotism and cronyism needs to be broken somehow. Using AA (or something there about) for allowing people to be looked at is what I see as a decent solution.
Basically, you like the way the NFL implemented it. Where Denny Green gets to interview for every head coaching job before they hire a white dude.

Thank you Hoss. Jeez I will send you my posts for screening. Though I have zero problems with the guy behind me. He has an issue with me mostly. I don't have his values. I don't hold his beliefs. Not even close. He can't fathom why I don't like Trump, though I am a Republican.
I've never cared about fitting in or what other people thought of me. In nearly every instance people eventually figure out I'm really good and warm up to me. But in the case of that guy, when Trump comes up, start telling him some shit about Trump. Like, did you know Trump raped his wife because the surgeon she recommended to replant his hair hurt him? Did you know when Trump's people filter resumes for him, they put a C on the resumes of black people? What do you suppose the C means? Don't go off on him, just share one uncomfortable fact. Couch it as, Yeah I like what he's saying but ....


The Scientific Shitlord
Thank you Hoss. Jeez I will send you my posts for screening. Though I have zero problems with the guy behind me. He has an issue with me mostly. I don't have his values. I don't hold his beliefs. Not even close. He can't fathom why I don't like Trump, though I am a Republican.

I told him the story about the scar across my neck, and he thinks I am some sort of killing machine. Contrary to belief on this board I am an average sized guy. My 1st impression on people is always bad because of the way I dress and the look on my face when I 1st meet you. He has held that 1st impression of me and never let go. It's crazy. Guess you can't please em all.

I get uncomfortable because I need to always watch what I say, and walk on eggshells around too many people. It sucks.
You can always do what I do, and tell awful work related jokes until you figure out what makes them laugh.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Thank you Hoss. Jeez I will send you my posts for screening. Though I have zero problems with the guy behind me. He has an issue with me mostly. I don't have his values. I don't hold his beliefs. Not even close. He can't fathom why I don't like Trump, though I am a Republican.
Not trying to be adversarial here, but why the fuck are you talking about politics at work? The only values you have that should matter at work are: do you get your work done? Great. I'd wager nobody at my law firm has any clue about my politics or religious views or anything because I never talk about it. If everyone would do the same...

I told him the story about the scar across my neck, and he thinks I am some sort of killing machine. Contrary to belief on this board I am an average sized guy. My 1st impression on people is always bad because of the way I dress and the look on my face when I 1st meet you. He has held that 1st impression of me and never let go. It's crazy. Guess you can't please em all.
How do you dress and what sort of face do you make when you meet people? If it gives a bad first impression, why don't you change that?

I get uncomfortable because I need to always watch what I say, and walk on eggshells around too many people. It sucks.
I mean... do you think white people don't watch what they say?


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Cad is right about politics and religion at work. Where I work, most of us are republican or at least conservative. But even so I don't let political discussions go beyond 1 or 2 sentences. "Who do you like?" or "What do you think about the possibility of a contested convention?"

Religion is a slightly different story. I've had plenty of educational discussions with folks about religion. As long as no one is trying to convert anyone else and both parties are up for a no judgment discussion, there's nothing wrong with it. Even muslims are willing to talk to you without calling you an infidel.

Cad, his point isn't that white people don't have to watch what they say, it's that we all have to watch what we say around people who aren't like us. People who don't have similar backgrounds and experiences. There's too great a chance things will be taken the wrong way.

Personally, I find I need to watch what I say the most around idiots moreso than people of a specific race.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Cad is right about politics and religion at work. Where I work, most of us are republican or at least conservative. But even so I don't let political discussions go beyond 1 or 2 sentences. "Who do you like?" or "What do you think about the possibility of a contested convention?"

Cad, his point isn't that white people don't have to watch what they say, it's that we all have to watch what we say around people who aren't like us. People who don't have similar backgrounds and experiences. There's too great a chance things will be taken the wrong way.

Personally, I find I need to watch what I say the most around idiots moreso than people of a specific race.
I watch what I say at work and in basically all social situations because no matter what you say someone will have a strong yet uneducated opinion about it and I don't need the drama. Which is why online message boards are nice because we can discuss things honestly without the need to protect our real life from dramatic repercussions. Someone who hates trump eggs your house because you put up a Trump sign? Was that worth it? Or someone who plots to get you fired because you're evangelical or an SJW. I just don't need that horseshit even if I think I'm the most reasonable one in the room. I watch what I say because it's just not relevant to the situation. My employer or my clients give no fucks about my view on Mr. Trump or whether or not people should get abortions.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
As non black male I do have to watch out what I say at work all the time. When the story about the white model having an affro broke out. I felt that I couldn't talk about it, why because I don't want to explain to HR, how saying "everyone should wear whatever hairstyle they want" is not insensitive to black people.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
As long as no one is trying to convert anyone else and both parties are up for a no judgment discussion, there's nothing wrong with it.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
There was a white model with an afro? I like how you casually mentioned that as if it was a big story.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I figured you'd be disbelieving of the part where there are reasonable muslims. Really, you don't think there are non evangelical hindus?