Racism - Lets keep it civil. Also, Gravy is white.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Cigarette smokers are some of the nicest motherfuckers out there. Never seen anyone turn down someone wanting to bum one unless the person was an habitual bummer of smokes. I don't understand why libtards want you all to die off. You're like everyday santa clauses. A shining beacon of the generosity that defines our country.

I wonder if that's how it is in europe and other lesser locales.


what Suineg set it to
Cigarette smokers are some of the nicest motherfuckers out there. Never seen anyone turn down someone wanting to bum one unless the person was an habitual bummer of smokes. I don't understand why libtards want you all to die off. You're like everyday santa clauses. A shining beacon of the generosity that defines our country.

I wonder if that's how it is in europe and other lesser locales.
Not to derail, but I was ruined on anything positive about cigarette people very young when everyone at work who smoked got extra breaks because "they just had to smoke, it's like an addiction" and I didn't. They do nothing but whine at work now about not having enough breaks because they 'have a nic fit'. It's a self-inflicted disability for the majority of them.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
I have known people who didn't smoke but still went out with the smokers on every smoke break just because they thought they should get a break too. I preferred to just goof off at my desk rather than go outside and watch somebody smoke a cigarette.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
That's what I was going to say. When I worked with more smokers, I'd go out with them about half the time. The other half I'd look up porn while no one else was around.

I mean, of all the shit to be mad at smokers over, that one is pretty dumb. It's more like you're mad at yourself for not handling it correctly.


what Suineg set it to
That's what I was going to say. When I worked with more smokers, I'd go out with them about half the time. The other half I'd look up porn while no one else was around.

I mean, of all the shit to be mad at smokers over, that one is pretty dumb. It's more like you're mad at yourself for not handling it correctly.
As an impressionable teenager, the manager wouldn't let us take breaks unless it was for the bathroom or smoking. I can't say anything about my negative disposition has changed as an adult. Maybe 1/5 of smokers are not obnoxious about it.

"Can I take a break to smoke?" No, manage your addictions outside of work.
"Can I smoke on your porch?" That's what the sidewalk is for.
"But it's raining!" Guess you shouldn't smoke.
"Can I smoke in your car?" Get out.

The only good news is I hate vapers more, so there could be a renaissance as most of the shitty smokers have now converted to assholes who blow vaporized chemical blueberries into your face.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
How the fuck is it "racist" to say a lot of blacks like newports or menthols? It might be stupidly generalizing, but racism implies inferiority somehow.. it doesn't make you inferior to like a particular brand of cigs. Fucking guys...


what Suineg set it to
How the fuck is it "racist" to say a lot of blacks like newports or menthols? It might be stupidly generalizing, but racism implies inferiority somehow.. it doesn't make you inferior to like a particular brand of cigs. Fucking guys...
Neuracism. Can't you FEEEEEL the hurt?


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The same way it's racist to assume a black likes watermelon or Timberlands. You're making an assumption based on race. I don't agree with it because I think the label racist should be reserved for supremacist or haters but if you go around assuming black people like xx based on your experience or statistics you're going to have a bad time.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When I was in the Marine Corps and most of my shop would head out to the smoke pit I went to the computer and played mine sweeper or solitaire. When asked wtf I was doing I just replied with non-smokers smoke break. Pissed them off but couldn't really do much.

A quick Google search shows about 75% of African American smokers prefer menthol. So I wouldn't call that a racist statement but generally true.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
When I was in the Marine Corps and most of my shop would head out to the smoke pit I went to the computer and played mine sweeper or solitaire. When asked wtf I was doing I just replied with non-smokers smoke break. Pissed them off but couldn't really do much.
I had to deal with this both in the Army as well as in Iraq as a contractor. I'd end up working almost without breaks while the smokers would take as much time off as they could get away with. In the Army I started going to the smoking area with them until our MSG told me to get back to work while they kept smoking. But he started cracking down on the 15m smoke breaks every hour after that so I couldn't complain too much.

In Iraq we had a few shade-flys set up and people would go to one, smoke there for 10m, then go to another area and smoke there for 10m, rinse and repeatFOR HOURS. I finally had enough when my supervisor came up to me, started pestering me about when I would be finished with my job because he wanted to then give me the work that the smokers had already started. At the time we had a lot of work backed up and I was busting my ass, only for me to get needled that I needed to work faster while almost everyone else was AFK for hours at a time. When I finally said enough was enough and asked him why he was just dumping more work on me instead of going to track the slacker smokers down, he just matter-of-factly looked at me and said"because I know you'll get it done". I took a breather, calmed down and decided just to do my work and if our section got more and more behind, it was going to be my supervisor having to answer to his supervisor about why the backlog was growing exponentially and other people's projects were taking an inordinate amount of time. And eventually things did come to a head and that supervisor had to start chasing the smokers down every day. It was just kind of shitty that they let things get to that point in the first place (I honestly think that guy didn't want to leave the A/C in the office just to chase people down in Iraq and hoped I'd kill myself to pick up the slack).


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The same way it's racist to assume a black likes watermelon or Timberlands. You're making an assumption based on race. I don't agree with it because I think the label racist should be reserved for supremacist or haters but if you go around assuming black people like xx based on your experience or statistics you're going to have a bad time.
Thats just because the new thing is to think anything you say or do to any minority or "oppressed group" (such as females, even though they are the majority) is racism/sexism/ableism/etc. What you're referring to is just stereotyping, racism means you're assessing inferiority based on race. It's not inferior to like fried chicken or watermelon, that shit is goddamn delicious. As far as Timberlands...

I dress pretty much how you think a thug would dress. Hoodie, T shirt, Jeans, Timbs. It's what I wear.
So, there ya go. Are Timberlands inferior? Or are they just "cool" ?

Stop making anything you say about black people racism. Stuff white people stereotypically like isn't racist either.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
How the fuck is it "racist" to say a lot of blacks like newports or menthols? It might be stupidly generalizing, but racism implies inferiority somehow.. it doesn't make you inferior to like a particular brand of cigs. Fucking guys...
Menthols are inferior. In the case of the barkeep is was obvious she thought so too. Also, racism is not like libel/slander where the truth is a valid defense.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Cad why don't you ask the nearest black guy in the office if he wants to go get some Hennessey and watermelon after work and pick his brain on racism


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Cad why don't you ask the nearest black guy in the office if he wants to go get some Hennessey and watermelon after work and pick his brain on racism
Ya'll can Tanoomba words to mean stupid shit all you want, but thats not what racism means. It's not even insulting to suggest someone likes watermelon. My wife gets watermelon at our house every week. Wtf.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I had a pair of timberlands once. Fuck, I'm such a sterotype.

BTW, Red Wings and Doc Martens are the way to go.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yes, saying blacks like watermelons is not racism by definition. Going up to a random black person and and asking if they want watermelon and Newports would likely make people think you're a racist piece of shit, though.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Ya'll can Tanoomba words to mean stupid shit all you want, but thats not what racism means. It's not even insulting to suggest someone likes watermelon. My wife gets watermelon at our house every week. Wtf.
Are you saying y'all because I'm from wv, shitlord?