Racism - Lets keep it civil. Also, Gravy is white.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
The only thing I'm arguing is what will usually get you labeled as a racist in my experience. I agree with cads position but its bad practice.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
The only thing I'm arguing is what will usually get you labeled as a racist in my experience. I agree with cads position but its bad practice.
Its only bad practice because of people who don't understand the definition of racism and automatically assume racism = you are a horrible person (which you are!) but are in fact generally saying any racial stereotyping is racism, which it isn't. So they're dramatically broadening the definition of racism while simultaneously attaching the extremely negative social consequences of actual racism to that conduct.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Maybe you have a problem with the definition of the word, but it's pretty clear. I invite you to point out where I said that "everything" is racism. Racism has a simple and specific definition. It also has an extremely negative connotation in our society and I think that is why you object to the less offensive examples of racism being referred to as such, but it doesn't change the meaning of the word. As I said, you could argue that assuming a black person does certain things is harmless (maybe it is, maybe it isn't) but to say that is isn't racism is just factually incorrect.
So... the definition says: "the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race."

If I say many black people like to smoke menthols, under your own definition, that is NOT racism. First, it didn't say "all." All is a required element of your definition. Second, smoking menthols is not specific to that race. Many white people smoke menthols, I can only assume.

And thats giving you the most broad definition possible and ignoring the second half of the sentence which deals with superiority/inferiority.

Sorry, you're simply misunderstanding the word racism and using it where it does not apply.

If you want to say "racial stereotyping" and get all buttmad about that, then go for it. But what we're discussing is not racism.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
We are so far down a semantic hole here that it is ridiculous, but the definition you are using for racist is actually the definition of the word bigot. They are sometimes used interchangeably but I would agree that having a stereotypical thought does not make you a bigot, but it is technically an act of racism.

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
If I say many black people like to smoke menthols, under your own definition, that is NOT racism. First, it didn't say "all." All is a required element of your definition. Second, smoking menthols is not specific to that race. Many white people smoke menthols, I can only assume.
Oh good lord. I didn't say that it was racism to say that many black people smoke menthols. It's racist to assume that someone smokes menthols because they are black. Also, "specific to that race" doesn't mean "exclusive to that race". Please don't make me post the definition of specific now.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
We are so far down a semantic hole here that it is ridiculous, but the definition you are using for racist is actually the definition of the word bigot. They are sometimes used interchangeably but I would agree that having a stereotypical thought does not make you a bigot, but it is technically an act of racism.

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
I actually disagree with almost every word you typed here

Oh good lord. I didn't say that it was racism to say that many black people smoke menthols. It's racist to assume that someone smokes menthols because they are black. Also, "specific to that race" doesn't mean "exclusive to that race". Please don't make me post the definition of specific now.
So, it's just all in how you phrase it? I can refer to Brahma, and say, "Many black people smoke menthols, do you?" and thats not racist? But if I say "You're black so you smoke menthols right?" and thats racist? Interesting. Thats a pretty fucked up definition and way of thinking you've got going there since the intent of those two questions is identical. Thats what happens when you chop the qualifiers off of definitions, you arrive at absurd results. Congrats.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Smoking menthol is not specific to black people, so it doesn't meet your definition.
If that's how you choose to interpret it, nothing would be racist. There is not one thing I can think of that is specific to black people. Not even dark skin. Maybe if I knew more about DNA I could name some markers. Maybe.

Maybe you have a problem with the definition of the word, but it's pretty clear. I invite you to point out where I said that "everything" is racism. Racism has a simple and specific definition. It also has an extremely negative connotation in our society and I think that is why you object to the less offensive examples of racism being referred to as such, but it doesn't change the meaning of the word. As I said, you could argue that assuming a black person does certain things is harmless (maybe it is, maybe it isn't) but to say that is isn't racism is just factually incorrect.
You're ignoring the second part of that definition, which is that it's used as a basis for belief that one race is superior to another.

White men can't jump, so blacks make better basketball players is racist. Blacks are dumb so whites make better quarterbacks is racist. Blacks have a distinct odor isn't racist unless you go on to say it makes you sick or unable to be around them.

I haven't considered the odor before. I have chronic sinus problems so half the time i can't smell shit. I wonder if, in general, black people are more comfortable around well tanned white people. Not the fake spray on tans, but real tans because the odor is similar. I'll have to investigate this further.


Vyemm Raider
To me racism implies hatred or superiority or at least judgement. You can stereotype without being racist. Sure, some pansy faggot might be insulted and feel you are being racist, but that's his problem.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I haven't considered the odor before. I have chronic sinus problems so half the time i can't smell shit. I wonder if, in general, black people are more comfortable around well tanned white people. Not the fake spray on tans, but real tans because the odor is similar. I'll have to investigate this further.
LOL What? THIS I have never heard of. It's usually the other way around. White folk smell like wet dogs is the stereotype. What is it that black folk smell like? Old spice? Chitterlings?


Mr. Poopybutthole
The black people in my old neighborhood smell like whatever house they just burglarized.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Ahhhh. Ok. Is he from the Caribbean or straight outta Africa? Most...African American dudes I know are crazy meticulous over their hygiene. Like to the point I wanna punch em.
Yea I have never noticed black folks to have any particular smell. I mean, some smell bad just like anybody smells bad... but I've never identified anything as a "black" or "white" smell. Perhaps my sense of smell sucks.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
All non tropical people from the north smell like shit when they travel down to Florida. Jesus fuck guys listen up , dont bring your New York deodorant, or your European deodorant, buy something local that is stronger than that!

And brutul we are not playing the semantic game, Your position puts you squarely with Sarkessian, into that anything said about an ethnic group becomes racism, even innocuous comentaries become racism.

It is not racist to assume that someone that someone who looks mexican knows spanish. Racism has to do with moral and characterjudgement. It is not racist to assume someone is from a specific part of the planet if they have physical traits unique from that region. If we see someone who looks like an Aboriginal Australian is not racist to assume he is one, since no one else in the world looks like that, same as samoans.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
To be fair, plenty of tropical people in Florida smell like shit.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
You're ignoring the second part of that definition, which is that it's used as a basis for belief that one race is superior to another.
No I'm not, it says "especially". If it didn't say that you would have a point. Everyone that is arguing with me is considering racism and bigotry to be synonymous. They are often used that way but the words don't mean the same thing. Not all racist thoughts are bigoted and vice versa. If I was saying that everything that fit the strict definition of racist had to be stopped or was morally wrong then you might have a point comparing me to some SJW but I'm not. I'm just talking about what the word means. You can have a little common sense in your demonization of racism without having to deny the meaning of the word.