Racism - Lets keep it civil. Also, Gravy is white.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'm starting to think dictionaries are racist in and of themselves!


A Mod Real Quick
Ahhhh. Ok. Is he from the Caribbean or straight outta Africa? Most...African American dudes I know are crazy meticulous over their hygiene. Like to the point I wanna punch em.
He was born in the USA but his family came straight from Kenya so that might explain it. Dude smells rancid all the way from a young age until high school was over. He smelled like he didn't know what a deodorant stick was


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Brown and white gravy both have their place. Don't be so god damned racist.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
LOL What? THIS I have never heard of. It's usually the other way around. White folk smell like wet dogs is the stereotype. What is it that black folk smell like? Old spice? Chitterlings?
It's the melanin. White people think black people have a strong smell, black people think white people have a strong smell. Basically, you become nose blind to your own smell.

Cocoa butter?
Yeah, it's something like that. My buddy first pointed it out to me and he proved it to me in a strip club. Had a black girl and a white girl dance for us and I paid special attention to the smell. Later a really tan white girl danced and I noticed she smelled more like the black girl than the white girl. I realize the dancers wear scents, but when they start working, that stuff wears off and I'm not getting that close to many people of any race outside of a strip club.

The smell thing is not a well developed theory, just something I thought of while I was typing that post. Smell is more important to us than we realize, after all. Wouldn't it be funny if smell was behind not feeling comfortable around the other race?


Musty Nester
Cocoa butter. LOL.

That is kinda what black people smell like.

I'll fess up to smelling like a wet dog sometimes. It's true enough.

Apt. Apt I say.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
My most racist time is when i call in somewhere for support and get a person of color. They seem to operate exactly like the dmv in that they'll find any excuse they can to not do anything. Although I did have an awesome experience with xm where he didn't give a shit and gave me stuff.
But anymore i automatically think i should hang up after the initial hello.


Mr. Poopybutthole
the lady from the insurance company who called to set up my obummercare was obviously black and super helpful. exception that proves the rule!


Pathetic Reaction Bot
My most racist time is when i call in somewhere for support and get a person of color. They seem to operate exactly like the dmv in that they'll find any excuse they can to not do anything. Although I did have an awesome experience with xm where he didn't give a shit and gave me stuff.
But anymore i automatically think i should hang up after the initial hello.
On a similar note for me, it's not necessarily anyone of color(I think black when I hear this term) but when I have to call and get someone from Guatemala or the Philippines. The accent alone whe is they answer just triggers me because I know they only parrot scripts and rarely listen actively for the issue.


what Suineg set it to
<thick Indian accent> Hello, my name is Peter I am in Chai-Ca-go, how my I assist you today?</accent>
OK, so if you are really Peter from Chicago why did you need to tell me that right away before I asked where you were located?


Bronze Baron of the Realm
I put a guy down as a reference once on a resume I sent in to Anacortes, WA. Flew up there for the interview. Guy said he called my reference and couldn't understand a word he said. I guess he didn't speak coon ass.

Oddly enough I get the most help from random black people in the state of MS, having lived on the MS/LA state line for a while and now visiting my parents. Maybe it's just getting away from an urban area.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
"coon ass" sounds like something an ignorant racist would say
As usual, you guys just think anything is racist. Coon ass is just a cajun ancestry/accent. Its kind of an ethnic slur against cajuns but it's not racial.


A Mod Real Quick
Pardon me, I thought "coon" was a racist term for black people. I'm not up on my cajun ethnic slurs.

Let's find out what Anita thinks of this.


Vyemm Raider
Black girls put so much shit in their hair that it eats the covers off your pillows.

Just sharing.