Yea fantastic movieAdding another 10/10 for this. Lots of fun
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Yea fantastic movieAdding another 10/10 for this. Lots of fun
This is a two-fer and an old reply.Actually she kind of is, everything she is in is definite dogshit with the exception of maybe that one, maybe two, movie that was halfway decent. Turner has GoT, Famke has GoldenEye and X-Men 1 and 2. Outside of that if you see Famke in something you know it's going to suck.
This is a two-fer and an old reply.
Posted in the Netflix thread but will repeat here - The Postcard Killings - horrible, horrible serial killer movie with a transparent tweest and some of the worst acting and dialoge/screenplay I have seen in recent memory.
Famke is in it, and is terrible and looking worse for wear.
JD Morgan has lost every ounce of manly charisma he ever had and has turned into a skinny old man who can't act.
I was dissapoint.
This was good. Strange but good.Possessor
Assassin uses brain implant technology to inhabit someone else's body and use them as assassins of high-profile targets. It's written and directed by Brandon Cronenberg. I caught his film Antiviral quite a few years ago now and thought it was alright. That one is a satire about people eating cloned celebrity meat or having cloned celebrity skin grafted on to themselves but it's not amazing.
Possessor was super good. Unsettling gore, body horror, couple twists/turns, very happy with it all around. It would be an interesting double feature with his father's Videodrome. That one is just so delightfully trashy but Possessor's setting of the not quite distant future is really on point.
This was good. Strange but good.
It was excessive but also subtle in some ways. The way they would cut away at points, and not show too much of the damage and using sound to sell a lot of it (the cleaver kill for example. The sound they used was perfect)It's moderately weird until it gets super weird and when it gets super weird it was legit starting to freak me out. That's an experience I haven't had watching a film in a long while. It was a nice change of pace. I also liked that the gore was a little unorthodox at times if perhaps a bit excessive.
It was excessive but also subtle in some ways. The way they would cut away at points, and not show too much of the damage and using sound to sell a lot of it (the cleaver kill for example. The sound they used was perfect)
My only complaint is I wish they spent more time on the mind scenes fo the merge stuff. It was too brief, and a bit more time with it wold have made for a good mindfuck trip.
I don't remember where I saw the gif, it could have even been here, but it was enough to make me look up what movie it was from and then watch it.
The movie is Tag (2015), and this is the opening scene of the movie that the gif came from.
I mean, how could I not watch after seeing that??
As far as a, I dunno. It was a trippy movie that kept me interested for most of its short runtime, but the plot resolution wasn't anywhere near good enough to make me want to recommend it to someone. But 3/4 of the movie was decent to good since you have no idea wtf is going on and it is presented in such a way that you want to see the explanation. The explanation just sucks and/or doesn't make a lot of sense. Which kind of ruined it for me. So I'll give it a 5/10, but would have been maybe 7/10 if they ended it even slightly satisfactorily.
Watched Theres Something About Mary this weekend. Movie still holds up pretty well, though its definetly one of those movies that would not be made today. No way they would allow a mainstream movie to make fun of the gays like they did in it.
Netflix. Gibson. Battle of Ia Drang on November 14, 1965. Telegrams got me. Gawd damnit. Broken Arrow, 8/10!
Netflix. Gibson. Battle of Ia Drang on November 14, 1965. Telegrams got me. Gawd damnit. Broken Arrow, 8/10!