Red Dead Redemption 2


FoH nuclear response team
Yeah the eye witness shit seems insane. A friend of mine collided with a guy on a horse and killed him, he then rode a good 2 mins to a small little farm where two guys were talkin and all of a sudden WITNESS, lol.

I caved and picked it up, controls seem fine after switching to Standard FPS. Some of the button placements are odd but not as bad as you guys made it seem.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
So basically everyone is turning off HDR until a patch?


<Silver Donator>
Any tips for getting perfect rabbit pelts? I'm guessing I have to spend money on bait and lasso them at this point... Even if I get a headshot with the varmint rifle on a pristine rabbit, it will only give a good quality pelt.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Any tips for getting perfect rabbit pelts? I'm guessing I have to spend money on bait and lasso them at this point... Even if I get a headshot with the varmint rifle on a pristine rabbit, it will only give a good quality pelt.

You can only get perfect pelts off three star animals. And rabbits only with the varmint rifle. Following those guidelines, I have gotten many perfect rabbit pelts. I'd say 75% of my time is spent hunting.

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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Here are some thoughts after 20-25 hours in. I think I would call the game a flawed masterpiece.

The visuals, animations, sounds and voice work are simply outstanding. In these aspect, the game is near flawless.

That help creates one of the best "world" in a video game, the setting and general world building again is absolutely amazing. It truly feels like you're in 1899 in the old west.

The story so far is great. As I said before I love that they put you in the middle of it, shit went wrong, you're on the run trying to survive. The story and cast of characters are all awesome. They each have very different personality and reasons to be there. Their relationship with you and with each other are great, and believable. The voice work and great writing helps with that.

The story mission and other side mission have all been fun so far. They are for the most part very varied. Again the thing that makes them so much fun is the banter between the gang members, which have such great voice work and writing.

All the little side activities like poker, dominoes etc are a fun distraction.

The controls, a lot have been said about this. First it's an odd control scheme if you never played GTA or Rockstar games. That you will eventually get used to, and at the end of the day it works fairly well. The thing is, for the most part the game isn't extremely responsive, the goal of having realistic animations for each action taken cause the game to feel sluggish at times between the moment you have enter your command and the moment it is executed on screen. Again, you somewhat get used to this, but it's still not great. For example shooting and reloading in Destiny 2 is way superior in how it feels than in RDR2, it might be more realistic in RDR2 but it doesn't translate to a great feeling.

I don't like the way the menu and information screen are setup. I feel everything is hard to access, requiring multiple screen to access information. It was mentioned by someone else, but when I go to the compendium from the game after discovering something, pressing back should take you back to the game but it doesn't, you'll have to go back to the compendium screen for the category you're in, then back to the main compendium screen, then back to the menu, and finally back to the game...way too cumbersome, it has led me to basically ignore all the compendium entries. It applies to other stuff to, access info about your character is 3-4 screen away. Overall bad design in my opinion.

This is probably just me because I am old, but I find the L2 contextual menu confusing. It's used for basically everything and there's so many options, and they often feel inconsistent. Like to sell/donate to Pearson it's right D-Pad if I remember correctly. But to sell to merchant, it will be a different button. So I end up having to read all the menu option and which button does what every time I use the menu which I find annoying...that might just be me though.

Bounties, wow that system is pure shit. Someone said oppressive and I think it's an accurate description, at the same time when you have a lot of money it's also totally meaningless as you easily pay your bounty. I went into town, and I was slowly trotting on my horse when I slightly bumped someone, he didn't even fall. Bounty for Physical Assault, I chase the witness, stop him, try defusing the situation and he starts shooting at me, I kill him bounty for murder. It's a stupid and dumb escalation of a situation. Then I do a mission where I end up killing half the city, I run away, pay up my bounty and go back to town and everything is ok, like nothing happened..hey I killed 30 people like 10 minutes ago, like literally the same in game day.

So the system is both oppressive and meaningless if you have money, I have fully upgraded my camp, and upgrading my weapons and I still have around $3000 so paying bounties right now mean nothing to me.

The cores, by the cores I mean the center part, not the circle around them are a stupid mechanic. While they are not tons of work to maintain to full, I have for all intent and purpose unlimited resources to keep them filled up, which makes the work rather meaningless. Now the circles around them, that you can instantly fill in combat with tonics...that's a different thing. It's part of combat, and there's a tactical feel to it, but the actual cores themselves feels like a useless system to me.

Shaving, OMG that was so cool the first few times. I'm tired of it right now. My beard grows way too fast...I mean it's realistic but it's really annoying to have to shave all the time. You should be able to lock in your look once you have it, and unlock it if you want to change it and let your beard grow.

Cleaning weapons, I'm kinda ok with this. It's rather meaningless again in the grand scheme of things, but they don't losing their condition too fast, and oil is cheap and easily obtainable.

Same for the horse cores, they drain rather slowly and hay fills them up completely making it easy to manage.

Now for me the biggest culprit the rewards, all the stuff from crafting either with Pearson, the fence, or the trapper. Pretty much everything feels kinda disappointing for the time and work required to get them. I like the hunting, but hunting for pristine pelts of stuff you can only carry 1 at time, and you need 3 different one for a minor upgrade feels like a lot of effort for very little reward.

I think a lot of their systems feel like they are almost semi optional, you don't need to spend tons of time on them, but you can't totally ignore them which creates a strange system that isn't as rewarding as it should, and even if you somewhat ignore them they are always in your face.

I may have listed a lot of negative stuff, but the thing is the good stuff is some of the best ever, and the bad stuff is just a list of minor annoyances, some of which can mostly be ignored. As I said, it is a flawed masterpiece. In my opinion it doesn't deserve the 97% on metacritic. 85-90% would be more accurate in my opinion, there's just way too many small issues to get a 10/10, it's like everyone is forgiving stuff that usually wouldn't be forgiven because the good is just so amazing.

Looking forward to finishing work and playing more.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Haven’t read up on this but why?

It's broken and all washed out for most people. Everyone is saying turn it off and play with normal SDR and it looks better (Ala Janx)
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<Gold Donor>
The menus suck because they designed them around multiplayer (no pause) and tried to make everything available on the fly. Doesn’t work for me especially since I have no interest in multiplayer.

I have reduced my score to 9/10 because I keep getting killed by cougars because I hold l2, try to dead eye as it rushes at me, get confused that nothing is happening, remember my weapon is not drawn. Die.

The l2 thing is pants on head. Should have made it r1 to interact with peoples and circle to slow down/break.
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Bounty and controls are some serious WTF after just literally playing and beating RDR1.
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Toe Sucker
Probably just doing missions so you can unlock more options to make money, you'll unlock bounties after one quest, horse carriage fencing for another etc.

It's probably been said already, but if you see somebody stuck on the side of a road, help them. I gave a guy medicine and later when i went to the gunsmith he bought me a gun on his tab for free

Biggest complaint is probably the controls/menuing, the amount of times it takes to actually get the Bed's menu in your horsehoe outlook camp is unreal
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
What's the best way to make money early on? I'm only about 5 hours in.

It's not a spoiler per see, but I'll spoiler it in case people want to discover this on their own, but you can get $2000 in about 10 minutes or so.

There's a burned down town a little west of the camp. There's a gold bar worth $500 in the Sheriff office.

There's also a cave in the north(check on youtube for exact location) with a small puzzle that will reward you with 3 more gold bars worth $500 each.
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Toe Sucker
It's not a spoiler per see, but I'll spoiler it in case people want to discover this on their own, but you can get $2000 in about 10 minutes or so.

There's a burned down town a little west of the camp. There's a gold bar worth $500 in the Sheriff office.

There's also a cave in the north(check on youtube for exact location) with a small puzzle that will reward you with 3 more gold bars worth $500 each.

Lol im gonna do this after work, i want to unlock fucking fast travel already and i think it costs like 700 bucks or something
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Lol im gonna do this after work, i want to unlock fucking fast travel already and i think it costs like 700 bucks or something

Make sure to save before entering the cave, I'm not 100% sure, but if you fail the puzzle, I'm not sure if there's a way to reset it.

I had saved as I always do luckily, and failed the first time, and I didn't see a way to reset it. I had to reload. There might be a way but I missed it, or it reset over time but don't take any chances. :)


Avatar of War Slayer
Just did the bar fight in Valentine (hope to be going back and get me some if that big tittied red head.) Got my free guns from Ultimate Edition. Saved after getting a rub down by a wench in the bathhouse.

Where is poker? I’m dying to play.
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Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
  • Riding to every location can take a very long time. Stagecoach and Train fast travel systems are okay. But quite limited, especially early on.

If you set a waypoint and turn the camera to cinematic mode while on horse, your horse will auto-pilot to the waypoint.
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I was just watching the DF video (not really worth watching)on what a PC port might be able to offer over the consoles and I started thinking about what this is going to be like to play in first person mode with a mouse and good frame rates. Shit is going to be awesome. Like playing a Bethesda game without all of the shitty baggage that comes with it.
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