a_skeleton_03, I think you're full of shit. You just have this massive disconnect between where you are at, and where average Joe is at. And you're advice to be yourself is so retarded that I think you subconsciously just want less competition out there, so you offer shitty advice.
Okay, take person A. Mr Joe.
A is a chump, 40lb's or more overweight, no muscles, bad posture from slouching, hasn't taken care of his teeth well, probably has a rotting nerve so his breathe gets bad, doesn't have a good default audible voice because he mutters and almost whispers some words in monotone ways, appears outwardly anxious at the same time and constantly fails to look people in the eye. He'll just be average Joe. He's not had much luck in the dating scene - tindr/okc he's in the bottom 10% due to his average looks and boring profile. Women he approaches (if ever) don't know how to react and talk to him when out, so, he strikes out more often than not.
Personality wise, he might be interesting. Charming, good to have a laugh or a beer with. Hell if a woman out there can figure that out though in the time it takes to meet and greet.
He's not happy, but he has his hobbies, he's got friends. Just doesn't have the wife yet, but you know he might be earning enough in 5 years that he'll reckon some girl will just settle for him. And hey, that's what works for a lot of guys. Just being settled for and not having a great relationship. If he's really lucky, she might be better than average looking.
Good advice for this guy? "Just be yourself".
Ok bro.
How about the following?
"GO TO THE FUCKING GYM. GET SOME CORE MUSCLES.". Just shedding 40lb of fat, adding 40lb of muscle, adding core strength and wahay suddenly this guy starts to stand a bit taller, less slouching. He suddenly just has a bit more confidence based on being more fucking testosterone fueled, his general health is way better at the same time. Mentally he'll just be sharper. Maybe one weekend he visits the dentist, gets a whitening job and a root canal. He then goes and takes some time and listens to how he talks, figures out half the time he can't even understand himself so he works on voice projection. All at the same time, he just naturally starts to look at people in the eye without realising, he gradually fills out his personal space with a bigger aura.
And what else? His personality! It's improved. People like those traits in a guy, men and women alike. Confidence is a great social drug. He's not faking shit here. He'll have more confidence for everything and that shit just bleeds into every part of your life and improves it. Professionally, physically, mentally, sexually.
Has his guy suddenly upped his sexual market value? Hell yes. Is he now getting more swipes on his dating app, getting more interesting conversations with the women he meets? Hell yea. And guess what, he's still himself. Just way better.
Even if he's STILL not getting laid he's going to be way better off than he was before. Maybe he's still not closing any deals with women however. He could go further and learn some basic game. It shouldn't be crazy PUA / speed seduction / NLP / mystery method etc, just general 'how to not fall into traps (ie shit tests)', how to read the signals being presented. THIS IS NOT FAKING. This is just learning social interaction with the opposite sex. If you have to rely on PUA stuff to get laid, then you're still faking it to a certain level. PUA stuff itself is still a useful thing to understand however, because it uses a lot of psychology and understanding of it (to cheat it).
When you meet new people, there is a subtle negotiation always going on. Half the time she's trying to figure out if you are a rapist. The other half she's figuring out how you react, how you hold up. She asks you some shitty question like how many people you've slept with, honesty here isn't going to help. She doesn't actually want honesty, so why give it? You're still 'being yourself' when you tell her "I lost count when I was a teenager" with a cocky grin. This isn't faking or lying, it's just having fun and giving her a response that doesn't red flag you or make you look weak. Social 101. When she wants an honest answer, she'll ask you during your long term relationship if it gets to that.
tl;dr = a_skeleton_03 full of shit, being yourself can just be a pile advice of shit for average Joe. Either he gets weeded out of society genetically, or he strikes out lucky when he's over 30 and lands some woman who wants to settle down for him. Hopefully she doesn't cockold him or keep his dick in a jar. How about you flip that script and make Average Joe into Awesome Joe, whilst never faking anything. He'll just have a better life, with or without women. And with women, he'll just get way more chances for his personality to shine.