Rings of Power: Tolkien's Shambling Skinsuit


Millie's Staff Member
attention for all the wrong reasons
they're using bots now to cover up. the youtube trailer had 15k likes to 24k dislikes on Monday. its up to 90k likes to 72k dislikes now. everyone knows that youtube videos blow up the most in the first few days they drop and then its a steady decline. here its the opposite.
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<Bronze Donator>
The amount of crapping on this is pretty funny.
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Tsar Bomba

Trakanon Raider
I have rewatched a bunch of 70s movies, semi recently, and they were just as entertaining. There are plenty of high rated 70s movies that I didn't like, but I doubt, if totaled up, that the 70s would be any worse than the 50s, 60s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s.

Movies I have watched/rewatched in the last 10 years that were still good:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Sting
Marathon Man
Life of Brian
The Man Who Would Be King
Young Frankenstein
Blazing Saddles
The Poseidon Adventure
Kelly's Heroes
Jeremiah Johnson
The Shootist (one of John Wayne's best movies)
Force 10 from Navarone

There are probably more but I would need to look through an more exhaustive list and try to remember when I last watched them (and confirm they were from the 70s). There are other moves I have watched multiple times, from the 70s, just not in the last 10 years.

TV shows are more difficult to compare due to Hollywood brining movie production to premium cable channels when HBO changed the paradigm of the small screen. I watched Monty Python on Netflix recently, it was still entertaining, but I don't generally rewatch any TV shows from before the Sopranos era.

The French Connection and it's spiritual sequel The Seven-Ups.

And if you go back to 1967...



Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I have rewatched a bunch of 70s movies, semi recently, and they were just as entertaining. There are plenty of high rated 70s movies that I didn't like, but I doubt, if totaled up, that the 70s would be any worse than the 50s, 60s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s.

Movies I have watched/rewatched in the last 10 years that were still good:
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Sting
Marathon Man
Life of Brian
The Man Who Would Be King
Young Frankenstein
Blazing Saddles
The Poseidon Adventure
Kelly's Heroes
Jeremiah Johnson
The Shootist (one of John Wayne's best movies)
Force 10 from Navarone

There are probably more but I would need to look through an more exhaustive list and try to remember when I last watched them (and confirm they were from the 70s). There are other moves I have watched multiple times, from the 70s, just not in the last 10 years.

TV shows are more difficult to compare due to Hollywood brining movie production to premium cable channels when HBO changed the paradigm of the small screen. I watched Monty Python on Netflix recently, it was still entertaining, but I don't generally rewatch any TV shows from before the Sopranos era.
I do love The Shootist. In my top 5 Wayne flicks probably.
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Jive Turkey


I remember watching this back then and enjoying it but I was less of a LOTR fan and more of a D&D fan.

I love how in the shots with hundreds of people charging into battle, the animator was like "I'm not fucking rotoscoping that many people. Just put the original footage in and crank the contrast or something"

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>

"first black elf!"

Nothing demonstrates how utterly retarded these people are than blowing their load over the "first black elf" when black elves and non whites in high fantasy happened when they where in diaper;

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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I love that movie as a kid, and even back then I knew it was terrible lol
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Avatar of War Slayer
That D&D movie was the only movie I walked out of the theater on, mid way through. I have refused to watch anything with Marlon Waynes in it, ever since.
  • 1Worf
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Mr. Poopybutthole
That D&D movie was the only movie I walked out of the theater on, mid way through. I have refused to watch anything with Marlon Waynes in it, ever since.
No bullshit you missed out on one of the most amazing performances of Jeremy Irons entire career. I mean yeah the movie is awful but the way he hams it up as the evil wizard is nothing short of epic.
  • 2Worf
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Dog Day Afternoon

The 70s is probably the best decade for movies ever.
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Millie's Staff Member
I can think of many movies that released in the 80's. Only a few really stick out for the 70's.
the 70s was more about cerebral films, shit that made you think. scary movies were much scarier that way, they had to make up for low budgets. the 80s was a lot of blockbusters with more focus on big effects and grand events. less focus on subtle nuance. I'm not saying one is better, but each era is definitely different than the other.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
the 70s was more about cerebral films, shit that made you think. scary movies were much scarier that way, they had to make up for low budgets. the 80s was a lot of blockbusters with more focus on big effects and grand events. less focus on subtle nuance. I'm not saying one is better, but each era is definitely different than the other.

Cerebral you say.

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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
last i checked apes cant be elves

theres no features of an ape that would work in a convincing manner
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
the 70s was more about cerebral films, shit that made you think. scary movies were much scarier that way, they had to make up for low budgets. the 80s was a lot of blockbusters with more focus on big effects and grand events. less focus on subtle nuance. I'm not saying one is better, but each era is definitely different than the other.

For once you've hit the nail on the head.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cerebral you say.

The point is for each movie you claim is cerebral in the 70s I could toss out a Rocky Horror, Star Wars, Rollerball, or Superman.

Similarly, with the blockbuster action flicks of the 80s I could list a French Lieutenant's Woman, Mystery Train, or The Shining.

A healthy industry is a varied one. Unfortunately that's not the way it is right now so much.
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