Whole thing I think:The current beta isn't the DLC, just 4 new potatoes and new weapons. DLC will have more news stuff plus new map/enemies
Anyone play Nova Drift? Seems like my kinda meme.
Anyone play Nova Drift? Seems like my kinda meme.
In my head I'm picturing you having been relentlessly grinding streamer ever since I called you out until you finally pulled off a hazard 5 clear. You got played son.You can beta test the (entire?) DLC now if you truly can't wait.
Finally golded Streamer, so I'm not a complete scrubGavinmad .
Anyone play Nova Drift? Seems like my kinda meme.
Took a few more attempts iirc. But if you want to imagine me furiously playing since I last posted, sure, whatever. There are worse ways to spend my time.In my head I'm picturing you having been relentlessly grinding streamer ever since I called you out until you finally pulled off a hazard 5 clear. You got played son.
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ignore the extatonion classes since haz 5 clears with them dont persist through mod uninstalls.
nah its just a funny thought. streamer is pretty difficult/awful.Took a few more attempts iirc. But if you want to imagine me furiously playing since I last posted, sure, whatever. There are worse ways to spend my time.
the wave based mode is last update, the massive change to abilities and adding synergies/evolutions is new.Yet Another Zombie Survivors had a huge patch/rework last week. Totally redid most of the upgrade system, now has two evolutions for abilities (for instance, do you want the assault rifle guy's Ricochet to break into pieces that cause bleed, or do you want it to fire off 100% of the time...the answer is 100% of the time, period...but other abilities have better options), a new mode that is wave-based instead of time, other shit I'm forgetting.
Some of that could have been in the previous update I didn't play, but I believe the upgrade stuff is new. Definitely worth playing for a few days again even if you "finished" everything previously. You have a lot more grinding to do! I'm enjoying it a lot.
You could be right about ricochet, but it literally just clears everything on the screen even with assault rifle so I haven't ever experimented.the wave based mode is last update, the massive change to abilities and adding synergies/evolutions is new.
As for ricochet, with assault rifle's high rate of fire I'd rather have ricochet break into pieces. If I were using sniper rifle I'd want the 100% ricochets. Also holy shit ass fuck damn did they ever buff the hell out of the tank's minigun. It used to be hot garbage that couldn't even dream of comparing to the rocket launcher, now it might have overtaken assault rifle for best weapon in the game. the crazy high rof also works really well with shit like modchip and solar panel, and it loves the one that doubles your magazine capacity. fully talented sawblades with the second orbital ring is some really solid protection too. great evolution choices on his steroid as well, make it more powerful if you have solar panel or make it permanent if you don't.
Anyone play Nova Drift? Seems like my kinda meme.