Exploring three approaches in which the estimated probability of extinction shows a power-law relationship with geographical range size, we predict, on the basis of mid-range climate-warming scenarios for 2050, that 15-37% of species in our sample of regions and taxa will be 'committed to extinction'. When the average of the three methods and two dispersal scenarios is taken, minimal climate-warming scenarios produce lower projections of species committed to extinction (~18%) than mid-range (~24%) and maximum-change (~35%) scenarios. These estimates show the importance of rapid implementation of technologies to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and strategies for carbon sequestration.
Cited over 4000 times. Losing 24-35% of the life on this planet means most of the edible animals won't be alive.
You cannot live on animal food stuffs alone.
Eskimo lifestyles couldn't support 100 thousand people, and if the Northern regions have melted due to climate change, Eskimo lifestyles won't exist any more (already don't) and all those large mammals would be dead as well.
You're spitting in the wind here, tard.
And you were given multiple general scenarios, including angiosperm demise, bee demise, etc. and you demanded a specific COMPETITOR that would wipe us out.
You're dumb, not a scientist, clearly understand NOTHING about biology, nutrition, human evolution and adaptation, artificial selection, or pretty much anything else on this topic.
I posit that we won't starve as long as edible animals walk the earth, because we can kill ANYTHING.
35% of the world's lifeforms die off in climate change. Cad's solution?
And this is why you are an idiot.
But are we going to go extinct? no. Thats my position.
That's nice.
What is your degree in biology, anthropology, ecology, or climatology again?
Your POSITION is an OPINION founded upon YOUR IGNORANCE. Its not an argument. Its not a defense. Its you jacking off into the wind.
And your POSITION was actually that
The idea that the temperature goes up 5-10 degrees and we go extinct is ludicrous. We might all need to move to canada and our population might decrease but the idea that we are ALL going to die is just asinine.
FIVE TO TEN DEGREES temperature increases WOULD CERTAINLY MEAN WE GO EXTINCT. Particularly if those changes occur over the course of a few hundred years, rather than tens to hundreds of thousands or more. That's a fact. you can take that fucker to the bank and cash it.
No I didn't say any of that. Sorry.
Well I just cited you saying we'd move to northern Canada to survive.
Heres you claiming that the agricultural industrial complex will somehow survive this event and allow us to survive indefinitely by inventing magic crop technologies
You're acting like our entire agricultural industry can't figure out how to sustain 50 or 100 thousand people somewhere on earth even in the event of climate catastrophe. Thats all it would take to weather an event for X years and avoid extinction.
So forth.
So yes, you did.