Sex, Masturbation, and burnt holes in yo dick Thread


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I consider all children of the earth to by my kids.


New title pending...
<Bronze Donator>
Well your daughter could learn a valuable amount of information if you weren't verbally constipated about it. Your man view on sex is just as, if not more important and you can help your daughter immeasurably by offering her insight on how guys think and especially on what to expect. Especially at that age when the only experience they have comes from Movies, Disney channel and Internet.

I don't believe the difficulty in talking to them starts with sex though. That is something that many dads have and it starts much earlier. Many men have communication issues.

It's not just sex either nor is it only a girl thing. Parents in general do a shitty job of explaining all the pitfalls they experience in life to their kids. They hide it instead. I guess to appear normal? Don't want to trouble them with real problems and instead let the Disney facade continue? I don't really understand it. Relationship issues, debt issues, job issues, money issues whatever its easier to hide all that under the rug and pretend for some reason.

I guess its hard to have quality time when you only see your kid less than 3 hours a day and most of that is taken up by Dinner, bath and TV.
I wouldn't say I don't talk to them at all. I think I just don't want to hear about it if they are in fact having sex. I have given them my opinions on it, told them to be careful, and left it there. I simply don't need any details beyond that. If they have detailed questions, I think it can be better answered by a woman.

I have told my daughters many times what guys are thinking, and in high school all they are thinking about is how to get your pants off. I don't give a shit how well mannered he is. He may be a genuinely nice guy, but he still wants in your pants. I think I was a very nice young man in high school, and parents loved me. I treated girls very well, but I was constantly trying to get their clothes off too! And I have told my kids as much.


A Mod Real Quick
So fuck. My kid has his own tablet now. Is he gonna be getting titties on the Reg now? We went to BW3 and he got hit on by every single waitress in the place. Should I give him the talk now? He's 9 months BTW.


Still a Music Elitist
Brahma's son is probably banging that 17 year old right now. Good for him.


A Mod Real Quick
Go ahead brahma... Infract them.... >


what Suineg set it to
Brahms, personally I think you could try to steer him towards finding the "girlfriend" instead of trying to dissuade him entirely which we all know won't work. Like asking chicks out he likes that are harder to get and getting rejected. Also having to learn to pay for dates and court chicks instead of going after the local bicycle.

Also, just an aside, you might talk to him about those kids who get arrested for having child porn on their phones because they were sexting at school.


Vyemm Raider
Also, just an aside, you might talk to him about those kids who get arrested for having child porn on their phones because they were sexting at school.
This. Age of consent laws are absolutely brutal to young guys. Get him to stay away from that kind of behavior with anyone under 18. Even if it's reduced to a misdemeanor, if a future employer Googles his name, the headlines will be much more explicit.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Wow. Times have changed. I was hoping to find an old Hustler under his bed. Not worry about the boy and some felony charges!!


Vyemm Raider
Wow. Times have changed. I was hoping to find an old Hustler under his bed. Not worry about the boy and some felony charges!!
I imagine in the past if two teenagers banged each other it would just get swept under the rug, but in the age of every online news publication posting every alleged sexual assault claim with names and addresses of the alleged "criminal?" Fuck dude, I just wanted some poon after homecoming.


<Gold Donor>
My kids are 14 and 12 now and I had the talk with my older one. Last year, in 7th grade he had "health class" and a sheet got sent home before about what topics they were gonna cover (the old in and out) and if we wanted to opt out. So I signed it and had a talk with him after the class. Told him that hes free to ask me anything he needed answered. He was all blushed and definitely uncomfortable having his old man tell him about the old in and out.

We also discussed with both of them the phone thing, taking pictures of their junk or others junk, how serious this is these days and not to do it. The whole child porn thing and all.

Plan to have the same convo with my younger one when he has the "health" class. But I have a feeling that his bro filled him in already. hehe.


Bronze Squire
When I was in 5th grade they did some very basic "sex ed" stuff with the details coming at the 6th grade level. I remember distinctly being in 5th grade when my 6th grade friend told me that "jacking off" was when the fire department had to come and chop off your penis because it had become stuck inside a vagina during sex. I'm still not sure if he was messing with me or had been messed with himself and was just spreading it but thankfully ahead of the sex ed classes my Mom had told me to feel free to ask her any questions I had about sex and I did and she informed me that jacking off was in fact what I was doing in those 1/2 hour showers I had become so fond of taking.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Ms Chokesondick had the right idea for kids that young. Ask him if he wants a great big ole bucket of aids. We may not like to talk about it, but for whatever reason blacks are getting that shit more than anyone else. Maybe if he sticks to fucking white girls he'll be safer. Is the 17 year old white? Then ask if he thinks herpes are sexy because most of these bitches probably actually have that. There are other STDs but if it's curable it might be hard to get him to care about it. Maybe you could talk to him about the test for the clap and ghonorrea where they take a swab from inside your dick. Sure it's cureable, but you don't get the shot until they stick a q-tip up your pee hole and swirl it around.

Oh and what state are you in? Odds are the rape laws aren't as strict as people are saying, though the child porn laws almost definitely are.


what Suineg set it to
Yea, they are (I believe) all strict liability. "But we are both 15" isn't an excuse.


Trakanon Raider
It's crazy how radically different everyone's views are on this. Well, I guess not everyone, but more of the 1940's attitude than I would expect I guess. I was just debating this today because my 7 year old was like "Dad look at my penis, haha, it's sticking straight out!" and I just went "Har har, keep it in your pants buddy." and he just laughed and went back to playing a game. It did get me thinking about it though, and while at his age I think I would deflect with "We'll talk about it later" or something, I'm pretty much expecting that I'll be going into detail with him next year, or the year after. My main concern was that his brother is 5, and he's probably going to want to tell him right away, so I have to consider that.

That being said, they have seen me and their mom naked, and they know girls have a vagina and pee straight down, while boys have a penis and pee straight out. They know babies grow in a mommies tummy, and come out her vagina. And they know babies are half mom and half dad, although they have never asked how any of it happens.

But yeah, I'd say if anything I'm looking forward to being open and honest with them, hell, I'll probably give them advice when they are older. I will probably buy them some mild couples porn around 11 or 12? Tell them masterbation is fun, everyone does it, even animals do it, anyone who tells you they don't is a lier. I want them to be prepared, safe, and have somewhat realistic expectations though, and I don't think that's something you get when you rely on the internet and stories from friends.

I don't know, maybe its how blind I went into everything as a kid because my parents pretended sex was something you did to make a baby and nothing else, it was not talked about other than "here is how it works" on the most basic level. I just want my kids to have a relationship with me based on trust and understanding I guess, and I'll admit I'm more of a friend dad than a "manly" man dad or whatever. /shrug