Shadowrun Returns

mages were fucking god awful. just do a street samurai
Yeah, imho the best main character is a Street Samurai / Decker. Mainly because the hired runners all have absolutely turrible stat allocation. For my main in both campaigns, I put all points about evenly in in Quickness, Rifles, Dodge, intelligence, Decking, ESP, and my main guy was better than any hired Street Samurai or Decker in both real world combat and decking. The hired Street Samurais are sub-par and the hired Deckers are wasted space in combat.

Mainly the strat is - make a hybrid Street Samurai / Decker and then you can just hire Combat Mages with Heal and Haste to buff you. Meanwhile your main guy kills everyone with a rifle and decks better than any hireling.


Dragonfall was definitely better than the original campaign. I like turn-based combat a la Baldur's Gate, but combat was painfully slow in some areas. I also hated that you couldn't exit levels at will.


Useless lazy bastard.
Wish they would finish Shadowrun Online before they jump into a new project tbh, but threw them $150 for this based on their track record with the first 2 games.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I loved the SNES Shadowrun but couldn't get through the remake. It felt like a browser game almost, completely linear with no exploration.


I'm Amod too!
Wish they would finish Shadowrun Online before they jump into a new project tbh, but threw them $150 for this based on their track record with the first 2 games.
I'm pretty sure that's a different company isn't it?


Avatar of War Slayer
I dont think so, at least its on the same webpage as the other Shadowrun games and has all the same logos of involved corporations. Not sure tho!
Different company/studio.

The IP is being licensed out to multiple dev studios, like a Warhammer, or Lord of the rings, etc gets licensed out.
Like how Warhammer online, Spacemarine, Dawn of war1/2, SpaceHulk, etc are all by different people.

Shadowrun Returns is: Harebrained Schemes.
Harebrained Schemes | Shadowrun Returns

Shadowrun online is: cliffhanbger productions.
Shadowrun Online | The online Shadowrun game of the future

(note Harebrained does links to other studios that are Shadowrun related, like cliffhanger, Catalyst, etc.)


Blackwing Lair Raider
I loved the SNES Shadowrun but couldn't get through the remake. It felt like a browser game almost, completely linear with no exploration.
The SNES Shadowrun was great, but pretty damn linear. There was a flavor or feeling of open-worldiness, but really it was appearance more than reality. It was still a good game though- they really captured the feeling of the SR world.

The Sega Shadowrun game was amazingly sandboxy considering the time period and the console platform- way more than the SNES version.

I agree though that the #1 improvement they need to make in the SR Returns games is to make them more sandboxy. I thought the story/writing/characters and SR ambience for Dragonfall was absolutely top notch but it was definitely on rails. Give us a SR world and allow us to explore it freely, at our pace. Let us pick up random jobs from Johnsons just to build up cash, establish street connections, or further side plots. Let us explore the matrix, break into data vaults, and sell the files for profit (like you could in the Sega SR).


Useless lazy bastard.
Ah I see Caliane, thank you for clearning that up. Still want it to be finished damn it!


Useless lazy bastard.
Well its not so strange. It has a pretty decent core following and the products they have put out so far are high quality AND caters to community content with the decent editor and so on. There are a lot of good community made modules out there that are quite enjoyable.


Avatar of War Slayer
Well its not so strange. It has a pretty decent core following and the products they have put out so far are high quality AND caters to community content with the decent editor and so on. There are a lot of good community made modules out there that are quite enjoyable.
they ran a kickstarter, and then actually put out the game they said they were going to make. which puts them ahead of the other 90% of kickstarters.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The central thing that is responsible for so much kickstarter faith in the team imo is the fact that Dragonfall was such a huge improvement over Deadman's Switch. Deadman's Switch was a bit bland and tbh, a little disappointing. Dragonfall is much more engaging, has a dramatically improved UI, and actually allows you to make some choices in the way your teammates level up.


Trakanon Raider
The games are nice and all, but the linearity kills it for me, they could cut the combat altogether and turn into an adventure game. If there was more variety in the encounters, then why not, but my main character ended up slaughtering everyone on their own, the rest of the team were just decoys.