You do understand that software development is never ending right? And that Richard was smart enough to make his own algorithm perform twice as effectively in only a few hours, and that they've already shown the platform is not yet scalable or done and that he is the smartest one on planet earth when it comes to compression. He gave a competitor his software by explaining it in gory detail and they still can't even come close to his current software.
This isn't a patent, the head of Raviga is being incredibly short-sighted, and so are you, if you think the only thing that matters is his current algorithm and he is inconsequential.
Why wouldn't they just coach him for the time being and help the company along before just knee-jerk firing him? He literally hasn't done anything to sabotage the company, everyone in this thread agrees the shitstorms at the end of every episode are getting old and tired because the team is just victims of happenstance and absurdity.