too bad the s2 was a giant piece of shit and a full 2/3 of the phone repairs I get every month are those. The s2 has single handedly kept Sprints service centers open. We love that phone.Totally underwhelmed. I'll happily stick with my S4 until I see how the S6 looks. And FUCK Samsung for getting hooked on this physical home button. I love my S4, but the S2 (Epic 4G Touch) is the best looking Galaxy they've made. Single piece of glass with capacitive buttons is sex, or just use the soft buttons within the LCD that Google came up with forever ago.
You talking about the battery saying you have like 80% and then just shutting off? The new iOS really did a number on the 4's and 4s's.did any one elses Iphone 4 die with the ios updates/
I love the look and size of my s2 skyrocket, but I really wish I hadn't bought it. I've had to replace 2 parts in it. They also updated it to 4.1.2 and the phone can't handle it, it's frustratingly slow. The input lag on typing alone is infuriating.too bad the s2 was a giant piece of shit and a full 2/3 of the phone repairs I get every month are those. The s2 has single handedly kept Sprints service centers open. We love that phone.
They just released the GFlex a few weeks'ish ago and they have a new version of their Optimus F3 coming out in the near future.Not sure if LG will have anything new real soon. The LG G2 just launched right after the Samsung Note 3 did last October.Neither is even 6 months old yet. AT this point I'd be leaning toward the Samsung S5, but hopefully we see what HTC has in store soon. HTC should have a new phone ready about the same time as the S5 I would imagine, since the S4 and HTC One both launched at almost exactly the same time last year.
At this point I have to assume that for 99% of people, it doesn't even matter what the iPhone 6 is going to feature, you're either gung-ho all-in for Apple regardless or you are the same for Android, and couldn't hardly be paid to switch to Apple. I just don't know hardly anyone that switches back and forth between the 2 phone ecosystems, at least not more than once. At this point, no one is being sold on an iPhone if they haven't liked previous ones.
Yeah, I'm on Verizon. So I'm not going to jump in headfirst and root it just yet, but the XDA forums does look like the place to start learning. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.Which carrier? The XDA forums usually have pretty consolidate threads with videos, pictures, and links to files. You're probably most screwed if on Verizon as I think they killed most easy one click root / bootstraps.
It did block ads in most other apps last time I used it.It sounds like Adblock Plus works better and easier on a rooted Android. It also sounds like it might block ads inside other apps too, but I'm not getting my hopes up too high about that yet.