

Apples ui/ux is awful. Android is better and customizable
This is why I stopped doing android. I spent more hours customizing and tweaking and building new roms and grabbing new kernels and changing things in there and new bootloaders and everything else. I was spending more time customizing the phone and breaking this aspect or that then I was actually using the phone.

Also every single person that has issues with tweets --> text in the EQ guild are all using androids. The iMessage structure is much better when given the option.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I did android until 2012 and have never been happier since switching to iPhone. If you do these things with your phone: call/text/browse web/use apps available on IOS, iphone is the shit. If you need to do anything complex or off the beaten path, android probably has more options/better support. Getting an iphone to do something apple didn't intend is impossible.

Although I've heard android has been locking down their bootloaders and such making custom ROMs impossible too? So android might be in the same shape.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yea, there is a good chance I'm going back to iPhone. Nothing against Android, but I've had it a couple years now, and I'm bored with it. That, and flat out, iPhone's just work better as Cad Cad kind of eluded too. All I do is text, and answer a few phone calls. That, and nearly every single person I know has iPhone, and I want iMessage back. This compressed horse shit MMS messages over Android is bull shit!


Yeah, I was in the same boat as a_skeleton_03. Staunchly anti-iphone because I could tweak out the Android and spent more time fucking with it than using it. New job only supports iphone so I caved to my free phone overlords and honestly am way happier. Getting a free new macbook pro, ipad pro and new iphones and watches every release certainly helped to butter me up as well.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So every item that is available in 4 or 5 different phones combined into one.

Options that are key selling points of all of those phones also.

So a phone maker combined all the reasons you should buy a phone into one and the people buying it are sheep and brainwashed for buying it ... yet you have bought the same phone just from a different manufacturer ....

No.. I listed the first year those features were available on the Samsung Galaxy line of phones. Every one of those features has been around for YEARS on that one particular make / model phone. Apple was years behind playing catch-up.


No.. I listed the first year those features were available on the Samsung Galaxy line of phones. Every one of those features has been around for YEARS on that one particular make / model phone. Apple was years behind playing catch-up.
Yeah I find it hard to give a shit on who had it first. The phones have reached parity with this model. Yours is cheaper, mine is more expensive. I absolutely abhor the android ecosystem in every way and I don't mind the Apple one, you are the opposite.

You jerk off to Android in every way and how hip you are for not buying into being an Apple sheep, I buy the phone I like that does the phone things I need it to and don't caught up in the hype.
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
Android does what I need *shrug*, I'm sure eventually someone will come out with some new OS that will replace even iOS/Android for phones, when I started it was all blackberry hahaha(fuck I'm old)


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
How come the iPhone x has some retarded ass fucking notch in the top of the screen?

It's about time for me to finally upgrade my 6+ but ya, holy shit that notch is annoying looking.


Imma hold off though until shitlords get their hands on it. I have a sneaking suspicion that the face ID will be pretty easy to beat.
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EQOA Refugee
Sure Samsung has the iris Scanner and Android has Face Unlock, but if I understand this tech correctly, it is not these things. This combines 3D sensing technology with facial recognition and can’t be beat with a photo. To my knowledge, that has never been done.

Having it first is not as important as doing it right, IMO. My main complaint of Apple was their hardware. I want Samsung hardware with iOS . Sure I’d like iOS to be more customizable, but it’s fast, fluid, and has quality apps. And iMessage. Idk how I’m gonna live with out that. I might just sell the Note 8 I got (for a steep discount) and get this iPhone X. We will see.


Molten Core Raider
So every item that is available in 4 or 5 different phones combined into one.

Options that are key selling points of all of those phones also.

So a phone maker combined all the reasons you should buy a phone into one and the people buying it are sheep and brainwashed for buying it ... yet you have bought the same phone just from a different manufacturer ....

It's a nice phone and all, but watching the presentation they were trying to sell all these repackaged "innovations" as some revolutionary vision of the smartphone for the next 10 years. Of course the hyperbole is to be expected at all these tech releases, but this was a bit much. They wanted so badly to make another iPhone to redefine the category for the 10th anniversary, and all they could do was finally incorporate all the other innovations these other companies have been working on for years. There for sure is one ground breaking feature though... smashed that $1000 smartphone barrier!

Lol'd at "Super Retina Display." Hilarious that that marking term hasn't died yet. Apple takes Samsung's displays (literally), slaps a marketing term on them, and some of the sheep eat it up as some differentiating factor.
  • 1Solidarity
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Molten Core Raider
Sure Samsung has the iris Scanner and Android has Face Unlock, but if I understand this tech correctly, it is not these things. This combines 3D sensing technology with facial recognition and can’t be beat with a photo. To my knowledge, that has never been done.

It hasn't been done on a phone, but Windows has been doing it for a couple years now.


Trakanon Raider
I've had both phones and like android better for a lot of reasons. The only time they perform poorly is when you either load up a shit ton of apps or the OS progresses beyond your phones hardware. Both things can also happen to Apple. I will say that iMessage is definitely the better messaging platform but hangouts fits my needs a little better overall. Some of the tech apps available for Android have been great productivity wise as being able to FTP/RDP/SSH from my phone has come in handy a few times. I also have apps that will turn my phone into an FTP or HTTP server and that has helped me transfer shit out in the field with limited resources in the past as well.


Molten Core Raider
If you mean windows hello, it can be beat with a photo just like Samsung’s version.

No you can't. Windows hello uses two cameras for 3d image construction and IR to boot. Apple is just doing the same shit Windows Hello has been doing for two years.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I've had both phones and like android better for a lot of reasons. The only time they perform poorly is when you either load up a shit ton of apps or the OS progresses beyond your phones hardware. Both things can also happen to Apple. I will say that iMessage is definitely the better messaging platform but hangouts fits my needs a little better overall. Some of the tech apps available for Android have been great productivity wise as being able to FTP/RDP/SSH from my phone has come in handy a few times. I also have apps that will turn my phone into an FTP or HTTP server and that has helped me transfer shit out in the field with limited resources in the past as well.
There's a console client for iOS. At least my AirConsole dongle told me there was! Works via Bluetooth.


Night Janitor
<Nazi Janitors>
The little notch that Essential has in the screen for the camera is one thing, but the cut out on the iPhone X is ridiculous. I saw a shot of a game they demoed and it actually cut off part of the on screen buttons, which is pretty dumb. They should have just gone with a small forehead and be done with it. Those chunks of screen in the corners are practically worthless.

As far as the whole Android v iPhone thing goes, I used to be fairly anti iPhone, but nowadays I can't be bothered. My general advice is that if an iPhone does what you want it do do, get one. Otherwise get an Android. I haven't rooted and rommed in almost a year now while I miss the tinkering aspect, I don't miss the bugs and instability. Stock Android is great and I don't think I'll ever get a phone that isn't stock or damn close to it.