Can't sleep. It's getting harder and harder to sleep at night. I don't seem to have any problems sleeping during the day. Maybe I'm afraid to let this day go, or afraid the next one will be the last. No idea.
I've actually had a pretty good week, although I did gain 9 lbs. in two days from the congestive heart failure fluid around my heart, I managed to drop 8 in the following two. Big jumps in weight/fluid are pretty dangerous for me these days, so I've got to try and maintain the best I can.
My anxiety has been a problem, but I guess that's understandable. Any weird bump in my chest, or stray pain puts me on edge.
Taloo, my wife has a very close relationship with her three sisters who she'll be able to lean on. I'm sure she'll have her bad days, but she's not the type of person who would fall into a deep depression. At least I don't think so, and if she did, she'll have the support here to help her through.
Corndog, we've got a dog and he's pretty funny. I had a really crap day about two weeks ago, and I mean really bad. The neighbor had come over to help, along with a brother and sister in law and a hospice nurse. "Nub" stayed right next to me and wouldn't let anyone touch me unless I was petting him, which was fairly difficult considering I was going in and out of consciousness.
Everyone thanks for the ideas, even the silly ones... they were supposed to be silly, yes? My wife and I are big fans of the silly, so it works out.