So, I'm dying...


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well, he had a massive heart attack. Pacemakers are for shocking your heart back into a normal rhythm, they can't do anything for physical damage to the heart caused by a heart attack. And even if he could survive the surgery (which is highly doubtful) he still most likely wouldn't survive the waiting list for a heart transplant.Dick Cheney had to wait 20 months.
I'm watching you pal.


Got something right about marriage
Shit. Goddammit Gravy.



Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Fuck man, nothing to say. Thoughts and wishes etc are with you and your family.

God damn. Dunno what condition you are in, but I do know everyone here hopes to see a post from you in a few days with some good news. So go farm up some good news man.

- Random internet shit head that gives a fuck about forum pals


<Gold Donor>
Man, I never come to this subforum either, and now I see why. We never had any real interaction, but I always thought you were one of the decent ones. Are one of the decent ones, because you'll pull through this.

As has been said repeatedly, there are really no words for a situation like this, but we all care, and we all wish you the best.


Life's a Dream

I don't know that much about you, but I'm still sorry to hear what you're going through. I know this is kind of an empty comment, but good luck none the less.


Vyemm Raider
Posting in the sadest thread to let Gravy know he has touched more people than he ever will know.

Thank you for being you. Keep Stong.


Bronze Squire
I can't begin to respond to all these comments. Let's just say I'm pretty choked up and emotional from the support here. Some homo.

Trying to compose myself.

Ok, this moral question just got more difficult for me, but here goes:

I don't know how long I've got. The only thing I know for sure is that it's less than 6 months, or they wouldn't have me contacting hospice. I was supposed to do that today, but just couldn't. And by the way 'Bisi, no blinds for me, I'm staying home and hospice is coming here.

I'm considering checking out early, and I have been considering this since about June 2013 when things really got bad. My wife knows I'm considering it, and she's pretty torn. I've been through SO much, and the pain and anguish are things, up until now, only her and I knew about. Not even our families know how bad it's been, as we've played it pretty close to the chest.

Do I pull the plug early, and on my own terms, or let my heart dictate the day? I have the ways and means, I just don't want to lose out on some potentially emotional and intellectual growth (for all the good it will do me, right?) if I pull the plug too early. Maybe I've answered my own question. Fuck this sucks.
  • 1Solidarity
Reactions: 1 user


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
What is more important to you, living an awesome month or hanging on for 6 months doing everything the doctor tells you? My personal opinion is try and spend as much time with your family as you can. That means no eating bacon and everything you want. Just hang on and hope for the best. Stranger things have happened.


Vyemm Raider
I can't begin to respond to all these comments. Let's just say I'm pretty choked up and emotional from the support here. Some homo.

Trying to compose myself.

Ok, this moral question just got more difficult for me, but here goes:

I don't know how long I've got. The only thing I know for sure is that it's less than 6 months, or they wouldn't have me contacting hospice. I was supposed to do that today, but just couldn't. And by the way 'Bisi, no blinds for me, I'm staying home and hospice is coming here.

I'm considering checking out early, and I have been considering this since about June 2013 when things really got bad. My wife knows I'm considering it, and she's pretty torn. I've been through SO much, and the pain and anguish are things, up until now, only her and I knew about. Not even our families know how bad it's been, as we've played it pretty close to the chest.

Do I pull the plug early, and on my own terms, or let my heart dictate the day? I have the ways and means, I just don't want to lose out on some potentially emotional and intellectual growth (for all the good it will do me, right?) if I pull the plug too early. Maybe I've answered my own question. Fuck this sucks.
Wow dude I really feel for you, but only you could possibly know the answer to this given the pain you're in and what you believe spiritually. I pray there's a miracle for you man. I don't want to provide any sort of false hope or whatever, but an older guy that was friends with my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer and they gave him months to live. He went camping and fishing with us two months before he died which was seven years after his initial diagnosis...


Do I pull the plug early, and on my own terms, or let my heart dictate the day? I have the ways and means, I just don't want to lose out on some potentially emotional and intellectual growth (for all the good it will do me, right?) if I pull the plug too early. Maybe I've answered my own question. Fuck this sucks.
Don't know you man, and truly these posts are a surreal gift.

But deciding to let your heart dictate the day is also going out on your own terms.

I wish you peace, however and whenever.


Do I pull the plug early, and on my own terms, or let my heart dictate the day? I have the ways and means, I just don't want to lose out on some potentially emotional and intellectual growth (for all the good it will do me, right?) if I pull the plug too early. Maybe I've answered my own question. Fuck this sucks.


<Gold Donor>
Not going to pretend to know the emotional, mental turmoil you and your wife have been through during this time (not to mention the physical aspect of the condition) but I will say this; it sounds hopeless, and by all accounts it probably is so spend the remaining time you have left doing things you enjoy with people who've enriched your life. But continue hoping for another day, 1 day becomes 2, 2 becomes 10....

I guess the question for me is, if you let your heart condition dictate how you go - do you have an idea on what that will be like? Forgive my ignorance, but is another massive heart attack possible or will you likely slip away in your sleep? After all you've been through, and all your wife has been through do you really want to go through that again? It's hard to give advice on something like that, as it forces a community of vidya gamers to deal with mortality. Whatever you decide, it was the right choice. Period. Because you are cognitive of it and made it yourself.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
As a man looks back upon the road of his life, may he contemplate all the turns and twists of his existence. For all the people he loved, for all the things he accomplished, for all the things he regrets. For all of these know the following, we all share in this place the one thing that unites us all, love for each other.
Love for the fellow man who you never met, love for your child, your spouse, even those who have wronged you. When you are near the end, hate has no point, only love.

Take care man, may you been loved.

I can't begin to respond to all these comments. Let's just say I'm pretty choked up and emotional from the support here. Some homo.

Trying to compose myself.

Ok, this moral question just got more difficult for me, but here goes:

I don't know how long I've got. The only thing I know for sure is that it's less than 6 months, or they wouldn't have me contacting hospice. I was supposed to do that today, but just couldn't. And by the way 'Bisi, no blinds for me, I'm staying home and hospice is coming here.

I'm considering checking out early, and I have been considering this since about June 2013 when things really got bad. My wife knows I'm considering it, and she's pretty torn. I've been through SO much, and the pain and anguish are things, up until now, only her and I knew about. Not even our families know how bad it's been, as we've played it pretty close to the chest.

Do I pull the plug early, and on my own terms, or let my heart dictate the day? I have the ways and means, I just don't want to lose out on some potentially emotional and intellectual growth (for all the good it will do me, right?) if I pull the plug too early. Maybe I've answered my own question. Fuck this sucks.
What are your limitations now?


Mr. Poopybutthole
That is a hard choice and as said really only you know what you are going through and how much you want to take. Main things to take into consideration is how it will affect those you leave behind including financially if there is any life insurance or other items that could affected by going out early.


Poet Warrior
Your last moments will ricochet throughout the life of your children. It's a question of what message you want to send. Do you hang on and show them what strength and courage looks like or do you hang it all up now and show them that sometimes too much pain just isn't worth it? Whatever inner knowledge they gain from it, good bad left right up down or indifferent, it will manifest and come out of them at their most difficult and trying times. They will always look to you in their hearts for what a good man is and was and ought to be.Youare the true model for....well....whatever we call it.

In my ever so humble opinion, that is.