You have to go into The Happening ready and looking forward to how utterly and completely awful the character reactions and interactions are. Ignore all of the plot and just laugh your ass off at Marky Mark being a science teacher and go from there.
Remember how deceiving this trailer was? At first you are thinking oh shit this movie could be badass, then you get buttfucked by shamaladingdong. #Never again. Never pay for this hack cunt to make movies.
It shouldnt be spoiled, The trailer really did show a majority of the film. If you want it ruined just read its wikipedia page and the last sentence under plotPost the damn spoilers/twist
It shouldnt be spoiled, The trailer really did show a majority of the film. If you want it ruined just read its wikipedia page and the last sentence under plot
Split (2016 American film) - Wikipedia
I chose this over Patriot Day because I grew up in the 508 and Marky Mark is a terrible representation of Eastern Massachusetts, and I made a mistake. I have anxiety and usually I can skate through a horror/thriller movie no problem. This was not one of them.