Sports writer kills himself, leaves behind website describing how and why


Molten Core Raider
I'm kind of glad I only hang around dumb people, smart people arguments go too long.


Shhh! We've reached the "nap time" portion of the discussion. Next comes cookies and juice, then we continue.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Some of you should live with a family for 6 months that doesnt manufacture experiences through consumerist consumption


Unelected Mod
Rickshawing Tanoomba would be pretty stupid. He has sparked conversation in many controversial threads and has brought a unique voice to the forums. Plenty of other people to rickshaw way before him. Starting with Duppin and Lumie, who just kind of show up to troll threads with idiocy every once in awhile but never actually try and have a discussion.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Some of you should live with a family for 6 months that doesnt manufacture experiences through consumerist consumption
I did man, it was the Rainbow family.

We did lots of drugs, ate lots of free food paid for by food stamps (mostly vegan, highly tasty) and did a lot of drum circles. Oh yeah and Tea Time.

Its...really not all its cracked up to be. It ends up working a lot like the stereotypes of communism out there, where only about maybe a 3rd of people actually contribute (cutting wood to cook the food/tea with which is a huge job that goes on all day, cooking and distributing the food, etc.) and only about maybe 1 in 10 people actually have any good weed or drugs, and they end up having to share it with everyone else or hoarding it. Money isn't "allowed" so everyone barters bullshit like crystals for stupid shit because "they contain life force" I could go on but the memories give me hippy flashbacks I deeply regret.

(I'm entirely serious about this post by the way)

Rickshawing Tanoomba would be pretty stupid. He has sparked conversation in many controversial threads and has brought a unique voice to the forums. Plenty of other people to rickshaw way before him. Starting with Duppin and Lumie, who just kind of show up to troll threads with idiocy every once in awhile but never actually try and have a discussion.
You're not fooling anyone, Tanoomba. Stop hacking khalid's account.


Molten Core Raider
Rickshawing Tanoomba would be pretty stupid. He has sparked conversation in many controversial threads and has brought a unique voice to the forums. Plenty of other people to rickshaw way before him. Starting with Duppin and Lumie, who just kind of show up to troll threads with idiocy every once in awhile but never actually try and have a discussion.
It's a joke poll. Everyone is obviously going to pick that option.

Why so serious?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I did man, it was the Rainbow family.
Isn't that a bit extreme? I'd say people can choose to eschew materialistic consumerism in favor of active experience without becoming a complete hippie derelict. Maybe not you though, absolutes must be your strong suit.



Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
You can't eschew materialistic consumerism while endlessly engaging in it, that's like an oxymoron or a contradiction in terms or some shit.

If there's ever a rainbow gathering near you, you should check it out. They are fun for a few days. Its basically a party in the woods with a bunch of smelly hippies and drunks.

Tons of videos on that shit on youtube too

one of my favorite memorable characters, Vietnam vet Little Hawk, whose job in Vietnam was to clear out tunnels full of Viet Cong

He's dead now, though.

Anyway, yes, this is the logical end conclusion of following through with the philosophy that our modern society is fundamentally out of tune with human nature. You either go for violent revolution to destroy it all, in the arrogant hopes you can build a better tomorrow afterwards, or you go into isolation and try to separate yourself from it, because you realize you can't stop it, but you don't want it to corrupt your own being.

These people are literally seeking Dumar's "real experience in connectedness with other beings". That's the entire point of the fucking thing.

Let me ask you something, what inspired the 1960s movement that we call the hippies? What motivated their concepts that they could revolutionize society into a non commoditization and consumption based society?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
yeah but he will be set loose into the world. he is supposed to give me a woman like a pimp and treat them like objects. i gotta have sex to know about stuff, so i hear.


Unelected Mod
yeah but he will be set loose into the world. he is supposed to give me a woman like a pimp and treat them like objects. i gotta have sex to know about stuff, so i hear.
Wait, Tanoomba offered to be your procurer and then backed out? To the rickshaw with him, that is the ultimate betrayal of words.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You can't eschew materialistic consumerism while endlessly engaging in it
What is "endlessly engaging in it"? Having a place to live and furniture? Owning a car? Do you really not understand that there is a spectrum in which things you possess are allowed to define you, versus making what you consume and own work towards better enjoying your life? Some people are constantly looking down the road and more concerned with the thing itself than why it exists and what they can do with it that adds value. Some people define value as simply having the thing. Even worse, many people define both internal and external human value by the mereappearanceof having things. There are people in So Cal who live in their cars because they "need" to have a luxury sports car to be taken seriously in LA. Understanding that things are a means to an end and not an end in and of themselves is the crux of this "manufactured experience" stuff. (Incoming obsessive Dumar quoting right?)

The rainbows are just as stupid as the status obsessed club poser, but there's middle ground to be sought here.