Squirting Is Just Peeing, Say Scientists


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Using washcloth to wipe out a days worth of funk and sweat from your ass crack is cool, but don't pee in here!


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Who was the fat dude who admitted he shits in the shower and stomps it through the drain?
I had a friend (not fat) who has admitted he did this once. He had been constipated for a few days, so thought that a warm bath might loosen shit up down there. He starts massaging his stomach and needless to say, it came out. Well, after the water drains, the doo-doo is still sitting in the tub, so he then turns on the shower and proceeds to mash it down the drain.

I have no idea how we got on the subject. I think it may have been one of those, "Speaking of which, what is the most disgusting thing you've ever done?" things, after reading/hearing some disgusting story. I'm a huge sucker for dick and fart humor, so as he is relaying this story I'm crying from laughter at how absurd, yet hilarious it all is. All while painting the picture of him frantically mashing shit down a drain with his foot. And now I'm dying of laughter again..


Musty Nester
Peeing outside is more fun though. I do that a lot still. Less than I used to.

I was walking with a friend one evening. Just sort of a slow amble, listening to her prattle. And so I step behind a bush real quick and start letting loose. She didn't notice I'd peeled off until she was about 10 feet up, and she turns around in mid sentence, "Where did you... wait. You're not doing what I think you're doing, are you?" And starts to giggle.

It did not occur to me until exactly that moment that this might be not the most appropriate behavior for a grown man to indulge in.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Peeing outdoors is one of the many great things about being a rancher. Most of the time when the urge hits I can just let it go where I'm standing. The only way I could be any more casual about urinating is if I just kept my zipper down all day to save a step.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Wouldn't the blow dryer would just result in piss getting sprayed everywhere?


Just a Nurse
When I was blow drying my pubes one day, I accidentally brushed the dryer against my cock. I had sear marks on it and boy did that hurt like a mother fucker. I would avoid putting a blow dryer near it. :|

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
When I was blow drying my pubes one day, I accidentally brushed the dryer against my cock. I had sear marks on it and boy did that hurt like a mother fucker. I would avoid putting a blow dryer near it. :|
I thought gays were supposed to be well groomed. What kind of monster bush do you have that it actually requires blow drying?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
It's not that it requires blow drying to dry, but it's required for the feathered look he's going for.


Just a Nurse
I'm part Jewish. I am hairy as a mother fucker. I naired my asshole back in 5th grade. I'm the yeti that your mother told you about.