There really isn't a whole lot there right now. What's important is some underlying basic game features they promised do appear to work and those who have tried it enjoyed it. What's there now will no doubt get better through iteration. Complaining about the concept of iteration is a bit odd because that's what game development is. What you call wasting funds is exactly how game development works. You create a thing from R&D (ship damage state) and it's insanely expensive cost wise and expensive for the game as well not to mention extremely time consuming to do.
So you iterative from what you learned and develop a new damage system which is 10x cheaper in every sense of the word and even looks better. However to arrive at that and say you should have done that from the start is just an example of someone talking about something they don't understand. That's born from iteration. That is not the same thing as developing a tech and completely abandoning it however that too is part of game development and entirely normal.
Game development is a promise of nothing but that things will change.
People need to shed the billion dollar PR/Marketing myth that game companies and publishers are these omnipotent entities that start with a 12 inch design doc and the game is built directly out of it from start to finish until the PR machine kicks in a few months before release. That how good or bad a game is comes directly from some type of standardized process. Some of the big heads of game studios perpetuate the myth in interviews when holding up the design doc binders for their games and do a disservice to the industry and especially the rank and file that toil away at a game for a good chunk of their life. The irony is that the binder they are holding up is almost certainly out of date. In fact most docs are by the time the ink has dried.
Game development means that your design doc becomes out of date almost immediately as the creative side of development and various factors (engine, employees, funding, marketing and countless other things) clash with your original vision. Almost nothing, including story, will remain from that design doc by the end of the project.
Be thankful that this is the case. That game development is still largely a creative process and not something so homogenized, like Hollywood scripts, that you can hardly tell them apart.
So as much as you bitch and moan about the process realize that this is what game development looks like. This is what a typical Monday to Saturday development cycle looks like in most AAA studios. Valve being the exception.
It's good to have no illusions. This game will not be fully complete by the end of 2016 just like most of what people here say has to do with their personality and nothing to do with this game or game development in general. SC is not designed to cater to the ADHD crowd or the multitudes of manipulated gamers. Although I do hope that if the game is good it does help free the community. There is a massive multi-billion dollar industry run by EA, Activision or Ubisoft that does cater to that crowd. Realize that if you have this "issue" with SC it's probably not for you and there is nothing wrong with that. Case in point the moaning about lack of content in Battlefront has already begun in full chorus. The real bitching about their Season Pass hasn't even started yet because most haven't realized how little content there is and how much of it is siloed off from the game so it can be out in time for the movie.