Star Wars: Outlaws


Trakanon Raider
I heard something about forced stealth sections(the game will reset you to the beginning of the section if you get caught) and noped out.


FPS noob

you figure ubisoft gets a 10-15 point bump for basically being one of the few big studios still spending money (aka buying gay hookers and meth for reviewers) so thats a big yikes it still only ended up 78/100.

i'm sure i'll enjoy it in 9 months though when the ultimate edition is 75% off every other week and all the DLCs are out. probably best on PC though since you can mod the fugly pc character to be leia or something


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Guess making the MC tranny-friendly instead of looking like her mocap/VA didn't buy them much either, considering 4 of the 5 sites at the bottom of the list are SJW rags.
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
That's the thing though--Framegen isn't made to and cannot fix 30 fps. There's too much latency and too many artifacts that cannot be hidden. It's meant to take 60 fps and boost it into the 100+ range. Even then there are artifacts that are plain to see. Framegen on quality mode ends up looking like plain old DLSS/FSR on performance, sometimes more like ultra performance. This new trend of requiring DLSS/FSR to play a game at all and framegen to play it well needs to fuck right off.

He said something similar about Avatar too. I would take ACG's reviews of Ubisoft games with a grain massive block of salt.
Hmm, weird framegen works fine from 40->80.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
So I played for about 3.5 hours on Xbox and had no technical issues so far and game run great.

It’s too early to say much about the story but it’s been interesting so far if a bit cliche.

Game does a great job of capturing the Star Wars setting.

Lots of stealth as mentioned and yes in some special missions if you get spotted you automatically fail the mission and have to restart. Only encountered 2 of those so far, most of them just go on if you get spotted and have to fight your way through.

Gunplay is basic but good.

Nix is awesome, very integral to everything you do. Can push buttons, steal stuff, open doors, sabotage stuff distract ennemies.

Haven’t done much of open world yet or space stuff. Basically escape the first tutorial area which is pretty linear, landed on a planet, travelled the open world area to main city and did a few quest there.

I think the reputation system is going to be fun juggling who you work for since helping a faction seems to make another dislike you.

All in all first impression for me is I love the game so far.
  • 3Barf
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  • 1Faggotry
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It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>
Oh cool a new thread to add to ignore
I like reading just how far the bar for acceptable has fallen in recent years. Reminds me, as ever, we get what we fucking deserve.

It's amusing, in a gallows humor kind of way.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
So I played for about 3.5 hours on Xbox and had no technical issues so far and game run great.

It’s too early to say much about the story but it’s been interesting so far if a bit cliche.

Game does a great job of capturing the Star Wars setting.

Lots of stealth as mentioned and yes in some special missions if you get spotted you automatically fail the mission and have to restart. Only encountered 2 of those so far, most of them just go on if you get spotted and have to fight your way through.

Gunplay is basic but good.

Nix is awesome, very integral to everything you do. Can push buttons, steal stuff, open doors, sabotage stuff distract ennemies.

Haven’t done much of open world yet or space stuff. Basically escape the first tutorial area which is pretty linear, landed on a planet, travelled the open world area to main city and did a few quest there.

I think the reputation system is going to be fun juggling who you work for since helping a faction seems to make another dislike you.

All in all first impression for me is I love the game so far.
Oh yeah it's absolutely amazing. Definitely doesn't look like trash that was developed in somebody's garage rather than one of the biggest dev studios in the world.

Black Flag looks and sounds miles better than this shit and was made a DECADE ago.
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  • 2Truth!
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Trakanon Raider
So I played for about 3.5 hours on Xbox and had no technical issues so far and game run great.
I put about 3.5 into it on PC. Turned everything high as possible(4090, the works, etc) at 1440p and it mostly ran well except in the open world on the speeder.

If you're only looking for Star Wars, it'll scratch the itch. The sound and setting is great. Nix is amusing to play around with too.

The gameplay just isn't there. Stealthing feels like a slog, the melee/takedown animations are awful, and the shooting so far is basic and unfun.

Personally, I could care less about all the DEI drama and would play any game if the game is fun, but for me it just is not. I might give it a few more hours since I'm just playing Dota/Deadlock until Space Marine 2, but I don't expect much.


<Gold Donor>
Reviewer was showing the massive graphical upgrade from ubi game from 6 years ago:

  • 6Worf
  • 2WTF
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Log Wizard
Reviewer was showing the massive graphical upgrade from ubi game from 6 years ago:

View attachment 543396
Games are getting pretty bad about the blurry shit. They must be rendering them at 480 and upscaling them. I've returned a few due to it. Kind of amazing that these people don't know that blurry = bad.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Games are getting pretty bad about the blurry shit. They must be rendering them at 480 and upscaling them. I've returned a few due to it. Kind of amazing that these people don't know that blurry = bad.
It's how DLSS and FSR hide the artifacts that they create. It gets even worse when you turn on frame gen too. You can turn up sharpness to correct it somewhat, but that creates pixelation that's just as bad (or worse if you go past about 20% on the sharpness slider).
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That guy
Sounds like it isn't that long, combat is annoying, stealth can be annoying, and shit enemy AI. Meh I'll pass until it's on a massive discount and even still prob won't bother.


Throbbing Member
Meh, nabbed a Ubisoft+ for a month. Just messing around for like 10 minutes it really seems my biggest graphical gripe are the human faces. Although I haven't run into anything as bad as some of the screens I have seen so far. Most everything else like the backgrounds and other shit are pretty good imo. It's a shame they messed up there.


<Prior Amod>
Meh, nabbed a Ubisoft+ for a month. Just messing around for like 10 minutes it really seems my biggest graphical gripe are the human faces. Although I haven't run into anything as bad as some of the screens I have seen so far. Most everything else like the backgrounds and other shit are pretty good imo. It's a shame they messed up there.

Same, so far its worth the $19 I spent to play it.
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Throbbing Member
Same, so far its worth the $19 I spent to play it.
I am only a couple hours in, but the game isn't offensive at all so far. It's not going to win any awards for some revolutionary game systems, but it's not any worse than most other games in the same genre. The lil Nix pet is pretty awesome though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I am only a couple hours in, but the game isn't offensive at all so far. It's not going to win any awards for some revolutionary game systems, but it's not any worse than most other games in the same genre. The lil Nix pet is pretty awesome though.
"its not terrible, just mediocre!"

such effusive praise for a game by a studio that once made some of the most cherished games in history.
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Throbbing Member
"its not terrible, just mediocre!"

such effusive praise for a game by a studio that once made some of the most cherished games in history.
As someone who has played most Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, and The Division games, this hasn't been any less fun so far. Probably because Ubisoft is good at putting out mediocre games. Lol. Now I would never put any of those titles in my top 10 anyway.


Trakanon Raider

Sounds terrible and you should feel terrible for giving them money for this AAAA title.
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