Star Wars: Outlaws


It Didn't Happen, It Should've, and It Will.
<Gold Donor>

Spoiler alert -
tweek tweak GIF by South Park
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On the verandah
^^ Shouldn't be surprised these days, but it's still kind of baffling just how terrible this game turned out. Even if it were free, I wouldn't waste my time.
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Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
^^ Shouldn't be surprised these days, but it's still kind of baffling just how terrible this game turned out. Even if it were free, I wouldn't waste my time.
It only makes sense when you realize that these companies aren't making games for us, they are making games for themselves/critics/ESG Scores. These companies are chock to the hilt of the wrong kind of people, who hate gamers, like Hollywood is full of people who hate movie audiences, and can't make products for their own customers any longer. They will lose money until they change course.
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Log Wizard
Sequel is already in the works. It features Kay and Luke as newlyweds, and Kay is struggling with the fact that Darth Vader is Luke's father.

It is to be entitled Star Wars: Inlaws.
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Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
So I’m 11 hours in and still on the first planet having a blast.

It doesn’t really follow the typical Ubisoft open world formula. For one thing the map is devoid of markers and there’s no “tower” to climb that reveal stuff. Markers appear on the map when you get a quest telling you about it, or read a datapad that mentions something, by listening to random NPC talk about something and lastly by buying intel from some merchant. When exploring and getting near something thats not marked you’ll get a question mark on your compass. I like the way it’s done, nice change of pace from usual Ubisoft 100s of icon on the map to go visit.

Another thing I enjoy quite a bit is the reputation system and how it affects the open world. Some areas of the open world map belong to the different factions, and depending on your ranking with them, they can shoot at you on sight or you can travel the area without being attacked. So a few side quest can be much easier if the objective is in a friendly area than if it’s in a enemy area and since your ranking which each can change a lot, you can wait until you’re good with a faction before doing side quest in their territory if you want to skip some combat.

I’ve unlocked 3 trainers so far to learn new skills, each seems to have 6 skills to unlock, not sure if that’s will be for all of them. You have objectives to achieve to unlock each skills, colllect some stuff, kill enemies a certain way, use Nix, or other stuff like that. Not very deep system but fun.

I also went exploring the space area around the first planet, and did some ship to ship battle which again was pretty basic with just missiles and lasers. It arcade type flying, not space simulator which wouldn’t suit Star Wars anyways. I did a quest on an imperial base, and then escape with tie fighters after me…very Star Wars like.

I haven’t advanced the main story much since I usually do most side stuff in a map before doing main story In an area. I have about 15 side quests to do right now before I go back to main story, that is is if I don’t find more.
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Trakanon Raider
All they had to do is make a Star Wars themed Division and it would have sold like gold. Thats what I thought they were making when I heard this studio making a sw game. Sort of like a Battlefront game.
Damn, that's this game? I didn't realize that. I was looking forward to The Division: Star Wars edition.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Yeah, I watched it on twitch for a little while yesterday. Stealth mode = NPCs are now almost blind and additionally retarded. Melee combat = storm troopers bend like twigs and collapse when you slap them or your little lizzard pet jumps on them. Stupid bugs, ...
Also, I find the hair pin annoying and distracting (no idea if hairstyle is configurable or not), should've been the color of hair or darker, not lighter.


Avatar of War Slayer
Is this banana shit just a clever bitcoin miner or wtf?

Banana clicker. which rewards Steam marketplace banana's. so, nfts that aren't really nfts.
also, tons of free achievements.

steam markeplace banana's which can be sold. and presumably abusing steam marketplace A.I.s tricked into speculation.
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Buzzfeed Editor

who the fuck is defending this but Peopl3 at the level of cup head journalist.
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