The tech of Star Wars doesn't really bear a lot of prolonged thought.
The only thing that ever really bothers me is that Storm Trooper armor is so worthless. And there's an awful lot to be bothered by, but 99% of it you can handwave away.
Stormtrooper armor though you can't. That's just GI Joe levels. There's so much that it could have been. It could be just a flightsuit. Tie Fighters are supposed to be pretty hot shit. The suit allows you adaptive full body control.. but these guys march in it, so it ain't that. It could be ceramic protection against beam weapons. But any time lazers start to pew pew storm troopers hide behind bulkheads, and if they take a lazer to the chest they die. So it's not that.
So it's just a uniform. That's fine too. But we already have cloth uniforms in the movie, and pretty good scifi cloth uniforms at that.
I mean they look cool. But that's all it is. It serves a visual purpose in the movie. I feel like it could have done two things.
It's a nerdrage. It's the only complaint I have with the science of Star Wars though. The rest of it I can go, "Yeah. Ok. That's fair."