<Bronze Donator>
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Lol yes.Still in training
Just killed your dad
I'd say he was having a bad day
Lol yes.Still in training
Just killed your dad
I'd say he was having a bad day
You forgot the and got beat by a girl with no force training in a lightsaber duel.Still in training
Just killed your dad
I'd say he was having a bad day
No. I'm pointing out your contrarianism induced cognitive dissonance coupled with acute persecution complexSo you agree with my statement, and you're just trying to be a douche? Thanks for clearing that up.
She had force training, ya big dummy.You forgot the and got beat by a girl with no force training in a lightsaber duel.
this would make more sense than the shit these nerds are spewing.The real reason Ren lost is Rey unlocked his memories of Lena Dunham naked, which caused him to fly into an uncontrollable rage.
show me where i said this, you slanderous fuckboy.Lol you guys arguing with kegkilla of all people, who specifically said, iirc, before the movie came out he couldnt wait for butthurt fans to argue with.
never said she was an expert in the force. but her having remotely enough force power to not getting completely face fucked by Kylo, no matter how big his boo boo was, is complete bullshit. keep licking JJ Abram's dickhole though, scrub.I would hardly call Rey's use of the force "expert" when she fought off an injured Kylo.
Keg tarded
except we see him stop a sniper bolt in mid air and hold it there indefinitely (only person in the movies who has done anything resembling this is Vader himself), mind fuck the supposedly bad ass mexican guy into giving up the details on the Droid, and we know the new sith daddy holds him in high regard as he's basically the #2 in the entire New Order. more than enough reason to think he should be able to handle a sub Padawan scrub without breaking a sweat.I mean, it seems pretty simple to me: dude who is pretend badass whose adopted parent says "uhh yea, Ben, you're special, you have 9 little league trophies!" and had never actually faced opponents in armed combat vs. person who learned to fight hand to hand with a staff for ~15 years in order to survive able to pick up a sword and figure out it's kind of just half a staff. *shrug*.
Why do people think a eight year old girl had any real Jedi training?She had force training, ya big dummy.
i bet you spend your free time writing fan faction to the movie "Enough" starring Jennifer Lopez, you cuckboy faggot.People like keg are so threatened by a woman beating a dude with any power makes them literally angry with rage.
When his son gets beat up so bad he's in a coma later in life, Keg will swear he held his own.Cut Keg some slack. He just had a Mexican looking son with a swampdonkey. He's probably not sleeping much.
Lets revisit this when its shown in the next couple movies that Rey was already training with Luke when Kylo cleaned house killed everyone, except her. There are so many hints to this in the movie, it amazes me that people aren't picking it up. Maybe if it was spelled out like fucking absolutely everything was in the prequels you love, you would have gotten it. Fuck off.Glad to know that you're arguing that Luke going with his feelings on when to pull the trigger to blow up the Death Star is on par with Rey doing JEDI mind tricks, resisting mind-probing by a trained Force user, and not only wielding a lightsaber, but beating a Sith apprentice seconds after picking up a lightsaber for the first time. GG, bro.