Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yea, jedi are supposed to enter into everything with calm and perspective. He really could have had a conversation with Fett, got nowhere, and both walked off. Their fighting was unnecessary, but it did start with the kid using some frigate turrets on him, and really, these movies are about people fighting with laser swords. This was an opportunity to have one.
Uh, a good movie would have provided a compelling story/plot based opportunity to have a fight that felt meaningful. You just described what's bad about the prequels. Its all about opportunity, here's a chance to shoehorn in Boba Fett, the Falcon, Chewie, Yoda using a lightsaber, it goes on and on. He was too busy finding excuses to do something and spent no time creating an engaging story to hang all those scenes on.


Buzzfeed Editor
You've already gotten the top answer to why they were two handers, Lucas was emulating Kurusawa samurai movies. Its as neckbearded as anything on the wookie to debate the real life fencing implications of how lightsabers are wielded.
No, his whole tangent about "light sabers are not swords" is a goal post shift. Originally I was just talking about Dooku probably being the most "realistic" fighting style if we compared things strictly to RL (It was an extension of an earlier conversation about the "realism" of the prequel fights), which is neck beard sure, but it was what the conversation was about. Dooku fighting like a fencer--proves you can fightlike a fencer! He came in and said you don't block because of fragile steel; but that'snotthe primary reason. You don't do hard blocks because it's so easy for a light weapon to avoid them, just the angle of your wrist can drastically change the trajectory of a strike (And once more, Dooku's style proves this is possible with a Light saber). Then it got swapped to "Light Sabers aren't real weapons, here is this wookiepedia article explaining why they are wielded two handed!"

My argument is refutinghisoriginalpremise, that in real life you don't block because of the steel with those weapons. Then I was doubling backmyoriginal point--if Dooku uses fencing, it breaks the theme of the saber fights. And I thought the original saber fights werethematicallybetter, and more entertaining. (But the whole neck beard comment was just poking fun at Wookiepedia to try and side step the original argument about blocking :p) The entire point was supposed to be thatALLsaber fights weresillycompared to RL; but at least the originals built a theme and contained it within the films, which let everyone suspend belief. Once the prequels came out, that theme got shattered and it made the fights seem worse...but within that mess, Dooku probably had the closest thing to what a "real" fighting style would look like if sabers could be wielded in such a way (IE like a one handed rapier)


That guy
Well their force jumps pretty much are a limited form of that so we know its at least somewhat possible. Its probably more psychological than practical limitation. Do you believe you can fly if so then you likely can use the force to do so. If you don't 100% believe it chances are it won't work or you wind up with force jumps and force leaps of limited mobility but not sustained duration flight.


Come to think of it. The wrist mounted flame thrower is probably the best anti Jedi weapon if you can't use a light saber. I mean they can deflect laser shots but you can deflect napalm and it keeps them at range.

Also, I don't remember were I heard it but I heard the reason that not everyone uses lightsabers is because you need a lot of skill even to use it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm going to admit that I don't know the correct way to use a lightsaber since they don't fucking exsist.


Registered Hutt
Well the first thing I'd do against someone who sucks in a lightsaber battle is TK turn theirs off, make them lose their footing, make the floor under them smoother, etc. Making it all about the shiny part is an amateur mistake. The magic sword just ups the ante, it doesn't actually change what happens in a battle between two sorcerers.

In the EU the writers expanded the details of the construction of sabers such that the on/off switch is something of a mystery to avoid that. This is not featured in the films and is all so much hot air now, but I'd like a more detailed plausible form of Star Wars to make it to film.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I mean they can deflect laser shots but you can deflect napalm and it keeps them at range.

Also, I don't remember were I heard it but I heard the reason that not everyone uses lightsabers is because you need a lot of skill even to use it.
Dissipate energy bro. And yes, without the force it takes a tremendous amount of skill to be able to use a lightsaber, because any incidental contact with the blade of your weapon can potentially cause a crippling injury.


Vyemm Raider
No, his whole tangent about "light sabers are not swords" is a goal post shift. Originally I was just talking about Dooku probably being the most "realistic" fighting style if we compared things strictly to RL (It was an extension of an earlier conversation about the "realism" of the prequel fights), which is neck beard sure, but it was what the conversation was about. Dooku fighting like a fencer--proves you can fightlike a fencer! He came in and said you don't block because of fragile steel; but that'snotthe primary reason. You don't do hard blocks because it's so easy for a light weapon to avoid them, just the angle of your wrist can drastically change the trajectory of a strike (And once more, Dooku's style proves this is possible with a Light saber). Then it got swapped to "Light Sabers aren't real weapons, here is this wookiepedia article explaining why they are wielded two handed!"

My argument is refutinghisoriginalpremise, that in real life you don't block because of the steel with those weapons. Then I was doubling backmyoriginal point--if Dooku uses fencing, it breaks the theme of the saber fights. And I thought the original saber fights werethematicallybetter, and more entertaining. (But the whole neck beard comment was just poking fun at Wookiepedia to try and side step the original argument about blocking :p) The entire point was supposed to be thatALLsaber fights weresillycompared to RL; but at least the originals built a theme and contained it within the films, which let everyone suspend belief. Once the prequels came out, that theme got shattered and it made the fights seem worse...but within that mess, Dooku probably had the closest thing to what a "real" fighting style would look like if sabers could be wielded in such a way (IE like a one handed rapier)
You need to go watch that fight again, bro. Dooku wields his lightsaber two-handed for 99% of that fight, and he doesn't use a fencing stance either.

(HD 1080p) Anakin Skywalker Yoda vs. Count Dooku - YouTube


Trakanon Raider
Lol@ obiwan in that fight, just lying there like the biggest pussy. God these movies were bad.


Buzzfeed Editor
You need to go watch that fight again, bro. Dooku wields his lightsaber two-handed for 99% of that fight, and he doesn't use a fencing stance either.

(HD 1080p) Anakin Skywalker Yoda vs. Count Dooku - YouTube
You need to read the posts, bro.

Honestly, the most realisticfights are when Dooku isn't being CGI'd. How Christopher Lee moved with his saber, using a pistol grip? Is probably how someone would look with such an ultra deadly weapon(The fights were silly, but Lee was good).
Watch any shot where Lee isn't fighting, when he's just got a grip ready to fight (IE his dracula "come get some" stance)...All one handed, the saber twirls effortlessly. In any case, go to 1:37 in the video--that's some nice one handed blazing fast parrying (From Lee), combined with Anakindual wieldingthis supposed "heavy, clunky weapons" as if he were spinning around wiffle ball bats :p.

Lee uses two hands when they do close up shots to make the big blocking motions I was discussing or when he's looking to "strike down hard" or some nonsense (That's good for drama, but not practical); but you'd never see that with a weapon like this if you canalso twirl the weapon around like it weighs nothing. You see my point? It's abouttheme, it's why the prequels looked so silly. They were combining veryacrobaticstuff with movements more in line withheavierweapons (You've got someone twilring around in the air doing flips and then using the weapon like it was a club, wat?). But out of all those gay-dance offs? Dooku looked the most realistic, because most of his form is at least grounded in reality.


Vyemm Raider
You're seeing what you want to see. His fighting style has zero in common with fencing. He holds his sabre hilt slightly differently when he's using it one-handed because it is curved, that's all. Just let it go.


Registered Hutt
You're seeing what you want to see. His fighting style has everything in common with fencing. He holds his sabre hilt slightly differently when he's using it one-handed because he's familiar with fencing. Just let it go.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
In the EU they occasionally mention how you can't manipulate yourself with the force like that. It's like you're the point of reference, and you can change everything but that. It's just a cap on plot power basically. Like there are a few species and individuals who can resist force persuasion so it's not an I Win button.
That's really a terrible explanation since they do manipulate themselves for force jumps.


Registered Hutt
plot power brah. they can leap buildings in a single bound and outrun a speeding bullet. flying would just be silly.