Honestly, I think RLM's true feelings on Star Wars are: "We don't care THAT much. The product is alright. It's fine. It's somewhere above mediocre, somewhere below great. It's not really FOR us. But this merchandising is off the damn hook. This shit's nuts. Look at this shit."
If Mike wanted to do a prequels style plinkett deconstruction about TFA... well, he wouldn't be able to. TFA is a well made, competent movie. There's a lot of dumb parts in it, but there's nothing that really destroys the logic of the movie. It's self consistent. Those prequels were just hot garbage. They couldn't even muster too much critisism of Rogue One beyond, "It was bland. Really really bland. But it's nice that Disney is TRYING. Kinda. I guess!"
Precisely because of the plinkett reviews that basically bar them from Hollywood access... I don't think they'd have any trouble at all eviscerating a bad movie. The two movies so far just aren't bad. They're also not exactly masterpieces. So yeah, you make fun of the paid shills who say they are.
If they keep pushing out bland nostalgia fests though, the RLM guys will probably get a little bit nasty about it for a few shorts and then just be like, "Fuck it. Whatever. Time to roll the Polyhedron of the Worst and git KRUNKED."