The Acolyte


what Suineg set it to
At this point, I truly wonder if they are intentionally making this shit bad to drum up "engagement" on the interwebs. Like, that's literally how they measure "success" now instead of Nielsen ratings.
Eh I think that's more of a way that they legitimize failures, e.g. they give these woke retards shows but then try and twist it in media and to the board that it's really a success because xyz metric.


Millie's Staff Member
At this point, I truly wonder if they are intentionally making this shit bad to drum up "engagement" on the interwebs. Like, that's literally how they measure "success" now instead of Nielsen ratings.
no, its dummies leading dummies.

The Acolyte has a writer that had never seen Star Wars – here’s how they made the show even better in episode 3​

The Acolyte creator Leslye Headland hasn’t been shy about wanting a writers’ room that doesn’t just include those who were massive Star Wars fans.

In fact, one of the Disney Plus show’s writers had never seen a Star Wars movie prior to getting the job. But it was that unique outside perspective that led to a useful piece of feedback that helped elevate and improve a scene in The Acolyte’s most recent episode.

"In episode three, we have the twins as children. When you’re world building in an episode – creating a new world after just two episodes – you’re really intent on having everybody explain things," Headland tells GamesRadar+ of the most recent entry in the series, which featured a sustained flashback to Mae and Osha’s upbringing on Brendok.

And the note Headland "loved"? She explains: "So the kids weren’t talking like kids. They were talking like Star Wars characters. She said, ‘When I was a little kid, I just cared about how many cookies were going to be at something.'"

Headland continues, "I thought: ‘Oh my god, thank you!’ I would have worried about the world building and the Star Wars-ness of these children and she humanized the characters – or attempted to! Sometimes I was like, 'No, we’re doing the Star Wars version.'"

One of the moments in question appears to be when Mae and Osha ask for some spice creams – despite leaving the settlement before The Ascension ceremony. It’s a cute moment and, at once, feels natural while also drawing attention to the very different parenting styles of Mothers Aniseya and Koril. A note worth making, if you ask us.


Vyemm Raider
That does make sense, and Nester Nester brings up a good point. So in that case, I'm pretty sure it's Palpatine before he transitioned...

Palpatine is one of the WITCHES we just saw in Ep 3.

Them/they survived the minor fire that apparently wiped out the clan, They wanted to get back at the JEDI for the destruction of their lesbian cult.
They needed power and KNEW the Patriarchy of the new republic would not allow them/they to get their revenge, thus FORCE GODDESS was was prayed to for Transition into a WHITE MALE so she could trick the Jedi and get her revenge and take over the Galaxy

Series ends with a shot 500 years into the future where Deformed Palpatine clone emerges once again from yet another "Secret sith planet" them/they once again pray to the FORCE GODDESS and transition back into Black Lesbian witch who will now take her rightful place on the Galactic Throne.

Rey who is a Old Grandmother now sees this transient take over of the galaxy by her...Grandmother and now embraces her Lesbian witch heritage and completes the chant "the power of one, the Power of two"
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Throbbing Member
At this point, I truly wonder if they are intentionally making this shit bad to drum up "engagement" on the interwebs. Like, that's literally how they measure "success" now instead of Nielsen ratings.
The people they hired for Acolyte don't care about Star Wars as much as they care about putting their messages in the show. Which is why they separated it by 100 years from Phantom Menace so they had more wiggle room to play fast and loose with the IP.


Avatar of War Slayer
Two diverse space lesbians arguing over who has more say over their artificially created children.

And the kids share no traits with the one that actually carried and birthed them, with horns and white skin, and demon eyes. And she is totally shot down by the strong Black lesbian mom.
what did the show mean by this?
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Trakanon Raider
The disappointing thing isn't the writing, it's that everything is taken from existing material, from the mechanical aptitude to the immaculate conception.

Which in turn makes me think they're going to Dr Who this, and it turns out everything you white men like was done first by gay black women, you -ists.

So who's Plagueis? Since clearly this is where Star Wars actually started.
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Millie's Staff Member
The disappointing thing isn't the writing, it's that everything is taken from existing material, from the mechanical aptitude to the immaculate conception.

Which in turn makes me think they're going to Dr Who this, and it turns out everything you white men like was done first by gay black women, you -ists.

So who's Plagueis? Since clearly this is where Star Wars actually started.
Jedi have been around for either a thousand years or a thousand generations. lots of stuff before a hundred years. Master Yoda was teaching Jedi for 800 years.


Vyemm Raider
So who's Plagueis? Since clearly this is where Star Wars actually started.

Darth Plagueis was a Muun Sith Lord, known to the galaxy as wealthy shipyards magnate Hego Damask II. He was trained by the Bith Sith Master Darth Tenebrous whom he assassinated once he was strong enough, as is usual for the Sith since Darth Bane's Rule of Two was implemented. He handpicked and trained Sheev Palpatine, a promising noble from Naboo, asking him to slay his whole family as a test of recruitment. He was very skilled in Sith alchemy and especially the manipulation of midichlorians. Together with Palpatine they managed to manipulate midichlorians across the galaxy to generate a spontaneous cellular mitosis and eventual birth in Shmi Skywalker, believing a being created by midichlorians would be a great asset to the Sith if the child could be turned. A few years later, he was poisoned and thus assassinated by his apprentice Palpatine who then became the new ruling Sith Lord and took various apprentices himself (Maul, Tyranus, Vader).
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Tranny Chaser
You would think after X generations of apprentices slaughtering masters that they would just stop training apprentices... Or only do so via holocron or something.


Vyemm Raider
You would think after X generations of apprentices slaughtering masters that they would just stop training apprentices... Or only do so via holocron or something.

That's kind of what Palpatine intended. Whereas previous masters since the Rule of Two was put in place wished to train their apprentices to become as strong or stronger than them and let fate decide who would emerge victorious, Palpatine elected to become immortal through various means and thus used his apprentices mostly as right-hand executors to his will (Maul "died" in battle but Tyranus was executed on order of Palpatine, and Anakin Skywalker was always considered a broken tool by Palpatine who wanted to replace him with Luke Skywalker).

Unable to make himself truly eternal through midichlorian manipulations despite the teachings of Plagueis, he started Project Necromancy during the Clone Wars, experimenting on cloning force-sensitives (cloning had long since been mastered by various civilizations but force abilities could not be cloned properly, the resulting clone's midichlorian count would be completely unrelated to the original subject's). This was developped in Bad Batch Season 3, the project was put on hold after the secret installations were destroyed and main staff killed in the attack on Tantiss. Tarkin then reallocated the enormous funds for this project into Project Stardust which would lead to the construction of the Death Star.

Palpatine resumed research on Project Necromancy at some unknown point in time, leading to failed clones (Snoke), another failed clone who ended up not having the same personality and who escaped and then fathered Rey, and his eventual semi-functional clone seen in Rise of Skywalker (which depended on a lot of technology to keep even upright and able to communicate, and was visibly rotting, but at least it was definitely the same personality and kept its Force abilities). This Palpatine wished to recreate the ancient Sith empire, having rebuilt the Sith Eternal order on Exegol and amassed a huge army (which then failed completely because Rise of Skywalker is a stupid ass movie).

In the extended universe, it is mentioned that Palpatine wanted to be immortal so he could make the galaxy stronger through unity and strength, so that it would be prepared to face the foreseen Yuuzhan Vong threat. In fact he was probably just a huge douche that wanted to stay in power forever.
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<Gold Donor>
Saw a couple reviews of this...

They actually made something more offensive to original Star Wars fans than The Last Jedi?

Has this been picked up for Season 2?
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<Gold Donor>
Saw a couple reviews of this...

They actually made something more offensive to original Star Wars fans than The Last Jedi?

Has this been picked up for Season 2?
The last jedi is pretty much fine wine compared to this. They're way past just being cringe with the lore, as star was has tended to be the last few decades, and deep into to the outright hatred of anyone who likes it. It's aggressively stupid to the point that I honestly think they're making fun of anyone who used to like Star Wars.

Literally everyone is incompetent, retarded, and evil.
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Vyemm Raider
The last jedi is pretty much fine wine compared to this. They're way past just being cringe with the lore, as star was has tended to be the last few decades, and deep into to the outright hatred of anyone who likes it. It's aggressively stupid to the point that I honestly think they're making fun of anyone who used to like Star Wars.

Literally everyone is incompetent, retarded, and evil.

Watched the three episodes so far, it's not good for sure but I've learned to handpick what I like in Star Wars content and ignore the rest, so I'm able to appreciate some cool character/costume/ship designs in otherwise mediocre/stupid films or series (Darth Maul for example, looked very cool but TPM was pretty stupid for me). So far in The Acolyte I'm just glad we see a Wookiee Jedi because there's a few in the expanded universe and it's cool to be able to see it in live-action, but other than that, eh... it's a lot of misfiring attempts at fan service and dumb ideas so far.

The best Disney Star Wars content remains Andor so far, and the early Mandalorian stuff.

Andor was good despite being a Star Wars show, not because of it, I think the story would have worked in another setting just as well, and the main actors were pretty good.

Kenobi was mostly terrible except a few scenes and Ewan McGregor is fine.

Ahsoka was okay at best but mostly because I really liked Rebels otherwise it would have been pretty bad (Ray Stevenson was good, Thrawn was okay but mishandled, and it was cool to see some Nightsisters).

Late Mandalorian is ehhh, and Book of Boba Fett was also pretty mediocre in the end (the only thing I liked in that show was some insight in Tusken "culture", and it was cool seeing stuff like Gamorreans, Hutts, etc.. but then you also had the stupid ass vespa cyborg punks that didn't fit in at all).

It feels like Disney really wanted that Star Wars toy and then never really figured out how to use it, they keep trying to insert messages that don't really fit into that universe and other than that they're just trying to replicate lightning in a bottle that worked nearly 50 years ago.

For what it's worth, I think The Last Jedi is far far worse than this though (so far). TLJ was actively trying to sabotage the trilogy and willingly shitting on SW fans, the Acolyte feels more like incompetence with a big woke agenda.
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Vyemm Raider
Runnen Runnen

Great posts, I enjoyed the lore recap, however, Where were all those "Sith" guys on EXEGOL? that really bugged me. Just random humanoids that somehow are in a SITH CULT that traditionally only had 2 people in it for centuries? It made no sense, Secrete planets like EXEGOL with a ton of people on it? needs endlress resources to make a fleet? from where? makes no sense, how would they recruit? Who built the ships? how did no one notice?

Bleh !


Millie's Staff Member
was there ever a point when the Sith werent hiding or in the shadows? because they're always portrayed that way and if the force has two equal spectrums dark and light, then there should have been a huge Sith society in place where they arent always getting curbstomped by people in their bathrobes.


Avatar of War Slayer
was there ever a point when the Sith werent hiding or in the shadows? because they're always portrayed that way and if the force has two equal spectrums dark and light, then there should have been a huge Sith society in place where they arent always getting curbstomped by people in their bathrobes.
The MMO (SW:TOR) had a full Sith society. KOTOR 1 & 2 had some bigger Sith stuff, like the Sith Acadamy map, but not fully fleshed out like the MMO.
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Vyemm Raider
the Darth Bane Rule of Two novels get into it. Yes, the Sith used to be a flourishing, cut-throat organization where the most ruthless rose to the top. Problem was that 50% of your organization was just being slaughtered every other day, in-fighting and scheming were rampant, and nothing meaningful was getting done because all the Sith were too busy backstabbing each other for promotion.

Darth Bane had the bright idea that if the basic philosophy (survival of the fittest) was going to work, it needed to be done in a controlled manner, where there was just one master and their apprentice. If the apprentice was strong enough to kill the master, that meant they deserved the mantle and all was going according to plan.
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