The Acolyte

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Watched the three episodes so far, it's not good for sure but I've learned to handpick what I like in Star Wars content and ignore the rest, so I'm able to appreciate some cool character/costume/ship designs in otherwise mediocre/stupid films or series (Darth Maul for example, looked very cool but TPM was pretty stupid for me). So far in The Acolyte I'm just glad we see a Wookiee Jedi because there's a few in the expanded universe and it's cool to be able to see it in live-action, but other than that, eh... it's a lot of misfiring attempts at fan service and dumb ideas so far.
This is why this stuff keeps getting made.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Lesbian Witch Coven with the power of one, two and many… this show is absolute dogshit. Actually worse then dogshit
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Vyemm Raider
Runnen Runnen

Great posts, I enjoyed the lore recap, however, Where were all those "Sith" guys on EXEGOL? that really bugged me. Just random humanoids that somehow are in a SITH CULT that traditionally only had 2 people in it for centuries? It made no sense, Secrete planets like EXEGOL with a ton of people on it? needs endlress resources to make a fleet? from where? makes no sense, how would they recruit? Who built the ships? how did no one notice?

Not much was explained in the film. It seems to imply Exegol had always been a world inhabited by Sith fanatics and cultists because if the planet is so hard to reach that you need to follow very specific coordinates from a wayfinder (except when it's the good guys because then it's plot-convenient), then it really doesn't make sense that all those people would have come here over the years, drawn by Palpatine's influence or some sort of telepathic call to all murderous cultists in the galaxy. The ships and ressources required are never explained, though it's usual in Star Wars stories to have immense amounts of ressources being sunk into massive hidden projects (Andor tried to explain how some of the stuff to make the Death Star was being made in imperial prisons by oblivious prisoners). How long and why the ships crews remained under the crust of Exegol to wait for some climactic reveal is never really explained either.

But as was answered in previous posts, yes the Sith used to be a civilization and an empire (as well as an actual species originally, red-skinned humanoids with fleshy face-tendrils), controlling a large part of the galaxy over many worlds. In-fighting and chronic backstabbing didn't allow for much constructive strategy and the Jedi remained in power for millenia because of this issue in Sith philosophy, leading to the eventual implementation of the Rule of Two by Darth Bane.
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Avatar of War Slayer
so, there is that post about these morons having not seen starwars before. "to get fresh ideas".

but what I really wonder about is, have they read Musashi, the book of five rings, or any euro tales about the knight errant?

These people are writing stories about Jedi, madolorians, etc but don't seem to understand the idea of a warrior monk, or the pursuit of perfection of the self.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
so, there is that post about these morons having not seen starwars before. "to get fresh ideas".

but what I really wonder about is, have they read Musashi, the book of five rings, or any euro tales about the knight errant?

These people are writing stories about Jedi, madolorians, etc but don't seem to understand the idea of a warrior monk, or the pursuit of perfection of the self.
Sounds like toxic masculinity to me.
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Millie's Staff Member
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Potato del Grande
so, there is that post about these morons having not seen starwars before. "to get fresh ideas".

but what I really wonder about is, have they read Musashi, the book of five rings, or any euro tales about the knight errant?

These people are writing stories about Jedi, madolorians, etc but don't seem to understand the idea of a warrior monk, or the pursuit of perfection of the self.
They have read communist, feminist, race and gender theory from diverse modern authors.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
With how many cable TV commercials they did for this show i could see the marketing budget being a stupidly high number on top of the provided production budget.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
As someone who hates Star Wars, and believes the franchise is for bed-wetting homos, The Acolyte really surprised me. It is actually really good, and infinitely better than the dumpster fire of the original trilogy and Mandalorian seasons. The characters were extremely well-written, the plot is engaging and captivating, the sets looked really well-made, and the lightsaber duels are just amazing. This show is a new high point for not just Disney Star Wars, but Star Wars as a whole, and I really hope that future productions maintain this high standard of quality.

5/5 stars
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
This thread has taught me that some people will gladly buy a gallon bucket of diarrhea as long as something they think looks cool (like, say, a wookiee with a lightsaber) *might* be inside it.
  • 5Worf
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Throbbing Member
This thread has taught me that some people will gladly buy a gallon bucket of diarrhea as long as something they think looks cool (like, say, a wookiee with a lightsaber) *might* be inside it.
We've already had a Wookie Jedi before in Clone Wars and Bad Batch.